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  1. @Yeyo53 Long post but I'll try to help. Two questions so I know what your goal is and can try and get you a good setup: Do you want all your files (movies/tv) in your "Plex" share to eventually be moved to your gdrive? Or are you going to keep some files local and some on the cloud? Do you seed files for a LONG time or just to meet ratio/hit-and-run rules (like 7 days seed before you delete it from your torrent client)? ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ With regards to your other questions: Should I use unassigned device for torrents That's up to you. I would use unassigned device for seeds to avoid parity writes OR use your cache. But that of course would make those files unprotected (likely not an issue for torrents). Consider keeping the seeds on your cache drive if it's big enough and that will avoid excessive spin ups. Cache set to YES on "Plex" Yes you are correct. With cache set to yes, anything written to the "Plex" share will be placed on your cache drive (if there is enough space). When unraid runs the mover script it will write them to the disks on your array. mount_rclone mounted in storage One question, what do you mean "Storage"? The above config I posted should place the mount at /mnt/user/mount_rclone. If you go there it will be the contents of your gdrive. Free-space/used-space reported there will likely be wrong. Just know that it's your gdrive mount and don't worry about what space is being reported. Local in Torrent/gdrivedownloads This should be your "local" content that is pending upload to gdrive. The upload script will move things in "local" to your gdrive. So it doesn't make to have that set as Torrent/gdrivedownloads in my opinion. I would keep it /mnt/user/local. That works best with these scripts. To stop excessive spin ups, use your cache drive (if it's ssd) for /mnt/user/local... or you could map it to your unassigned drive if you want. Your torrent client should be set to download to something like /mount_mergerfs/downloads/"whatever-you-want" (something like /torrents) This setup will insure you can maintain hardlinks with torrent Regarding mount_mergerfs Your mount_mergerfs mount shouldn't be placed in your "Plex" share. The setup I gave you earlier combines your local, rclone, and Plex share into a single place for Sonarr/Radarr/Plex/torrents to use. That way any file located on local, rclone, or "Plex" folders will appear in the mount_mergerfs. So it doesn't matter if the file is local or on gdrive, your programs will always see it in the mergerfs folder. Think of it like shortcuts. The file isn't actually on your mergerfs share but it's "linked" to that so programs can't tell the difference. Docker Mapping --> Very important for Torrent Hardlinks! You should be able to map all your docker programs to something like: (Host Path) /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs ---> (Docker Path) /mount_mergerfs Torrents will download to /mount_mergerfs/downloads/torrent_dl_folder Sonarr will find them and move it to /mount_mergerfs/tv Plex will scan them and play them from /mount_mergerfs/tv Before you go and move your entire Plex folder to gdrive Test it by taking files from your "Plex/movie/Folder-File" share and move them to "/mnt/user/local/Movie/Folder-File". Then run your upload script. If you look in your mergerfs share, nothing will have changed because it's all linked together, that's normal! When you look in your mount_rclone folder you will see your new Folder-Files (because they are now on gdrive).
  2. @Yeyo53 These are the settings I would recommend for starting out. Mostly default but adapted to work for your Plex mount. Keeping things default also makes initial setup and support easier! Using gcrypt pointing to your gdrive RcloneRemoteName="gcrypt" RcloneMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_rclone" LocalFilesShare="/mnt/user/local" MergerfsMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_mergerfs" DockerStart="transmission plex sonarr radarr" MountFolders=\{"downloads/complete,downloads/intermediate,downloads/seeds,movies,tv"\} # Add extra paths to mergerfs mount in addition to LocalFilesShare LocalFilesShare2="/mnt/user/Plex/" So your gdrive will be mounted at .../mount_rclone. Your local file at .../local (to be moved to gdrive on upload) I added your mnt/user/Plex/ folder to the localfileshare2 setting for mergerfs to see. The merged folder will be at .../mount_mergerfs If you go to .../mount_mergerfs you will have all your paths combined so your gdrive, your ../local, and your /Plex files will all be there. When you write/move/copy things to .../mount_mergerfs it will be written to /mnt/user/local/ When you run the upload script. Anything in .../local folder will be uploaded to your gdrive. So with this configuration you should point Plex/Sonarr/NZBGet to "/mnt/user/mount_mergerfs" It will still see your media that's in your /Plex folder because it's added to localfileshare2. This setup will keep your /Plex folder untouched while you make sure everything works well. If you want to move portions of your /Plex folder to your gdrive. Simply move files from /mnt/user/Plex to /mnt/user/local (or /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs). Then run the upload script.
