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Everything posted by KptnKMan

  1. Hey, are you still getting these issues? I seem to have a very similar setup to you (Details in signature below), and I've been using my system as a VM gaming system for some time. I recently changed from an R9-290 to a GTX1080Ti, and that seems to now be working well also after some modifications (details here, recommend you check it out). Using my R9-290, I had to use a compatible vBIOS to get it to work at all. Some questions: - Have you isolated your CPU usage between VMs and other tasks like Docker? - What are the EXACT model numbers of your AMD and nVidia cards? - Are you downloading and using a compatible vBIOS from techpowerup? Some details I'd recommend for a smooth setup: - Host: Use legacy boot on your host, avoid UEFI. Broke things for me. make sure in BIOS that Legacy boot/compatibility is enabled for all PCIe devices also. - Host: I'm currently using Unraid 6.8.3, just upgraded, but I was stable on 6.8.1 and 6.8.2 for a good while. - VM: Use OVMF BIOS, Q35-4.2 machine type. - VM: Use latest VirtIO drivers, I'm using virtio-win-0.1.173-2.iso - VM: All vdisks mounted using VirtIO. - VM: Before trying to install Windows 10, try booting the VM with only CPU 1 core for the install.
  2. Thanks @SpaceInvaderOne I appreciate the compliment. Just hoping that this helps someone else. I really hope that we could get a VM advanced UI for configuring the PCIe settings when using graphics card or sound card: - multifunction on/off - bus - slot - function These are PCIe devices, so it seems to be a common setting, that would translate to the XML like the other UI settings, overwriting the default. This would go a long way to making this easier to fix.
  3. Well, I figured it out. I spent many hours trying many different things, but this turned out to be it. Really wished that someone could have pointed me in the right direction, especially with so many current thread posts about the same thing on this forum. As such, I hope that I might be able to help someone else by summarising my journey and how I got there. A full solution is below, but first, I highly recommend watching these 2 excellent videos from @SpaceInvaderOne. Really saved my bacon: 👍 I'm basically summarising much of what he put in the video. My Summary: I was able to fix an already working VM, with my newly added GTX1080Ti using these methods. I didn't need to disable Hyper-V as others have said, and I'm using the latest nvidia drivers. In the end, the "code 43" error that is prevalent, seems to be due to a couple of things: - Modified BIOS, removing application headers from file, using Hex editor. - Specifying GPU pci device as "multifunction" in VM XML. Modifying BIOS: - Download the Hex Editor, install. - Download your compatible BIOS from techpowerup. - Open the bios file in hex editor. I'm using HxD like in the video. - Look for line that looks like "UªyëK7400éLwÌVIDEO", mine was prefaced with a series of "ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ" characters. - Next, delete everything above line "UªyëK7400éLwÌVIDEO", so that the matching offset reads "00000000" (8 zeros). - "Save As..." the file with a new filename. Save it somewhere on your unRAID system, like one of the shares. - I saved mine to "isos" share. You can save it anywhere on unRAID. - You're done. Modifying your VMs XML: - Before Starting, make sure your GPU is in its own IOMMU Group (Tools->System Devices). - If your GPU is not in its own IOMMU Group (Its fine if the GPU shares that group with the GPU-Audio). - Setup your VM in unRAID as normal. - I have had success using "Q35-4.2" Machine type, and "OVMF" BIOS. I left Hyper-V "on". - I'm using VirtIO Drivers "virtio-win-0.1.173-2" if that is helpful. - Specify your GPU and GPU-Audio Sound Card of the GPU. Always add your GPU-Audio, dont try to avoid it. You need it. - If you want to use your motherboard sound card, you should add it by clicking the green plus-sign on the left. - Either "CREATE" (Do not "Start VM after creation") or "UPDATE" the VM at the bottom, to set a baseline config. - Go back into the VM config. On the right change "FORM VIEW" to "XML VIEW". - Find the lines for the GPU and GPU-Audio, the line should start with "<hostdev" and a line later will end the section with "</hostdev". - You should see 2 hostdev devices, there may be more. The first should specify your GPU BIOS you specified earlier. - You need to change the the lines that specify the "<address" within the VM, not the "<address" outside the VM (in the host). - On the first line, change nothing, but add "multifunction='on'" to the end before the "/>" close. - On the second line, change the "bus" and "function" to match the first line, but add 1 to the function. - When done editing, I recommend copying the whole xml and keeping a backup somewhere. - Save the config by clicking "UPDATE" at the bottom. - You're done. Something to note is that if you change ANYTHING using the GUI, it will overwrite these pci XML modifications. So, again I'd recommend keeping a backup somewhere in your unRAID. With this, I was able to use my single nvidia card without issues. Thanks again to @SpaceInvaderOne for figuring this out. I hope this can help someone else. ☺️
