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Posts posted by blaine07

  1. 10 minutes ago, dlandon said:


    Im sorry mate; I hate to be that fkn tard LOL sigh. I got it booted and seemed to kind of work. Memory was 100% so going to have to tweak that a bit. Went to 10G and going from there. 


    My apologies and thank you so much for all your hard work into this!

  2. Did I miss a memo? Updated Zoneminder container today and it's ALL broke. Won't run at all? Well, it runs, but wont capture footage or playback etc.


    Jan 3 09:59:48 ced98c4eec49 web_php[1145]: ERR [getStreamCmdResponse stream error: Socket /run/zm/zms-533979s.sock does not exist. This file is created by zms, and since it does not exist, either zms did not run, or zms exited early. Please check your zms logs and ensure that CGI is enabled in apache and check that the PATH_ZMS is set correctly. Make sure that ZM is actually recording. If you are trying to view a live stream and the capture process (zmc) is not running then zms will exit. Please go to http://zoneminder.readthedocs.io/en/latest/faq.html#why-can-t-i-see-streamed-images-when-i-can-see-stills-in-the-zone-window-etc for more information. - checkStreamForErrors()]
    Jan 3 10:01:46 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF ['zmc -m 1' starting at 21/01/03 10:01:46, pid = 1397]
    Jan 3 10:01:46 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[1397]: INF ['zmc -m 1' started at 21/01/03 10:01:46]
    Jan 3 10:01:46 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF ['zmc -m 1' crashed, signal 6]
    Jan 3 10:01:47 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF [Starting pending process, zma -m 1]
    Jan 3 10:01:47 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF ['zma -m 1' starting at 21/01/03 10:01:47, pid = 1398]
    Jan 3 10:01:47 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[1398]: INF ['zma -m 1' started at 21/01/03 10:01:47]
    Jan 3 10:01:47 ced98c4eec49 zma_m1[1398]: ERR [zma_m1] [Shared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor LIVING ROOM]
    Jan 3 10:01:47 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: ERR ['zma -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
    Jan 3 10:01:56 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 1]
    Jan 3 10:01:56 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF ['zmc -m 1' starting at 21/01/03 10:01:56, pid = 1399]
    Jan 3 10:01:56 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[1399]: INF ['zmc -m 1' started at 21/01/03 10:01:56]
    Jan 3 10:01:57 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF [Starting pending process, zma -m 1]
    Jan 3 10:01:57 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF ['zma -m 1' starting at 21/01/03 10:01:57, pid = 1400]
    Jan 3 10:01:57 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[1400]: INF ['zma -m 1' started at 21/01/03 10:01:57]
    Jan 3 10:01:57 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF ['zmc -m 1' crashed, signal 6]
    Jan 3 10:01:57 ced98c4eec49 zma_m1[1400]: ERR [zma_m1] [Shared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor LIVING ROOM]
    Jan 3 10:01:57 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: ERR ['zma -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
    Jan 3 10:02:17 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 1]
    Jan 3 10:02:17 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[1403]: INF ['zmc -m 1' started at 21/01/03 10:02:17]
    Jan 3 10:02:17 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF ['zmc -m 1' starting at 21/01/03 10:02:17, pid = 1403]
    Jan 3 10:02:17 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF [Starting pending process, zma -m 1]
    Jan 3 10:02:17 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF ['zma -m 1' starting at 21/01/03 10:02:17, pid = 1404]
    Jan 3 10:02:17 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[1404]: INF ['zma -m 1' started at 21/01/03 10:02:17]
    Jan 3 10:02:17 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF ['zmc -m 1' crashed, signal 6]
    Jan 3 10:02:17 ced98c4eec49 zma_m1[1404]: ERR [zma_m1] [Shared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor LIVING ROOM]
    Jan 3 10:02:17 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: ERR ['zma -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]
    Jan 3 10:02:57 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF [Starting pending process, zmc -m 1]
    Jan 3 10:02:57 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[1407]: INF ['zmc -m 1' started at 21/01/03 10:02:57]
    Jan 3 10:02:57 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF ['zmc -m 1' starting at 21/01/03 10:02:57, pid = 1407]
    Jan 3 10:02:57 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF [Starting pending process, zma -m 1]
    Jan 3 10:02:57 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF ['zma -m 1' starting at 21/01/03 10:02:57, pid = 1408]
    Jan 3 10:02:57 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[1408]: INF ['zma -m 1' started at 21/01/03 10:02:57]
    Jan 3 10:02:57 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: INF ['zmc -m 1' crashed, signal 6]
    Jan 3 10:02:57 ced98c4eec49 zma_m1[1408]: ERR [zma_m1] [Shared data not initialised by capture daemon for monitor LIVING ROOM]
    Jan 3 10:02:57 ced98c4eec49 zmdc[873]: ERR ['zma -m 1' exited abnormally, exit status 255]



