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Posts posted by Hoopster

  1. 1 hour ago, ChristianL said:

    Since the license is bound to the S/N of the USB stick a simple backup is not really helping

    The license being tied to the USB stick GUID does not affect access to your data at all.  No data is stored on the USB stick and the license does not control access to data.  The only things there are the Unraid server configuration, the license key and the files needed to unpack Unraid OS into RAM each time the server boots.  If you have to create a new USB stick because of the failure of the previous stick, you need to have a copy of prior USB stick for the server configuration.  You could then run in trial mode until you can get the license transferred to the new USB stick.  You can do this one time per year automatically through the GUI.  If you need to do it more than once a year, contact Support directly and they will help you with the transfer if you explain the situation to them.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 16 hours ago, lotetreemedia said:

    Saved my life (again) @Hoopster how on earth did you figure this out 🤣

    In Unraid release notes for a version released quite a while ago, the difference between UEFI boot and legacy boot was mentioned and how it was controlled by the name of the EFI/EFI- folder.  When a BIOS/UEFI shows the Unraid flash drive with only the UEFI prefix, that means it wants to boot that way and legacy mode (no UEFI prefix) is not an option.  If it can do both, the flash drive will show up both ways. On the Unraid side, you just have to make sure the EFI/EFI- folder corresponds with how you (or the motherboard BIOS) wants to boot.

  3. 2 hours ago, viperdiver said:

    It's not clear if you need to do anything prior to reformatting the original drive

    A reformat with XFS will wipe out anything on the drive.  You then copy back the data from drive to which it was copied and move on to the next drive.  To be safe, a parity check is a good idea at the end even if the contents of each drive have not changed.


    As far as the shares are concerned nothing should change as you specified which disks contain share data for each share and if you are using the same disks (just with a different format) the shares will be as they were before.

  4. 1 hour ago, viperdiver said:

    Ok, so I copied everything from one drive to a second drive (a new, blank drive that is XFS). Do I just change the original (reiserfs) drive to XFS, wiping it? Will the system know the new XFS drive has all the data that was in the shares? Or do I need to remap or something before i mess with the original drive?

    See the Converting to a New File System Type section of the online manual which is accessible via the Manual link in the bottom right corner of the GUI,

  5. 3 hours ago, Zero Cool said:

    Will there be a (heavily) discounted price for users who already have a pro license and want to buy a second 'lifetime' license?

    That ship has sailed.  The time to buy the old basic, plus or pro lifetime licenses at previous prices was before the pricing change at the end of March.  Limetech offered a grace period for purchasing new licenses or upgrades at the prior prices but that ended when the new pricing went into effect officially. 


    Limetech has mentioned they usually offer sales sometime in the Summer and for Black Friday but I doubt the lifetime license will be discounted to the prior pricing levels.


    Certainly Limetech could respond differently, but, that is how I understand things.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Animosity said:

    everyone frets on buying anything hardware related on aliexpress

    This is due to the high incidence of counterfeit hardware from China.  Stuff on Aliexpress could be genuine or it could be counterfeit junk that may or may not have problems.  It's a roll of the dice.  They don't advertise with "hey, our prices are so low because this is counterfeit junk" so you never know.

    • Haha 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, digity said:

    Pre-clearing is time consuming

    Preclear and wipe are not the same.  They may both write 0s to every storage sector on the drive (some wipes do not do this) but preclear writes a special signature to the drive that tells Unraid it is precleared and can be added to the array without affecting parity and causing a parity rebuild.  If you just wipe a drive, Unraid will preclear it anyway before adding it to the array.

  8. 1 hour ago, mishanw said:

    Im getting a notification that one of the disks is at 71% use, Im not sure why the data is not balanced or managed across all the drives

    How storage is used is determined by a combination of a number of share settings such as allocation method, split level, minimum free space, included/excluded disks, etc.


    You should read up on these settings from User Shares section of the linked manual in the bottom right of the GUI.



  9. 9 hours ago, csimpson said:

    an additional 8TB drive would give me a total of 16TB of storage (two 4TB and an 8TB), and the parity drive will protect against a single drive failure.

    Correct.  Unraid supports dual parity (optional) which can protect against the simultaneous loss of two data drives.


    9 hours ago, csimpson said:

    I have Unraid running off a 16GB USB stick currently.  If I wanted to have a Plex server, etc, does it make sense to have a larger USB key, or does the data get stored on the spinning disk?


    The USB flash drive holds Unraid files unpacked into RAM o boot, configuration files, and the license.  If you setup Plex, it is common to have docker container appdata, VMs etc. on SSDs so no data disks need to be spinning for docker containers/VMs to access their needed configuration files.  I actually take it one step further because I had an extra small SSD.  I put Plex appdata on its own dedicated SSD.  This is certainly not necessary but lets me isolate Plex database/config files for maintenance purposes.

  10. 1 hour ago, csimpson said:

    However, if I add another 4TB drive, (not parity) would I then have 12TB of protected data?

    Yes.  You can add as many data drives as you wish up to 8TB in size since you have an 8TB parity drive.  In fact, you are "wasting" space if you just keep adding 4TB drives.  A parity rebuild is always going to have to rebuild the full 8TB even if your largest data drive is 4TB.


    1 hour ago, csimpson said:

    The math doesn't add up for me.

    There is no math to add up.  The parity drive just has to be as large or larger than the single largest data drive.  It does not have to be as large as all the data drives added up.


