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Everything posted by biggiesize

  1. Only for ports that you need to access outside of Gluetun.
  2. You will need to remove the port variable from qBittorrent, add it to Gluetun, and also add the port number to FIREWALL_VPN_INPUT_PORTS and FIREWALL_INPUT_PORTS.
  3. This is a known issue with the container. It is being tracked in For now, you can change the repository to qmcgaw/gluetun:v3.34.1 temporarily until the issue is fixed.
  4. I'm assuming you are referencing the UPDATE_COOLDOWN_PERIOD variable. That variable is for the DNS record check. If you want to increase the timer for the IP address check you would use the PERIOD variable.
  5. My apologies as work has been taking up most of my time lately. Issue #1 - Icon The icon URL has just been updated in the template and should be picked up shortly. Issue #2 - Shell Currently there is no shell for the DDNS-Updater container. The container is essentially just the static binaries. There is a feature request open for this.
  6. TBH I have never tried using tiny proxy with gluetun. You might try opening an issue on the github page and seeing if the dev has any ideas. Sorry for the non-answer. I am glad you were able to get ShadowSocks working. 🙂
  7. See if changing the LOG_LEVEL variable to 'debug' and see if it gives you any useful information.
  8. The template uses the SHADOWSOCKS_LISTENING_ADDRESS variable which also works. It is intended to be a variable and not a port. It must be in the form of :<port#> (e.g. :8388). As this port is user defined it is not included in the template by default and needs to be added twice. Once for TCP and once for UDP. The password is not optional if you enable ShadowSocks. It just didn't make sense to add the variable in the template and make it mandatory when most people will not use it.
  9. The ShadowSocks port is set by SHADOWSOCKS_ADDRESS
  10. I have the same issue with a different service provider and reverting back also works for me. I have opened an issue for this latest release.
  11. Just pushed the latest update to bring the template up to date. Should show up shortly.
  12. Can you post the entire redacted log and a redacted screenshot of your container settings?
  13. I am not sure how he is escaping characters in his Go coding. Instead of asking in a Discussion I would open an Issue for it. An answer probably won't be immediate because of his current work restraints.
  14. I use the same VPN provider and the same theoretical setup and I do not have the same issues. It could be that the qBittorent container is not successfully routing traffic through Gluetun. Try running this from the terminal in unraid and see if it matches your VPN or your WAN IP (Change the container name to whatever the name of the Gluetun container is running as. docker run --rm --network=container:gluetun alpine:3.14 sh -c "apk add wget && wget -qO-"
  15. Try one more time to set the firewall to false. If it is still failing then it's not being blocked. I'm also assuming you are at least restarting qBittorrent each time you rebuild gluetun.
  16. Go into qBittorrent settings and grab the listening port on the connections tab and set the network interface back to 'any'. Then try using this for your gluetun run command: -e 'FIREWALL_VPN_INPUT_PORTS'='8081,<listening port from qBittorrent>' -e 'FIREWALL_INPUT_PORTS'='8081,<listening port from qBittorrent>' -p '<listening port from qBittorrent>:<listening port from qBittorrent>/tcp' -p '<listening port from qBittorrent>:<listening port from qBittorrent>/udp'
  17. It is the port you specified for the qbittorrent webui (8081). You can also try turning the firewall off for gluetun. There is a possibility the torrent tracker is being blocked.
  18. For unRAID you will also have to add the qbittorrent port to FIREWALL_INPUT_PORTS. I run qbittorrent as well and have not had luck getting the ports to stay on a custom port. Your mileage may vary.
  19. Might possibly be a permissions issue. Unraid defaults to nobody:users 99:100 for permissions. Try running these commands from the unraid terminal. # Owned by user ID of Docker container (1000) chown -R 1000 /mnt/user/appdata/ddns-updater # all access (for creating json database file data/updates.json) chmod 700 /mnt/user/appdata/ddns-updater # read access only chmod 400 /mnt/user/appdata/ddns-updater/config.json
  20. Make sure you have bind mounted the file correctly. Usually unexpected end of JSON input means it's an empty file or there is a missing bracket somewhere. The JSON you sent looks correct though, maybe try with to be sure.
  21. Looks like it might possibly be a bug in the new version with using an IPv6 address. I would stay on the older version and submit an issue on the github page so the dev can take a look.
  22. Can you post the entire log from the beginning? If you need to you can roll back to a previous version by editing the application and in the repository replacing qmcgaw/gluetun:latest with qmcgaw/gluetun:v3.31.1 which is the latest major release.