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Everything posted by gabiroli

  1. Now the problem has been solved lol. I pinned 6 cores restarted the whole unraid server. I had the same problem removed the core assignments restarted and now its working properly lol... Thank You for the container again
  2. It's the same thing when i download a steam game. Only one core get pegged with all the load. Every other core and thread is almost at 0. I have a 3900x.
  3. HI! Thank You for this great container. I have one problem with it though. Whenever I run a game, or a steam download. It seems to be using only 1 core. And it pins it at 100%. If it doesn't have any cores assigned to it. It does the samething. If I assign it some cores. It does the same thing again on one of those assigned cores gets pinned to 100%. Thanks for the help.
  4. Thank you. I will try to get it to work after the plots are done.
  5. OMG thank you for your answer i feel like an idiot. I tried to mess around with the yaml file i didn't notice that there are more options in the docker until i clicked on it. Im a clown lolll. Anyway after these 5 plots are done i will try to do it again.
  6. Hi how did you manage to start the container in harvester only mode?
  7. Im sorry it was from dockerhub i messed up theres none.
  8. Now theres a chia docker when you look for chia in community applications
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