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Everything posted by biggiesize

  1. Thank you for the feedback. I have been meaning to add the port variable for some time but haven't had the chance due to IRL stuff. These should be in the latest template once the CA picks it up during the next round of scans.
  2. Please open up an issue on the GitHub site as this looks like an issue within the app itself. https://github.com/qdm12/ddns-updater/issues/new?assignees=&labels=%3Apray%3A+help+wanted&template=help.md&title=Help%3A+...
  3. @Opawesome Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate them very much. My initial reaction is that this use case would be more advanced than what the product was intended for. Obviously, it is possible as the documentation shows. Adding an other/custom field to the drop down would currently cause the app to fail as it is looking for a specific response. I will definitely speak to the dev and see if he would help work on a more refined solution than what is presented. Currently, you could just remove the "VPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER" variable and add the "OPENVPN_CUSTOM_CONFIG". If you aren't using credentials then you might also need to remove the variables for user and password as well. Another thought is, if you VPN provider is currently supported, you can check the wiki and place a specific server name in the VPN_SERVER_NAME variable. That would limit Gluetun to using a single IP. This is definitely something I will consider. Thank you again for the kind words, your support and the great idea.
  4. Ot currently does not expose any volumes to unraid. You have the option to load/save a file from the web gui. I am currently working with the dev to add two options. 1. Allow mapping to unraid. 2. Allow storage in a GitHub repository.
  5. That is correct. If there is a WebUI port that you need to access then there are a few more steps.
  6. Yeah... Thought I had fixed that. Apparently I never pushed it to production. My bad... I have another change that needs to be made anyway. I'll get it pushed after work today.
  7. I know the dev been working on a new web interface for a while now so it might be a bug. I would open an issue on the GitHub page so he can look at it. By default, the template is setup to use both IPv4 and IPv6. You should be able to remove the PUBLICIP_HTTP_PROVIDERS and PUBLICIPV6_HTTP_PROVIDERS variables and leave the PUBLICIPV4_HTTP_PROVIDERS variable and it use only IPv4.
  8. That would be the "--restart always" flag in the Extra Parameters field. You will have to toggle on Advanced View in the top right. Make sure you leave --cap-add=NET_ADMIN as it is required for the container to work properly.
  9. You are very welcome! Glad I was able to help. 🙂
  10. The Web port isn't a traditional WebUI. It's more of an API for advanced automation in obtaining and modifying the container without restarting it. https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun/wiki/HTTP-Control-server I didn't catch it earlier but your Timezone needs to be in IANA format (example. America/New_York) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones The dev has some decent notes on connecting other containers to Gluetun if you need help with that. https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun/wiki/Connect-to-gluetun
  11. You might check to make sure that the ports aren't in use by another application. 8000 is very common among security apps. If you find one that is already in use just change the one I. The Gluetun template to something else not is use.
  12. Near the top, change the network type to Bridge. I thought I had that set. I will double check the template when I get home tonight.
  13. No worries. Any VPN with the amount of variables and options like this one is a bit challenging to set up. Feel free to post a screenshot of your settings screen and any errors you are seeing. I will gladly help out. 🙂
  14. Thank you for your interest. I was using binhex's PrivoxyVPN container and was happy. This one is a little more flexible and really light-weight. The dev is also amazing to work with. Kudos to him on the effort he put into it.
  15. This has been added to the template. It can take up to two hours for changes to appear in CA.
  16. Rebooting did fix the issue. I'm curious as to what caused the fault. If it happens again I will post a new diagnostic log. Thanks for the help!
  17. Last week I had this issue. I ended up having to recreate libvirt.img. Now I'm having the same issue again a week later. Any idea what would cause this to repeat itself? Logs are attached and any help is greatly appreciated. fortknox-diagnostics-20210725-2244.zip
  18. You are correct, it was the SHADOWSOCKS_PORT_UDP. It was set to tcp instead of udp in the initial uploaded. It was corrected in the appstore yesterday. It is possible that the old template was still cached from the appstore. Glad you got it working 🙂
  19. Odd, it was working before the upload to CA. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll check and see what is wrong. **UPDATE** So somehow before uploading I accidentally flipped one of the ports from udp to tcp. I have fixed it in the XML and tested it. The new working version should be uploaded soon.
  20. Dockers Available so far: ddns-updater Product Owner: QMCGAW Product Support: https://github.com/qdm12/ddns-updater/issues/new/choose GluetunVPN Product Owner: QMCGAW Product Support: https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun/issues/new/choose ShadowSocks-Server Product Owner: QMCGAW Product Support: https://github.com/qdm12/ss-server/issues/new Genea Product Owner: Genea.app Product Support: https://github.com/genea-app/genea-app/issues/new
  21. Welcome to DPC Support All questions/issues related to getting any of my images running on Unraid can be asked here. If you think a template needs improvement, feel free to post that here too. = DiamondPrecisionComputing = GitHub - https://github.com/DiamondPrecisionComputing == Contact Us == If you require support or have any questions you can contact us at [email protected]. = PayPal = Prefer to donate via PayPal? You can donate to us right HERE. We really appreciate your support in any shape or form.
  22. Having an issue getting the GooglePhotosSync docker up and running. I have it running on an Ubuntu VM but would like to move to this docker. I made sure to pass through the /config and /storage folders and my client_secret.json is in the /config location but I'm getting an error that looks like it can't see the file. My Install Command: docker run -d --name='GooglePhotosSync' \ --net='bridge' \ -e TZ="America/Chicago" \ -e HOST_OS="Unraid" \ -v '/mnt/user/Google Photos':'/storage':'rw' \ -v '/mnt/user/appdata/GooglePhotosSync':'/config':'rw' \ 'rix1337/docker-gphotos-sync'
  23. I have an LSI 9211-8i installed but it is convenient in IT mode.
  24. Recently we had a major storm come through and after several hours of troubleshooting have found that my motherboard, RAM and CPU have all been friend from a power surge. The system will not boot no matter which components are switched out (Also verified CPU and RAM are dead on a different test system.). Luckily it looks like all of my drives and USB boot drive are still in working order, so far. If I were to put all drives and the USB boot drive into a new system, with similar but newer hardware, what complications should I expect? Will I need to start a new hardware config or will the OS automatically pick up the drives and know which is which? Or do I need to accept data loss and pull from an online backup with a new config?
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