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Brian H.

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Posts posted by Brian H.

  1. On 3/23/2021 at 6:23 AM, mwasserman said:

    After seeing the great progress that was being made to get the Mini PCIe Coral working I bought one with an adapter to try my luck. It's not going as smoothly as I had hoped. Maybe someone here can point me in the correct direction or next steps to help debug

    For anyone else with this problem, here are two things I tried:

    1. I changed the PCIe slots on the motherboard!
    2. I removed the Coral driver plugin, restarted UNRAID, installed the Coral driver plugin, then restarted UNRAID again.

    Before I had my Ableconn PEX-MP117 adapter card in a different slot at first and I was geting the "No EdgeTPU detected" error. Today I tried the above things and I now get "TPU found" instead.

    Ableconn card notes:

    • The card has jumpers to change between "PCIe based" and "USB Based" mode. I left mine in the default "PCIe based" position (jumpers on 1-2 & 4-5).
    • I only plugged the Coral mini PCIe board into the Ableconn card. I did not connect anything to the USB port on the back, nor the J5 header on the board.

    I'm not sure exactly what worked but, this detectors config is working for me now:

        type: edgetpu
        device: pci



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  2. I love that unraid makes it so easy to create a storage server out of almost any hardware and any hard drive combination, for an affordable price!


    I'd like to see CPU Hyperthread pairings in the UI to make pin groups easier to choose. Physically grouping them together, despite not being in numerical order would be nice. The UI should also highlight the threads that should be reserved for unraid, as I have heard it mentioned several times that the first CPU core should be dedicated to unraid itself.

    Congratulations on the big milestone!

  3. 1 hour ago, Abzstrak said:

    I just have been running this command hourly (using user scripts addon). Obviously you'll need to create the dbbackups folder.

    tar zcvf /mnt/cache/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-in\ Support/Databases/dbbackups/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db-$(date +%A-%H%M).tar.gz /mnt/cache/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Plug-in\ Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db


    Thanks. I modified it for my setup (replaced cache with user) and stuck it in a bash script under /etc/chron.daily, set it to executable and ran `update_cron`. It appeared in the list of daily tasks in scheduler, so I'm hoping it will work. :)

  4. 5 hours ago, GroxyPod said:

    Does anyone who is experiencing this corruption have a setup involving raid cards (LSI or other)?


    From what I'm seeing (with the limited listing of hardware specs provided thus far), it seems to be impacting people who directly connect drives to their motherboard. Not sure if this actually matters or not but just a thought.

    My drives are connected directly to my motherboard.

  5. unRaid 6.7.1 was just released. I installed it and am going to test and remain on that going forward (unless something unforeseen causes me to go back to 6.7.0).

    Limetech's release notes have 3 highlighted items on Reddit, one of which was is this issue:

    • We are also still trying to track down the source of SQLite Database corruption.  It will also be very helpful for those affected by this issue to also upgrade to this release.

    FYI I had to remove `--runtime=nvidia` from the Extra Parameters field in my @binhex-plexpass docker. I had previously followed a guide to enabling GPU acceleration. I believe that I only direct play movies so I don't think I need GPU acceleration right now. But I do have a GTX 1050 so I'd like to have the option at some point.

  6. 3 minutes ago, saarg said:

    Are all of you having issues using plex for photos?

    FWIW, I only added my photos folder for completeness. However, I only tried importing that folder the first time I set Plex up. I would like to re-add it someday, but I am trying to keep the number of libraries I have to rebuild down while troubleshooting.

  7. On 6/20/2019 at 3:09 AM, testdasi said:

    How about this - for anyone who reports the problem, also report:

    1. What CPU? How much RAM? Array config?
    2. Roughly how large is your collection? I think file count, even a rough estimate, is more important here.
    3. Have you set your appdata to /mnt/cache (or for those without cache, /mnt/disk1)? If you haven't, we'll ignore you.
    4. Do you have a link between Sonarr and Plex? If yes, have you disable it? If you haven't, we'll ignore you.
    5. Do you have automatic library update on change / partial change? If yes, have you set it to hourly? If you haven't we'll ignore you.
    6. This is more controversial. Can you rebuild your db from scratch?

    These are good questions, thank you for forcing me to think them through @testdasi!


    1. I bought a used Dell Precision T1700 PC and added a brand new Blu-Ray drive, two brand new 10tb shucked hard drives and one older shucked 4tb hard drive which had been in light use for a couple of years.
      • Intel Xeon E3-1226 v3 @ 3.30GHz (info)
      • 24 GiB DDR3
      • GTX 1050ti 4GB
      • 2 Western Digital 10tb drives
      • 1 Western Digital 4tb Drive
      • LG Internal Blu-Ray Drive (WH16NS40)
      • Motherboard: Dell Inc. 0JVY7H Version A00