    Any ideas here? :scratches head:

  3. I have a drive mounted through Unassigned Devices that I was writing Zoneminder video clips to. I had to move Zoneminder to a different Unnassigned Drive. Now I can’t get the old footage deleted. When I try to delete old footage folder it says “Missing User Rights”.

    I *think* docker safe new permissions might be my fix? Just not sure if docker safe new permissions runs on Unassigned Drives? I just don’t want to break everything though as on one of the other unassigned drives I am writing current Zoneminder files to it. 

    Could someone please advise me on how to safely proceed?

  4. 3 hours ago, saarg said:

    Click the container logo and choose console. Then type date and hit enter.

    The terminal is reporting the correct time.

    "# date
    Mon Oct 12 18:36:08 CDT 2020


    Papermerge however in the GUI shows my login time as "Oct. 12, 2020, 11:36 p.m."


    Something awry somewhere. DOH. It got the "36" part right. :scratches head:

  5. 3 minutes ago, saarg said:

    Have you checked that the TZ env variable is in the run command and that it is correct?

    Try to exec the date command inside the container and see if that is correct.

    Appears the TZ in run command is correct; Not sure how to run the date command inside container exactly? 😞



  6. I used THIS link to setup the TEMP directory in Nextcloud/Swag. I think I got those portions completed. In the Nextcloud>PHP> php-local.ini file do I need to define the TEMP directory so NC knows to use it? See attached pic; I think like last line is what I would use? Just not sure what the directory structure would be using the guide I link to above. Can someone confirm the php-local..ini file needs edited to include the temp directory? Can someone say what temp directory would be listed as in the php-local.ini file if so in reference to how completed above?


    Please help 😞

    Screenshot 2020-10-06 at 19.29.01.png

  7. On 10/2/2020 at 7:50 AM, jonathanm said:

    Be careful with this approach, it's easy to run out of RAM and cause bad results. Only do this if you have a very good handle on managing your server.

    So are their no other edits in any of the Nginx PHP Files or Nextcloud config files to point temp directories at the locations were defining here? Does "Nextcloud need told where temp directory" is in a config file or something anywhere? Swag/Letsencrypt need told same in any of the configs?

  8. I'm also interested to get this docker in german. But I can't find any readme. And at the project site at docker it says "There're no mods available for this container"

    Additionally - I don't understand how to use a docker mod.
    May be you can write some sentences to describe exactly how to do this to get german settings and OCR language. 

    I just found some hint that it just need this command - but how and where does that need to set up?

    And I'm searching for a solution to define the "Input" folder. I found this in the documentation, but I'm not able to set it for the docker container. 
    @blaine07 can you please describe step by step what you've done?
    I already see the "queue" folder within the root of the folder set up at "data path" - along with the folders media and static.
    But I cant upload any file into the queue folder - nor in any other.  
    Thank you for your help-

    Added these two lines to this file in appdata.

    • Like 2
  9. Ok, I have PaperMerge installed...Now, if anyone were to feel so inclined...I need help setting up the "Importer Directory." With importer directory setup I can use my Brother Scanner to upload via FTP into the Importer Directory on Unraid and PaperMerge will automatically import documents and handle it. I think something needs to be defined in Container Template to setup a Importer Directory? I see that one of the setup files for PM may need edited but I think first hurdle is container template? Any direction would be greatly appreciated! :-)




    Edit: Nevermind. Added “queue” folder in the config file and now it seems to be processing files put in queue folder.