  4. I've dunped my BIOS out directly in unRAID, and trying to follow instructions to fix. I'm unsure if this means something but I've noticed when running "lspci v" is that there is no kernel driver listed next to my card: 0d:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GP102 [GeForce GTX 1080 Ti] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) Subsystem: eVga.com. Corp. GP102 [GeForce GTX 1080 Ti] Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 5 Memory at f4000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M] Memory at e0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M] Memory at f0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=32M] I/O ports at f000 [size=128] Expansion ROM at 000c0000 [disabled] [size=128K] Capabilities: [60] Power Management version 3 Capabilities: [68] MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+ Capabilities: [78] Express Legacy Endpoint, MSI 00 Capabilities: [100] Virtual Channel Capabilities: [250] Latency Tolerance Reporting Capabilities: [128] Power Budgeting <?> Capabilities: [420] Advanced Error Reporting Capabilities: [600] Vendor Specific Information: ID=0001 Rev=1 Len=024 <?> Capabilities: [900] Secondary PCI Express <?> 0d:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GP102 HDMI Audio Controller (rev a1) Subsystem: eVga.com. Corp. GP102 HDMI Audio Controller Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 4 Memory at f5080000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K] Capabilities: [60] Power Management version 3 Capabilities: [68] MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+ Capabilities: [78] Express Endpoint, MSI 00 Capabilities: [100] Advanced Error Reporting Also, I'm unable to either unbind or bind the device: # echo "0000:0d:00.0" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/bind -bash: echo: write error: No such device # echo "0000:0d:00.0" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/unbind -bash: echo: write error: No such device
  5. Another strange finding, is that my Windows 10 VM boots up and I can RDP to it. Looking around the system and forums more, it could be the "code 43" error.
  6. I believe that this should be the correct BIOS for me to use from techpowerup, as it has the same modified date as the build date on my BIOS (2017-04-17) and VBIOS Version ( that I got from the dump. Still doesn't work. I'm not sure what else to do.
  7. Hi all, I'm hoping someone can help. I'm having trouble with passing through a GTX1080TI GPU. I am using model EVGA 11G-P4-6696-KR, known as "EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 GAMING". I had trouble finding a compatible BIOS on techpowerup, because there is no direct comparison. I saw that there are "FTW3 Elite Gaming" and "FTW3". I've tried the FTW3 BIOS, but not the FTW3 Elite, I'm concerned that it is not appropriate. So I dumped the bios in a bare metal Windows 10 install using nvflash, and have saved it to my array. Even still, I cannot seem to get my VM to boot with it using any configuration. The screen flashes and then no signal, every time. I need to reboot to get anything back. I was able to boot into Windows 10 using the bare metal install, so I think the card is working. I've watched the videos by SpaceInvader and I've passed through cards before using this system (An R9-290 and recently a RX-5600XT that I am returning). Both worked without much issue at all. Can anyone help with advice? I also dumped the version using nvflash: NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.590.0) Copyright (C) 1993-2019, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. Sign-On Message : GP102 PG611 SKU 50 VGA BIOS Build GUID : 402D5B72B8A34DFBBEB8A9C5CD99EE31 IFR Subsystem ID : 3842-6696 Subsystem Vendor ID : 0x3842 Subsystem ID : 0x6696 Version : Image Hash : AAA37529FD718F13599221F885E83C25 Product Name : GP102 Board Device Name(s) : GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Board ID : 0xEE17 Vendor ID : 0x10DE Device ID : 0x1B06 Hierarchy ID : Normal Board Chip SKU : 350-0 Project : G611-0050 Build Date : 01/18/17 Modification Date : 04/17/17 UEFI Version : 0x30006 UEFI Variant ID : 0x0000000000000007 ( GP1xx ) UEFI Signer(s) : Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011 XUSB-FW Version ID : N/A XUSB-FW Build Time : N/A InfoROM Version : G001.0000.01.04 InfoROM Backup : Not Present License Placeholder : Not Present GPU Mode : N/A
  8. Thanks @testdasi but in the reading around this forum, I've decided to return the 5600XT and get a second hand 1080TI from a friend of mine. Maybe next year or year after I'll see how AMD is doing again with their hardware.