        BIOS: Dell Inc. Version A27. Dated: 10/24/2018

    2. Only the Movies Library is currently indexed. I originally had 3 Movie libraries (those are now combined into one), a modest Music library, and a small TV Show Library.
      • /media/media/Movies: 4.1 TiB, 1005 files, 164 subfolders
      • /media/media/Music: 32.4 GiB, 2870 files, 179 subfolders
      • /media/media/Photos: 264.8 GiB, 122548 files, 12708 subfolders
      • /media/media/TV Shows: 112.1 GiB, 229 files, 19 subfolders
    3. Currently: /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-plexpass.
      • I believe I previously set it to /mnt/disk1/appdata/binhex-plexpass, and corruption still occurred.
      • I personally do not believe changing this helps.
    4. I am not sure if this is what you mean but: Sonarr, Radarr, and Ripper are all currently set to automatically copy completed files to the appropriate folders.
      • I almost exclusively acquire media using the Ripper docker app.
      • I do not currently have a TV Shows library setup, so Sonarr specifically is not currently a factor.
      • Only a single Movie library is currently being indexed.
    5. Automatic scans are currently disabled on my Movie library, so my scans are only initiated manually when I beleive all file copying activity to be complete.
      • I have added less than 10 movies to my library in the past week.
      • I installed a Blu-ray drive at the same time as I setup unRaid (maybe 5 weeks ago).
      • I have probably scanned about 200 Blu-ray movies in the first 3-4 weeks.
      • I have not had a corruption in the past 5 days since I have rebuilt my database, switched to manual only scanning, and slowed movie additions.
      • I suspect careful use of manual scanning is the key, but my slowing collection growth also means less changes are happening.
    6. So far I have exclusively rebuilt my database from scratch.
      • Unfortunately I was never successful following the sqlite3 dump and rebuild guide.
      • The last time though I finally was able to slowly but surely complete the reorganization of my approximately 250 movie collection, so I stopped my Plex docker and manually copied the sqlite3 .db file.
    7. Other relevant information:
      • unRaid 6.7.0 -- until I installed 6.7.1 this morning
      • Global Share Settings > Tunable (allow Direct IO) is set to NO.
  8. On 6/19/2019 at 11:43 PM, RaihaX said:

    From what I can tell it seems that it only gets corrupted when plex does too many queries/update/insert in a short span of time. By only doing hourly scan it seems to be less prone to corruption.


    I have suspected that as well. On my last rebuild -- maybe 5 days ago -- I disabled automatic scanning all together. I have only manually ran it on a single movie library (I used to have 3 categorized movie libraries). I have not re-added Music nor TV Shows back yet. So far, so good.

    That makes me wonder... could multiple libraries make it more likely too corrupt? That was part of my reasoning to combine my three separate movie libraries.


    On 6/19/2019 at 11:43 PM, RaihaX said:

    From what I can tell it seems that it only gets corrupted when plex does too many queries/update/insert in a short span of time. By only doing hourly scan it seems to be less prone to corruption.


    ps. I have given up in using backup - now i just dump the db and rebuild the db from the dump. A lot easier to restore it and I can probably make a script to trigger this but i haven't been bothered as it doesn't happen as often.


    I would recommend keeping backups once in a while as well just in case you are unable to recover the database. I tried at least 6 separate times, and each time the test at the command line after re-importing the data reported problems. So, I have given up on that process.

  9. On 6/15/2019 at 1:10 AM, CHBMB said:
    On 6/15/2019 at 1:10 AM, CHBMB said:

    One thing that does stand out, it seems that everyone is changing their disks and restoring old databases, I'm curious if starting with a fresh database would fix this.

    FWIW I have only been starting by deleting my corrupt sqlite database and reorganizing my library.

    On 6/15/2019 at 1:10 AM, CHBMB said:
    On 6/15/2019 at 1:10 AM, CHBMB said:

    This could be a weird quirk of a particular hardware combo, as it's never been possible to isolate why this has affected some, but not all, users.

    Let's keep the drama down, do some troubleshooting and try and isolate the issue.

    CC:  @limetech

    I am a brand new unRaid user. I started with 6.7, about a month ago. Here is what I have tried:

    1. downgrading Plex
    2. moving Plex's appdata to disk1 + disabled Tautulli
    3. upgrading Plex
    4. combining 3 movie libraries into 1.

    I was able to get about a week when I did #2, but my database did corrupt after 6 or 7 days. I have been running without corruption for a few days now, but I don't believe I have solved it yet.


    On 6/5/2019 at 12:02 PM, saarg said:

    I found this from a quick Google search. It's not where I read it, but might give you a hint?



    Plex doesn't work with mergerfs

    It does. If you're trying to put Plex's config / metadata on mergerfs you have to leave direct_io off because Plex is using sqlite which apparently needs mmap. mmap doesn't work with direct_io. To fix this place the data elsewhere or disable direct_io (with dropcacheonclose=true).

    Source: https://github.com/trapexit/mergerfs#plex-doesnt-work-with-mergerfs

    This sounds promising! However, I was not able to figure out if or where I could set this parameter.

    Here is my hardware specifications. I bought a used Dell Precision T1700 PC and added a brand new Blu-Ray drive, two brand new 10tb shucked hard drives and one older shucked 4tb hard drive which had been in light use for a couple of years.

    • Intel Xeon E3-1226 v3 @ 3.30GHz (info)
    • 24 GiB DDR3
    • GTX 1050ti 4GB
    • 2 Western Digital 10tb drives
    • 1 Western Digital 4tb Drive
    • LG Internal Blu-Ray Drive (WH16NS40)
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  10. Edit: Oops, Ignore the below statement. My ignorance was showing. I made the wrong assumption that downgrading Plex was the solution. I now realize the suggestion was to downgrade unRaid.



    I discovered multiple recent discussions on the plex.tv forums about database corruption after a recent update. 

    The user "mongo75" in this thread says after downgrading one release he has been 6 days corruption free. So I that is the avenue I am going to pursue.

    Since I am currently using the binhex/arch-plexpass template, I checked the tags on his docker hub page. Since the most recent release was from 11 days ago, I see the previous release is tagged "". So I downgraded by editing the "Repository" field in the docker template to read "binhex/arch-plexpass:" (a colon is required to separate the version tag from the repo name).



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