  3. @Yeyo53 Do you plan on moving your local plex files to the cloud? Or keeping some files local and some in the cloud? To start off, I wouldn't use the rclone cache system if you don't have to. In my tests, I haven't seen any performance gains from it compared to the scripts listed here. I recommend using just your a remote pointing to your gdrive and a crypt pointing to that gdrive. Here is an explanation of the commands that I think you are struggling with: RcloneMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_rclone" This is where your gdrive will be mounted on your server. So when you navigate to /mnt/user/mount_rclone you will see the content of your gdrive. In your case it sounds like your will see your two folders which are "media" and "movies" LocalFilesShare="/mnt/user/local" This is where local media is placed to be uploaded to the gdrive when you run the upload script. This is where you will have a download folder, a movie folder, a tv folder, or any folder your want. MergerfsMountShare="ignore" If your fill this in it will combine your local and gdrive to a single folder. So lets say you set it as /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs. These files do not actually exist at that location but simply appear like they are at this location. Here is a visual example to help /mnt/user/ │ ├── mount_rclone (Google Drive Mount) │ └── movies │ └──FILE ON GDRIVE.mkv │ ├── local │ └── movies │ └──FILE ON LOCAL.mkv │ └── mount_mergerfs └── movies ├──FILE ON GDRIVE.mkv └──FILE ON LOCAL.mkv MountFolders=\{"downloads/complete,downloads/intermediate,downloads/seeds,movies,tv"\} These are the folders created in your LocalFileShare location. The folders here will be uploaded to gdrive when the uploader script runs (except the download folder. The uploader ignores that folder). So typically it's best to leave them as the default value. You can always make your own files there if you want
  4. @DiniMuetter It's best to use all the script on DZMM's github: Instructions for setting up all the user settings are well documented on his github. Read that fully and you should have no issue setting it up correctly. Use the userscripts plugin for easy editing and running. Your current command is mounting like it's on a windows file system -- Mounting your gcrypt: to the windows "t:" drive. For unraid that won't work and it should look something like: rclone mount \ .... .... gcrypt: /mnt/user/cloud (or where ever you want your gcrypt to be mounted in unraid) But again. If you use DZMM's scripts you won't have to do any of the hard editing. Simply set your user settings at the beginning of his scripts and they automagically configure it for you! Feel free to chime back in if you have more questions/problems
  5. @Bjur Yeah. Kinda a double edged sword with the ssd/nvme game. I let my nvme's get hit hard on the wear and tear front because it's so nice to write and unpack rapidly. Cost vs benefits debate but I'm a sucker for the speed of them.
  6. @Bjur Download via what -- Usenet/Torrent? Or download from your actual mount? Are you utilizing a cache drive to avoid parity write bottlenecks? Lots of different variables can effect your dl speeds and a lot are out of your control --> like distance from server and peering to the server. But onto what you can control. Generally the fastest way (and to test for any bottlenecks) would be to dl from whatever to a share that is set as "use cache: only" in unraid. That way you avoid any parity write overhead. Also, kinda obvious but, NVME/SSD will trump any mechanical HDD so for quick writes that's what you should be using. Other than that, you can play with the amount of parallel workers. Buffer and cache size of files, ect. With DZMMs scripts, these values are optimized for downloading/streaming from gdrive but you can read up on others settings on the official rclone forum. Animosity022's github has some great settings (heavily tested and very active on the rclone forum). His recommendations are often the most widely accepted settings when it comes to general purpose mounting!
  7. @Thel1988 Currently I kinda left everything barebones because it's more for advanced users. Definitely not for those just getting into it. But yeah, I added a basic readme. Most settings can be viewed on their official project page and the rest of the things are pretty self explanatory within the configs/scripts if you read them. For the script order --> I run the install script on startup of the array, then I run the mount script so I can access my mounts. Finally I cron my upload for every 20 minutes. I don't want to hijack DZMM's thread too much so if anybody has more questions feel free to PM me.