  9. Also info update on this, using ASUS TUF GAMING X570-PLUS (WI-FI) BIOS with latest 1405 bios, also now getting this error. Something to note, I wasn't experiencing any issues until I upgraded my gfx to RX-5600XT. My older R9-290 worked without any issue.
  10. Thanks @Squid I'm looking for a way to send only emails, especially with attachments of script logs etc. I use Pushbullet for my notifications, and I was hoping I could invoke email as a separate thing, as that would be ideal. Do you know if its possible to setup a config for using ssmtp/sendmail? It seems to half work.
  11. Hi all, I've been trying to get a script working to manage backups and send an email with attachment at the end. I'm using mailgun as my email sender, and have configured the Notification settings for it in GUI. After much googling and reading, I see that there are 2 (Kind of 3) methods: - use ssmtp eg (Which invokes sendmail): ssmtp [email protected] < /mnt/user/ftp/test_attachment.txt - use sendmail directly eg: ssmtp [email protected] < /mnt/user/ftp/test_attachment.txt - use the recommended notify (without email): /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -i warning -s "my subject" -d "some description" I am also trying to get email subsystem of notify to work, without success: /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify smtp-init -i normal -s "Subject" -d "Something" -m "Message" Email notifications in the unRAID GUI work when I send a test mail there. I receive the mail in my gmail. The problem is that: - I cant get Notify to send any email at all, I need an example if possible. - I cant get ssmtp/sendmail to work, as it sends email as root, and does not work, just like in this old thread. I've tried configuring the revaliases, but I understand this should be avoided. Does anyone know the proper way to send an email using CLI, and would be able to provide an example? Thanks for any help. Edit: When I use sendmail/ssmtp, I get this response basically every time: [<-] 220 ak47 ESMTP ready [->] EHLO blaster [<-] 250 SMTPUTF8 [->] AUTH LOGIN [<-] 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6 [->] Ymxhc3RlckBzdHJha2VyLm1l [<-] 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6 [<-] 235 2.0.0 OK [->] MAIL FROM:<[email protected]> [<-] 250 Sender address accepted [->] RCPT TO:<[email protected]> [<-] 250 Recipient address accepted [->] DATA [<-] 354 Continue [->] Received: by blaster (sSMTP sendmail emulation); Wed, 11 Mar 2020 01:00:14 +0100 [->] From: "Console and webGui login account" <[email protected]> [->] Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 01:00:14 +0100 [->] [->] . [<-] 250 Great success [->] QUIT [<-] 221 See you later. Yours truly, Mailgun The email sends as `[email protected]` and has no anything, but goes to my spam as an empty email with sender `Console and webGui login account <[email protected]>`. Help, anyone?
  12. Thats great advice, thanks. I'm also using the CA User Scripts plugin for this, so good to know. I've had it in my mind to get down and get a more robust solution like this in place over my current simple copy. I'm no slouch o Shell scripts, so I'm going to see if I can write some scripts to accomplish these tasks. Thanks again.
  13. This is amazing @Hoopster, thanks for putting this up. I've been looking at improving my backup process between servers, and integrating pfSense backups to unRAID. Along with the CA User Scripts plugin, I'm going to give this a try. I realise also that this is quite a while after your post, do you have any things you added to this, or is it still working as-is to now?
  14. That's good to know. Thanks @johnnie.black I was thinking I might start the copy job and it'll be done by the time I wake up tomorrow.
  15. I have a couple questions that I'm unsure about at the moment, reading the FAQ and googling doesnt seem to have shown anything up. So I'm ready to copy my data from my (erroneous) 2x 3TB into my array, but I'm wondering the best way to do so. I have about 2.2TB of data from the 2x 3TB disks, and my array looks like this: - Do I simply copy the data over the share /mnt/users/X and let unRAID deal with where to put the data? - Do I copy the data into one of the /mnt/diskX areas? Like the respective 3TB disks into /mnt/disk3 and /mnt/disk4? - Do I need to wait until the current reconstruction is complete before beginning copying data back in?
  16. Thanks again for the assistance, looks like the parity rebuild went without issues on the new drives. Today, decided I would swap in the (previously parity) 2x 6TB drives to replace the (remaining) 2x 3TB drives. I wanted to test my hotswap capabilities so I did this without restarting. I also wanted to use the double parity to rebuild both drives at once, reducing TTL. A few things, for others who might want to try this: - Stopped the array - Pulled 2x 3TB drives (#3 and #4) - Insterted first 6TB disk (replacing #3), and waited a few minutes for drive to come online - Checked UI, confirmed 6TB disk, and assigned to #3 - Insterted second 6TB disk (replacing #4), and waited a few minutes for drive to come online - Checked UI, confirmed 6TB disk, and assigned to #4 - Started the array Looks like things are rebuilding properly: Looks like things are rebuilding, and my data is still accessible while its emulated. Great.
