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  1. so sorry for the noise. i should have thought of updating CA first. that update fixed my issue. and thanks for the excellent support. steve
  2. folks, just upgraded to unraid 6.12.4. when i go to 'apps' tab, it is stuck on 'updating content'. tried rebooting server to no effect. tried diff web browsers and tried rebooting in safe mode too unraid server seems to be functional otherwise. debug log attached. any help would be much appreciated. thanks, steve CA-Logging-20231126-1404.zip
  3. i have the same issue with a handful of drives (ie numbers continue to increase). i have even moved some to a diffferent controller (and therefore different cables) to no avail. i think i'll just have to turn off notification since it is flooding my email with these alerts. steve
  4. try #2 how about something like: dd if=/dev/sde bs=8k of=/dev/null where /dev/sde is replaced by your device steve
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