  8. @DZMM If anybody is interested in testing a modified rclone build with a new upload tool. Feel free to grab the builds of my repository. You can run the builds side-by-side with stable rclone so you don't have to take down rclone for testing purposes! It should go without saying, but only run this if you are comfortable with rclone / DZMMs scripts and how they function. If not, you should stick on DZMMs scripts with rclone official build! Users of this modified build have reported upload speeds of ~1.4x faster than rclone and ~1.2-1.4x on downloads. I fully saturate my gig line on uploads with lclone where on stock rclone I typically got around 75-80% saturation. I've also got some example scripts for pulling from git, mounting, and uploading. Config files are already setup so you just have to edit them for your use case. The scripts aren't elegant but they get the job done. If you anybody likes it, I'll probably script it better to build from src as oppose to just pulling the pre-builds from my github. Feel free to use all or none of the stuff there. You can just run just the lclone build with DZMM's scripts if you want (make sure to edit the rclone config to include these new tags) drive_service_account_file_path = /folder/SAs (No trailing slash for service account file) service_account_file = /folder/SAs/any_sa.json All build credit goes to l3uddz who is a heavy contributor to rclone and cloudbox. You can follow his work on the cloudbox discord if you are interested -----Lclone (also called rclone_gclone) is a modified rclone build which rotates to a service accounts upon quota/api errors. This effectively not only removes the upload limit but also the download limit (even via mount command - solving plex/sonarr deep dive scan bans) and also a bunch of optimization features. -----Crop is a command line tool for uploading which utilizes rotating service accounts based once a limit has been hit. So it runs ever service account to it's limit before rotating. Not only that but you can have all your upload settings placed in a single config file (easy for those using lots of team drives). You can also setup the config to sync after upload so you can upload to one drive and server-side sync to all your other backup drives/servers with ease. For more info and options on crop/rclone_gclone config files check out: l3uddz Repository
  9. @DZMM Yup, found out about that performance hit 2 weeks ago and already migrated to a bunch of t drives. I took the same approach with server side move after figuring out the corresponding encrypted name 👍 Currently playing around with a modified version of rclone's backend that rotates sa based on error callbacks. Developer has done a lot of performance tweaks, bypass 10tb dl per day limit on mounts, and circumvents API limit troubles (though that's less of an issue these days). I'd post it but it's fairly unstable and I don't think the developer wants it being tossed around till it's all ready but I'll keep you updated on it
  10. @DZMM I've encountered the same issues with union. The changes not being picked up on mounts being the most problematic issue. Regarding shortcuts: there is a few posts here Rclone forum and on Google's blog. Currently shortcuts "work" but I wouldn't recommend it. It adds an unnecessary layer of complication and you have to be very careful with file vs shortcut removal. I know a few people that have lost data when they thought they were deleting a shortcut but actually deleted files. I was experimenting with it because some higher ups at cloudbox use that setup. Currently it's easier/safer to just user mergerfs. I don't see downside to merger vs. shortcuts.
  11. @DZMM Sorry I haven't been posting much (still in a cross-country move). Currently I've dropped mergerfs to play around with union rclone backend. But my stable servers are now using "shortcuts" to combine all my team drives to a single my drive mount point. (As recommended by some developers of cloudbox/cloudplow). Once rclone union is a bit more mature/ironed-out I'll probably drop shortcuts and have the rclone union manage it all
  12. @markrudling When you tested the Windows+Raidrive plex scan did you use the same settings? IE: same media analyze, chapter/preview thumbnail settings: that can generate lots of traffic. Did you ever use windows with a rclone mount in your tests?? Also, I've never used Raidrive but rclone likely functions differently with regards to caching and file access. With the default mount settings, rclone should serve portions of the requested file. If you/plex requests more it will grab more of the file. It could be that you are seeing expected behavior on an initial scan which will settle down afterwards. I don't use (plex on windows) + (smb to unraid) . I keep plex on unraid itself so I can't be 100% on my statements. Maybe somebody with a unraid+windows-plex combo can chime in with more info.
  13. @JohnJay829 That looks like an error with the rclone plugin and not the scripts. What version of rclone plugin are you running? Try updating and/or running the beta rclone plugin.
  14. @francrouge, Short answer. Supports hard links, actively being developed and fixed, easier to cleanup products of merging dir (less scripts for the end-user). Typically agreed on being better for our general rclone case. Complex answer from trapexit's GitHub: UnionFS is more like aufs than mergerfs in that it offers overlay / CoW features. If you're just looking to create a union of drives and want flexibility in file/directory placement then mergerfs offers that whereas unionfs is more for overlaying RW filesystems over RO ones.
  15. @DZMM @Bjur. I often unpack and write to the local mount due to a minor decrease in performance on a fuse filesystem. But that decrease is very minor. It's easiest to follow DZMM's advise and do most your work in the mergerfs mount.