  17. Looks like everything went well. Everything has been reassigned, and I removed the disks in Step 7, and swapped in the new 2x 8TB parity disks. I checked all my drive logs before beginning, and saw that one of my other 3TB disks is having some strange log errors, but not write errors. Decided to remove that disk at the same time as the erroneous drive, but means that I wont have the free space to copy everything in. At least this way I will have all new drives and the same capacity, in the end. So it looks like once the parity is finished rebuilding, I'll need to swap the 2x 6TB disks in before copying my data back in.
  18. Thanks, this is great to know I'm looking at this correctly. Gonna start with this and see how I get on. Edit: I'll report back my results.
  19. Either way, I got no help when I REALLY needed it tbh. For me at least, this only highlights that this mailing list is unreliable. Sure, maybe its not arriving in people's inboxes, and we can pass it off as that, but it makes me wonder how many people have sent mails to this list and they never even showed up. I want to thank you for your help though, I really appreciate it.
  20. My new drives arrived (yay!). Really hoping someone has some time to maybe point me in the right direction? Am I making any mistakes here?
  21. I can see that too, but I followed the exact same process for all my mails, following the exact instructions for using the mailing list. Is it not odd that I received my own message, from their mailing list (As I replied to it here), but it doesn't show up otherwise in their achives? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  22. Here is my own response to my second mail asking for help. No responses. Not sure where my first is, I cant seem to find it. I followed all the bot and mail list instructions exactly. Oh well. https://lore.kernel.org/linux-btrfs/CAMry8Zs8omAJGqyJWL=O5=pKBq5yhq1+tnKvS9OFEooZNsv-GQ@mail.gmail.com/ Looking at the archive, I can still see many unanswered mails. Edit: Anyway, I'm past that, learned my lesson. happy to not use btrfs anymore. I do have a more current issue that I would really appreciate help with resolving if anyone has time:
  23. Hi everyone, Firstly, apologies for the verbosity here, I want to get this correct. I'm looking for some advice as I'd like to make sure I've got this right, and would not like to mess up my array (again). In my system I have: - 1x 1TB cache - 2x 6TB parity disks (new in 2019) - 2x 6TB array disks (new in 2019) - 4x 3TB array disks (carried over from my old server) - a few extra Unassigned Disks I've currently got a couple of things happening: - 1 of the old 3TB drives in my array has recently started to show errors. - 2x new 8TB WD Red drives are arriving today for my main unRAID system, ordered to replace and upgrade. So I'd like to (I think this is probably the correct order to do things): - Remove that faulty 3TB array disk, not replace with anything (effectively shrink). - Swap in 2x 8TB disks as my parity, replacing the 2x 6TB disks there now. - Swap in 2x 6TB current-parity disks into my array, replacing 2 of the 3TB disks. I've read up this article on removing disks and shrinking arrays: https://wiki.unraid.net/Shrink_array There seem to be a few options here, one of them including "Remove Drives Then Rebuild Parity". This seems interesting as I would preferably not like to rebuild parity twice, if possible. I'd like to find out: - Would it be possible to remove the 3TB disk, and replace the parity disks at the same time in step 7? - Once everything is running, can I just copy the contents from the removed disk as an Unassigned Disk, on top of the newly mounted array? - After that, once everything settles (parity and data copied in), I would only be left with swapping in the 2x 6TB disks as normal? Thanks for any advice.
  24. Thanks everyone who helped me with this issue. After a few weeks of messing around, I eventually gave up and took the config loss and started over with new settings. For notice, I tried to politely reach out to the btrfs mailing list multiple times, and had no response back. I wouldn't recommend trying that channel, as I subscribed and saw many people having issues with btrfs and no responses. And I mean a many people. So I've gone to a single 1TB NVME cache and nightly backups, thanks for that tip. Been working great, although I haven't tested a restore yet. Gonna do a dry run sometime soon. For the record also, my new cache is on xfs and I don't think I'll be touching btrfs again. It's far too buggy and the bugs in it have left me with a sour taste. A warning to future people who may stumble upon this: Backups and avoid BTRFS. A heartfelt thanks to everyone that helped me. 🙂
  25. I only recently found out about this particular plugin, before I had a script I made myself. Going to be using this going forward I think. Is there an easy place to find plugins?
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