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Everything posted by elnevera

  1. Nothing notable in the Syslog, The last entry in Syslog was 15:32 on the 20th but I know that the server was still active until 03:39 on the 21st as my Scrypted container was still sending video to HomeKit until that point.
  2. Hi all, My server has been having a few unclean shutdowns. As you can see from the above syslog file, things stopped on the 20th and started when I powered it up this morning. I had setup Syslog server to try and capture what was going on but got nothing. Does this point to hardware failure? Thanks
  3. I'll shut it down then, thank you. Luckily I took the Homebridge docker off last year so smart home stuff will still function.
  4. I'll have to wait a week or so to do a memtest. Still not sure if it is safe to leave it running or not. Interestingly, having done nothing to the server, it managed to finish the parity check (with errors) but has been up for 30 hours now. Latest diagnostics attached. Some errors to work through. mystique-diagnostics-20230202-1547.zip
  5. Thanks - Is there anyway to run Memtest without connecting a keyboard mouse and monitor? It's in my loft and I don't have a spare monitor to take up there. If not, I'll just shut it down until I can get it down.
  6. Hi All, I've been finding that my server is shutting down in the early morning. It has happened 4 times in 4 days, each day I get a Discord notification that a parity check is starting. I setup the syslog server function to try and see what is happening before the shutdown but I am having trouble understanding the logs. I would really appreciate some help please. I'm always willing to learn but understanding what is happening is a bit beyond me right now. I have attached the diagnostics and have included a syslog server file within the Logs folder. Cheers, Simon mystique-diagnostics-20230201-1330.zip
  7. I am still getting UDMA CRC Errors on two drives. I will reseat the LSI card this weekend and check the cables to see if that helps.
  8. Sorry for the delay. I've done the above. Diagnostics attached.mystique-diagnostics-20220507-1731.zip Thanks
  9. Thanks very much for these instructions! I just upgraded the firmware on my LSI SAS9211-8i and it went very well.
  10. Well, the firmware update went without a hitch, thanks very much @JorgeB Once the array was back up, my 'not connected' disk has appeared in unassigned devices. I'm not sure what to make of that. Can someone please take a look at the attched SMART report and tell me if I should bin the drive or not? ST4000VN008-2DR166_ZGY3DVHM-20220505-2128.txt
  11. Thank you, it was your instructions thread that I was looking at. Very useful! I might as well try the update now I've learnt how to do it.
  12. D'oh! I checked my history on here and found the details of the card. Description from the listing; LSI SAS9211-8i 8-Port 6Gb/s SAS/SATA HBA Intergrated RAID PCI-e2 x8 "flashed to IT mode" works with Freenas/XigmaNas/Nas4Free etc LSI is the brand?
  13. Hi all, I've been having some drive problems recently. 1 failed/not connected, 1 with pending sectors. New drives on route to swap in but I've noticed most of my drives in the array (7) have UDMA CRC error counts agains them. My SAS controller (LSISAS2008) is showing in the diagnostics as; May 3 17:44:16 Mystique kernel: mpt2sas_cm0: LSISAS2008: FWVersion(, ChipRevision(0x03), BiosVersion( May 3 17:44:16 Mystique kernel: mpt2sas_cm0: Protocol=(Initiator,Target), Capabilities=(TLR,EEDP,Snapshot Buffer,Diag Trace Buffer,Task Set Full,NCQ) May 3 17:44:16 Mystique kernel: scsi host10: Fusion MPT SAS Host Is it worth updating the formware? I haven't touched it since buying it and I can't even remember what brand it is. Is there a way of telling what model it is without taking it out of the system? I know I bought it from eBay but it is long gone from my purchase history. If a firmware update will help, i'd like to make sure I get the correct model. Thanks.
  14. 35 hours and no lock up. Still none the wiser as to why a power cut changed anything.
  15. Well..... I was wrong. Memory was set to 3200 in the BIOS. I have set it to default and also changed the power supply idle setting. I have also attached another diagnostic and it hasn't locked up since coming back on. I am still confused as to why after the power cut it became unstable with no changes to the bios...... Also, can anyone recommend a UPS that will allow a clean shut down in the event of another power cut? mystique-diagnostics-20200707-2128.zip
  16. Thanks for replying. I will check the bios whem Memtest has finished but I don't think I have any overclocks (CPU or Memory) in place.
  17. Hi All, My Unraid server (6.8.2) was running just fine when we had a couple of powercuts a few days ago. I had been meaning to look into a UPS but never got around to it.... Anyway, I powered the system back up and let it do the usual parity check. All okay, but since then the server has repeatadly locked up/crashed. I have attached the diagnostics I grabbed between lock ups. What ever the problem is, it appears to be getting worse as the time between lock ups is decreasing. I am currently running memtest. I have tried running without Dockers and it still locked up. Can anyone help me with the next steps should the memtest pass okay? Server is running on Ryzen 5 1600 and 32gb memory. Cheers. mystique-diagnostics-20200707-1835.zip
  18. Thanks for the warning about the cables. I searched on amazon's uk site for the same cables as yours and they were nearly £40 but noticed there were a few very similar looking ones. Anyway, thanks for your help I have ordered the card and cables. Cheers
  19. Thanks very much for that - most useful. I'm looking at this one, I have excluded any from China as I guess they are nearly half price for a reason..... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LSI-SAS9211-8i-8-Port-6Gb-s-SAS-SATA-HBA-Intergrated-RAID-PCI-e2-x8/333104114349 As for cables, I did a search on Amazon ordered by Average Reviews but the reviews are a bit thin on the ground. This one was top of the list https://www.amazon.co.uk/VanDeSaiL-Mini-SAS-Internal-SAS-Breakout/dp/B01HZFUNVS/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1551889440&sr=8-2&keywords=SFF-8087+to+SATA Any thoughts on those? Cheers
  20. Thank you. I'm looking into the LSI HBA types now as it does look like a great option and will offer even more ports in the future if needed. The bit that is confusing me is the IT mode flashing thing. Is there anything to avoid when looking for these cards?
  21. Hi I was hoping to get some recommendations for a reliable cheap(ish) sata expansion card? I am hoping for 4 sata 3 ports and maintain the read/write speeds that I get to the other disks plugged into my board (Gigabyte - GA-H87M-HD3 Micro ATX LGA1150). I have seen plenty based on the marvell 88se9215 chipset that range from £15 up to £50 at various places and various brands but they all look the same and appear to be PCI-e x1 and I'm not sure if i'd get the same performance as my other drives. The board has 6 sata 3 ports in which I have 4 x 4tb HDD's and 2 SSD's (240gb and 128gb) and an alternative would be to get some kind of PCI-e card that I can sit an ssd or m.2 drive onto and free the 2 on board sata ports for my other 2 2tb drives. Hope that all makes sense, I'm not sure what the best route is. EDIT by moderation: Different cards and their performance: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/41340-satasas-controllers-tested-real-world-max-throughput-during-parity-check/
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