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  1. What repo should we be using? vaultwarden/server:latest. - ? I'm running Version 2022.12.0 when I logging to the gui I see that at the bottom.
  2. Damn. Looks like I might take a chance on the 13600k instead of the 12600k.....reports are looking positive.... Same socket so could always sell the 13gen and go back to 12 gen... hmm...considerations...
  3. I have over 1000 torrents. I’d like to sort by “added” but without having to scroll to the bottom. Can you add “reverse added” ? thanks
  4. Thanks. The extra lines was it. Appreciate the help! Looking forward to using this.
  5. I created a custom network but neither my deluge or storm container would start. They would just fail. I changed it to the IP and now I am getting this error below. Why is it trying to connect to .103:60937 ? Where is it getting those numbers? 2022-10-31T14:04:50.568Z INFO api storm/server.go:93 Ready to serve HTTP connections on :8221/ 2022-10-31T14:04:58.859Z ERROR pool storm/pool.go:217 Failed to establish Deluge RPC connection {"error": "RPC error BadLoginError('Password does not match')\nTraceback: Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deluge/core/rpcserver.py\", line 275, in dispatch\n ret = component.get('AuthManager').authorize(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deluge/core/authmanager.py\", line 121, in authorize\n raise BadLoginError('Password does not match', username)\ndeluge.error.BadLoginError: Password does not match\n"} 2022-10-31T14:04:58.859Z ERROR api storm/api.go:206 Internal Server Error {"Method": "GET", "URL": "/api/plugins", "RemoteAddr": "", "Time": "2022-10-31T14:04:58.827Z", "StatusCode": 500, "ResponseSize": 103, "Duration": "32.771232ms", "error": "A connection to the Deluge RPC daemon could not be established by the connection pool"} 2022-10-31T14:05:35.647Z ERROR pool storm/pool.go:217 Failed to establish Deluge RPC connection {"error": "RPC error BadLoginError('Password does not match')\nTraceback: Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deluge/core/rpcserver.py\", line 275, in dispatch\n ret = component.get('AuthManager').authorize(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deluge/core/authmanager.py\", line 121, in authorize\n raise BadLoginError('Password does not match', username)\ndeluge.error.BadLoginError: Password does not match\n"} 2022-10-31T14:05:35.647Z ERROR api storm/api.go:206 Internal Server Error {"Method": "GET", "URL": "/api/plugins", "RemoteAddr": "", "Time": "2022-10-31T14:05:35.636Z", "StatusCode": 500, "ResponseSize": 103, "Duration": "10.539642ms", "error": "A connection to the Deluge RPC daemon could not be established by the connection pool"} 2022-10-31T14:09:24.064Z ERROR pool storm/pool.go:217 Failed to establish Deluge RPC connection {"error": "RPC error BadLoginError('Password does not match')\nTraceback: Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deluge/core/rpcserver.py\", line 275, in dispatch\n ret = component.get('AuthManager').authorize(*args, **kwargs)\n File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/deluge/core/authmanager.py\", line 121, in authorize\n raise BadLoginError('Password does not match', username)\ndeluge.error.BadLoginError: Password does not match\n"} 2022-10-31T14:09:24.064Z ERROR api storm/api.go:206 Internal Server Error {"Method": "GET", "URL": "/api/plugins", "RemoteAddr": "", "Time": "2022-10-31T14:09:24.054Z", "StatusCode": 500, "ResponseSize": 103, "Duration": "10.38151ms", "error": "A connection to the Deluge RPC daemon could not be established by the connection pool"}
  6. Still having an issue getting connected. Are these settings correct? This is my auth file
  7. 2022-10-16T04:46:18.932Z INFO api storm/server.go:93 Ready to serve HTTP connections on :8221/ 2022-10-16T04:46:25.305Z ERROR pool storm/pool.go:217 Failed to establish Deluge RPC connection {"error": "dial tcp: lookup binhex-delugevpn on no such host"} 2022-10-16T04:46:25.305Z ERROR api storm/api.go:206 Internal Server Error {"Method": "GET", "URL": "/api/plugins", "RemoteAddr": "", "Time": "2022-10-16T04:46:25.165Z", "StatusCode": 500, "ResponseSize": 103, "Duration": "139.998576ms", "error": "A connection to the Deluge RPC daemon could not be established by the connection pool"} I'm getting the same thing. What do you mean "Try not to use IPs when using a custom docker network." What additional steps need to be taken? 😀
  8. Going to follow this video to see if I can get it working on unraid. Currently getting this error with the ElasticSearch container. ERROR.txt
  9. My ES container has this error message: ERROR.txt I'm not entirely sure what to do next. Going to try and start fresh.
  10. I am also getting this. Did you ever find a solution?
  11. Any idea what this is and why its taking up 95% of my CPU?
  12. I've checked my containers. They are all correct. Yes the appdata backup location exists. How can I check whats 'in' my ram? Pretty sure that it since the ram is at 64% and its never above like 30. Thanks, I checked them all. Looks good and in the /mnt/ path.
  13. I was told to post here. I looked through the logs but nothing stood out right away. Any idea? unblack-diagnostics-20220113-1121.zip
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