    I have one 8TB parity drive that protects five 8TB data drives (40 TB).  Parity protects against data loss due to a disk failure but is not a data backup. The Parity drive contains no actual data, it has no filesystem.  It is just a bucket of bits of calculated 1s and 0s that represent the data stored in the same location across all data drives.  To rebuild a failed data drive, the parity drive plus all other data drives are needed so the rebuild process knows whether to write a 1 or 0 in a particular location on the new data disk.


    1 hour ago, csimpson said:

    does unraid have some sort of "recycle bin"

    There is a plugin for that.  I have never used it so I do not know how well it works.


  11. 26 minutes ago, csimpson said:

    "how do I sync a drive to my external drive using Unraid but then connect to my mac and access the files if the Unraid system fails?

    I do this same thing with an NTFS (Windows) formatted drive with the Unassigned Devices plugin


    I have about 40 TB of Unraid Array storage but I sync the most important files (photos, family videos, some movies, etc.) to an 18TB external drive via unassigned devices.  Since it is NTFS, it can be read directly and natively in Windows. APFS (Apple File System) is also supported with the Unassigned Devices Plus plugin.


    I also have a backup Unraid server and I back up the entire array (well, just the new or modified files) to the backup server once a week via a script in User Scripts



  12. 5 minutes ago, icarus69 said:

    ideally free or low-cost.

    Good luck with that.


    Backblaze and some others will not back up a NAS.  To back up a NAS, you have to use their much more expensive B2 service.


    Some of us use Crashplan Pro for $10 a month unlimited backup.  They do not restrict NAS.


    Look in the Backup section of the Apps tab and see what the available options are for Unraid.  Many are just client applications to front-end a cloud-based backup service.  The client may be free but you can pay a lot for the cloud backup space.

  13. 18 minutes ago, Secluded said:

    A possible easy workaround is to add an option to let the user set a delay to start the plugin

    This will not work with plugins but with docker containers (I believe there is one for Tailscale) in the Advanced View in the docker tab you can

    • drag-and-drop containers to change their startup order (they start in order from top to bottom)
    • Set a delay after starting a container before starting the next one in the order

    I am not sure when VMs start up compared to docker containers but Tailscale as a docker container could be set to be the last one to start with a delay after the container before it.

  14. 2 hours ago, dharmil7 said:

    I have unRaid server with 64GB of RAM

    Your server can have a maximum of 64 GB RAM installed but it appears it has only 32 GB installed and it is using all that; 32 GB  is the amount being reported to Unraid (system memory).


    If you believe this is wrong, how much RAM is reported in the BIOS?


    My server is capable of having 128 GB but has 64 GB installed as seen below.


  15. 1 hour ago, Michael Page said:

    I want to change my motherboard but don't want to lose my setup


    On one of my Unraid servers I have had 4 different motherboards while using the same USB flash drive and configuration.  Another server is on its third different motherboard so, yes, swapping the motherboard/CPU/RAM, etc does not impact your setup. 


    The only way in which a motherboard swap could affect setup (assuming you keep the same array hard drives) is if you have virtual machines/docker containers setup with hardware pass through.  If that hardware changes, you will need to make changes to your configuration.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Zonediver said:

    Is this update important?

    Probably only if you have one of the following issues:

    • Resolve issues mounting remote SMB shares via the Unassigned Devices plugin.
    • Resolve issues with certain Asmedia controllers not seeing all the attached devices.
    • nfs: (revert) NFSv4 mounts by default
    • zfs: Detect if insufficient pools slots are defined for an imported pool with a missing device.
    • Fix translations issue with SystemDrivers

    I had no issues with 6.12.9 either but there was some reason they rolled back to a prior kernel version.  I updated just in case other issues were found with the kernel in 6.12.9.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  17. 3 hours ago, ConnerVT said:


    I would be very happy if those were the only things expected from me.  For me, the list keeps on growing.  😆

    Oh, she expects a lot more.  I certainly have a long "honey-do" list.  I am on the kitchen remodel item right now.  Those are just the two things she figures she would never want to deal with (or pay someone else to do) if she had to. With me around she does not have to.  :)

  18. 33 minutes ago, Squid said:

    But, I also worry that upon my passing no one would be able to change the input on the TV either

    My wife has said more than once she married me for only two reasons:

    • To kill bugs and spiders in the house
    • To handle all AV equipment/technology in the house

    Both are still accurate 43 years later.

    • Haha 2
  19. 2 hours ago, kcossabo said:

    I am 12 hours in and seems to be tracking to the 24 hour mark.

    Glad to hear you found the issue and your parity rebuild is progressing normally.  FYI, towards the end it will typically start to slow down quite a bit as it reaches the inner tracks of the drives.  Still, roughly 2 hrs. a TB, perhaps just a a bit more, it typical with larger drives.

  20. 39 minutes ago, neilpatel1991x said:

    when you say disk share that is /mnt/diskX/movies and just pick which disk i want to write too? 

    Yes, /mnt/user path uses the fuse system


    39 minutes ago, neilpatel1991x said:

    will it auto combine at the top level? ie mnt/user/Media/Movies

    Yes, mnt/user/xxxx is just the contents of all top-level folders of a particular name across all disks

  21. 11 minutes ago, neilpatel1991x said:

    my bottle neck right now is that it is only writing to one drive at a time. i would like to write to all the disks so increase the bandwidth, which as i understand it is to use turbo write mode. 

    No, this is not what Turbo Write does.  It is mainly useful to speed up parity writes, but since you have no parity, it will give you no increased speed.  Here is a more detailed description of turbo write.  Turbo write has no impact on writing data to the array disks, just parity. 

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