    • Like 2
  10. I have a rather odd request I was wondering if someone could be as kind as to consider helping me out with... Look, sometimes we meddle with things we shouldn't of and sometimes we learn lessons as a result of such...So I am asking for forgiveness ahead of time and admitting my situation is directly relative to my idiocracy LOL. I have Googled thinking I could rectify my own idiocracy but here we are...


    Inside Nextcloud app data folder inside the nginx(Nextcloud>nginx) folder, can someone get me a default copy of "nginx.conf" and a copy of "default" inside the site-confs(Nextcloud>nginx>site-confs) folder. I also need a copy "php-local.ini" and "www2.conf" inside the PHP(Nextcloud>php) folder.


    Good news; my Nextcloud still boots and works...Just SLOW as molasses. I did actually have backups of the original files saved but seems I can't figure out which set that was as idiot me did not clearly label them. I admittedly was playing with the pm.children and min/max_spare servers and etc in attempt to get server to be ever so slightly; ironically I accomplished exactly the opposite mucking about.



  11. Good to know. That was my plan going into it. I was not sure if it would cause other concerns. 

    I suppose I will backup all directories as well as take a copy of my docker.img and move it to a safe place, in case I need to restore back if I run into any concerns.

    Absolutely. Always safe over sorry!! Nothing else I don’t, until I renamed container, even provoked it into re-writing certs. You’ll be good mate [emoji3]


    Oh yeah, as stated above I had to adjust Nextcloud’s config.php. Haven’t found anything else that relies on proxy name like Nextcloud though. :-)

  12. 5 minutes ago, bombz said:

    Did you only edit the repository from linuxserver/letsencrypt to linuxserver/swag and start the docker, and everything worked ?

    Yes, changing ONLY the repository does work. I didn't move directories or anything. Just so far have changed repository, renamed container and changed the little thumbnail to SWAG. (Not to be facetious but a few pages back it's discussed in length about changing repository and etc :-))


    Yeah, changing repository ONLY Is *SAFE* though mate! 🙂

  13. 19 hours ago, aptalca said:

    Sounds like we all have the same first name 😅


    The only potential issue I'm aware of is in nextcloud's config.php where you allow a proxy. You'd have to change that to swag if you change the container name (and if you reverse proxy nextcloud)

    Just FYI in case anyone else changes container name like myself...


    I am using DNS Validation through CloudFlare. Changing container name DID prompt it to download new set of certs. No biggie, but for those of us using CloudFlares Proxy it can cause issues if you do not turn CloudFlare Proxy off before trying to write certs it *can* cause headaches... Anyways just FYI 🙂

  14. Sounds like we all have the same first name [emoji28]
    The only potential issue I'm aware of is in nextcloud's config.php where you allow a proxy. You'd have to change that to swag if you change the container name (and if you reverse proxy nextcloud)


    Excuse my rudimentary pic but I’m assume first line? Shutdown NC, change letsencrypt name to swag(&let it boot up), change NC config.php, then boot Nextcloud back up?
  15. None.  A name is a name is a name.  I respond to Andrew, Squid, (and my wife's favourite: Asshole).  Doesn't change who I am. 
    The whole point is to change the repository from linuxserver/letsencrypt to linuxserver/swag.  
    The only place this would cause an issue is if you're routing your traffic from other containers through "Letsencrypt" vs "Swag".  Which you're probably not.  (You tend to only do that with containers that connect to a VPN ie:Binhex, and not this one which simply forwards requests to a different port)

    Thank you for the thorough response! (I won’t call you asshole BUT ironically that’s my wife’s favorite for me, too[emoji1787]).
  16. Pfsense in an in a 1u supermicro rack server with an 8-core Xeon, 32GB ram and an SSD.
    Just a little bit overkill.
    Will probably install proxmox or something similar at one point to be able to test other firewalls.

    I want to try Untangle and Sophos here, too, one day.

    At any rate, have pfSense running on a Protectli box here and a spare instance going on a r720 in XCP.
    • Thanks 1
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