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Everything posted by ghost82

  1. It's in the efi folder, in the config.plist file. You can use the app clover configurator, which has a gui to edit the clover configuration.
  2. Hi, it seems to me your xml lacks important parts at the bottom. I suggest you to start again from the beginning, by following step by step the tutorial.
  3. Good that you solved, all seems ok to me, your optimization of the system should be the same as mine, so no new inputs to give to you
  4. Note also that both en0 and en1 are builtin=false from your ioreg and you could have issues; see my above reply to make it/them builtin.
  5. Ok, you put the .aml in the wrong folder. Inside ACPI folder create a new directory named "custom" and put aml files in that folder. then check if X86PlatformPlugin is loaded.
  6. Thanks, can you attach also your oc folder (maybe externally)?Please zip the efi folder, do not attach a qcow2 file. Seems a problem with your oc folder structure or config.plist file, since both .aml are not loading. Please see if you activated both aml in config.plist: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>ACPI</key> <dict> <key>Add</key> <array> <dict> <key>Comment</key> <string>x86PlatformPlugin</string> <key>Enabled</key> <true/> <key>Path</key> <string>custom/SSDT-cpu.aml</string> </dict> <dict> <key>Comment</key> <string>EC and USBX injections</string> <key>Enabled</key> <true/> <key>Path</key> <string>custom/SSDT-EC-USBX.aml</string> </dict> </array>
  7. Can you attach a ioreg dump so I can look at it? Pike's script if I remember well generates p and c states, but since you are running a vm you won't likely have any c and p states working (at least I was not able to have them even with the overcommit and cpu-pm=on in the xml). No need the p and c states to load X86PlatformPlugin.
  8. Catalina 10.15.3 is released, backup your vm before update! What we know about the update: macOS Build 19D76 Updated Intel and AMD graphics drivers Updated audio drivers- established users of Catalina with AppleALC or VoodooHDA should not need to update Install macOS Catalina App has been updated Optimizes gamma handling of low gray levels on Pro Display XDR for SDR workflows when using macOS Improves multi-stream video editing performance for HEVC and H.264 encoded 4K video on the 16-inch MacBook Pro (2019) Will try to update in the morning and report back if all is ok. [UPDATED]: updated to 10.15.3 without any problems.
  9. Hi SignorRossi, The "verde.kext" (for all: it's the Whatevergreen.kext) is not enough: it works coupled with Lilu.kext, so download them from github (latest versions) and copy them into the kext other folder (/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other). Then in clover configuration you have to be sure that InjectKexts is set to "yes". Not sure if your gpu will work, you need to try yourself.
  10. Hi, configuration is very personal, especially if you passthrough different devices to your vm. However, I'm attaching my config (some parts are REDACTED related to machine specification), so you can have a look at it. Here some advices: 1- ACPI section: I have the following aml files (see attached): SSDT-cpu.aml and SSDT-EC-USBX.aml These .aml file are in the EFI/OC/ACPI/custom folder 1a- SSDT-cpu.aml: this will inject plugin-type = one, usefull to load x86platformplugin instead of acpi_smc_platformplugin; not usefull to manage power states of your cpu(s) but usefull to let load AGPM, to manage the power management of the GPU I'm reporting the source code, for your info, if you are interested: /* * Intel ACPI Component Architecture * AML/ASL+ Disassembler version 20180427 (64-bit version)(RM) * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2018 Intel Corporation * * Disassembling to non-symbolic legacy ASL operators * * Disassembly of SSDT-cpu.aml, Mon Jan 27 08:07:16 2020 * * Original Table Header: * Signature "SSDT" * Length 0x000000B1 (177) * Revision 0x02 * Checksum 0xC3 * OEM ID "CpuRef" * OEM Table ID "CpuPlug" * OEM Revision 0x00003000 (12288) * Compiler ID "INTL" * Compiler Version 0x20190509 (538510601) */ DefinitionBlock ("", "SSDT", 2, "CpuRef", "CpuPlug", 0x00003000) { External (_SB_.CPUS.C000, ProcessorObj) // (from opcode) Scope (\_SB.CPUS.C000) { Method (DTGP, 5, NotSerialized) { If (LEqual (Arg0, ToUUID ("a0b5b7c6-1318-441c-b0c9-fe695eaf949b"))) { If (LEqual (Arg1, One)) { If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero)) { Store (Buffer (One) { 0x03 }, Arg4) Return (One) } If (LEqual (Arg2, One)) { Return (One) } } } Store (Buffer (One) { 0x00 }, Arg4) Return (Zero) } Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method { Store (Package (0x02) { "plugin-type", One }, Local0) DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0)) Return (Local0) } } } 1b- SSDT-EC-USBX.aml: this will inject the EC device and usb power properties, usefull for usb devices which needs more power to charge. I'm reporting the source code, for your info, if you are interested: /* * Intel ACPI Component Architecture * AML/ASL+ Disassembler version 20180427 (64-bit version)(RM) * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2018 Intel Corporation * * Disassembling to non-symbolic legacy ASL operators * * Disassembly of SSDT-EC-USBX.aml, Mon Jan 27 08:11:39 2020 * * Original Table Header: * Signature "SSDT" * Length 0x000000D4 (212) * Revision 0x02 * Checksum 0x67 * OEM ID "hack" * OEM Table ID "EC-USBX" * OEM Revision 0x00000000 (0) * Compiler ID "INTL" * Compiler Version 0x20180427 (538444839) */ DefinitionBlock ("", "SSDT", 2, "hack", "EC-USBX", 0x00000000) { Device (_SB.EC) { Name (_HID, "EC000000") // _HID: Hardware ID } Device (_SB.USBX) { Name (_ADR, Zero) // _ADR: Address Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method { If (LNot (Arg2)) { Return (Buffer (One) { 0x03 }) } Return (Package (0x08) { "kUSBSleepPortCurrentLimit", 0x0834, "kUSBSleepPowerSupply", 0x13EC, "kUSBWakePortCurrentLimit", 0x0834, "kUSBWakePowerSupply", 0x13EC }) } } } 2- DeviceProperties section: I see that you have a layout-id key, most probably it's the layout id for your audio; not sure if it can be specified as <integer>, mine is specified as <data>, but if it works with <integer> do not touch it. As you can see, I have 2 devices with the built-in key: these are my virtual network cards to show as built-in: this is usefull for the apple store/imessage/etc. to work. 3- Kernel section (kexts): good that you have Lilu, Whatevergreen and AppleALC, check that they are all the latest version; I have 3 more kexts (see attached): AppleMCEReporterDisabler, AGPMInjector and AppleLPCInjector. AppleMCEReporterDisabler: this disables MCE Reporter, because of a kernel panic on boot if you use iMacPro1,1 or MacPro7,1 smbios. AGPMInjector: this injects AGPM, the GPU power manager: if you open the info.plist of this kext you will notice this section: <key>iMacPro1,1</key> <dict> <key>Vendor10deDevice100c</key> <dict> <key>AGDCEnabled</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Heuristic</key> <dict> <key>ID</key> <integer>4</integer> </dict> <key>control-id</key> <integer>17</integer> <key>max-power-state</key> <integer>15</integer> <key>min-power-state</key> <integer>0</integer> </dict> </dict> The first "key line" is my system (iMacPro1,1); Vendor10deDevice100c: this must be changed according to your gpu: this is the case of a GTX Titan Black: Vendor ID=10de, Device ID=100c; you can find your data with hackintool for example, or with DPCIManager. Heuristic ID is set to 4: somebody suggests a value of 4 for nvidia gpus and a value of -1 (minus one) for amd gpus. Change these lines according to your System, or use the Pavo's utility AGPMInjector app to generate this kext: https://github.com/Pavo-IM/AGPMInjector/releases Note: Pavo's app will generate always an heuristic id equal to -1, also for nvidia gpu; note that in my case AGPM is correctly loaded even with an heuristic id of -1, so not sure if 4 or -1 will is making any difference. AppleLPCInjector: this inject the LPC device. 4- Kernel patch: I see that you have the "avoid a x86 validate topology error": this is usefull to avoid kernel panic if you specified topology in your xml (not 100% sure but if I remember correctly the panic applies only with iMacPro1,1 and MacPro7,1); I would change the count key from 1 to 0 (0 means always), this should not be necessary, but better 0 in my opinion. 5- Misc --> Tools: I have a couple of tools added (optional): VerifyMsrE2 and CleanNvram (see attached); these are shipped with opencore package/AppleSupportPackage; these tools must be put in the EFI/OC/Tools folder. 6- NVRAM --> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 --> boot-arg: I have some custom boot args, usefull for debug and also I set the busratio of my cpus manually (optional). 7- UEFI section: in addition to apfs.efi (to scan for apfs disks) and FwRuntimeServices, I have HFSPlus.efi (this is usefull when you have to load the recovery partition, no matter if you have your volume formatted as apfs, recovery needs hfs); the older HFSPlus driver loads the recovery partition faster than the driver included into opencore. I have also AppleUsbKbDxe: this should be used to load the usb keyboard driver, to use the keyboard during opencore boot, does your usb keyboard work even without this driver?? myconfig.plist SSDT-EC-USBX.aml SSDT-cpu.aml Kexts.zip Tools.zip Drivers.zip
  11. Did you try to change the system definition to imac18,x for example?iMac14,1 is quite old and can be the cause of your issues.
  12. Just to be sure this isn't related to the clover bootloader, can you try opencore? I prepared a qcow2 image for you to try with all drivers/kexts you should need. Product name: iMac14,1, preserved serial Inject: nvidia drivers Kexts to inject: lilu, whatevergreen, applealc, agpminjector, applelpcinjector Drivers: apfs, HFSPlus, FWRuntimeServices, AppleUsbKbDxe PS: not sure if driver apfs will be able to load partition, this is coming from my catalina installation, slightly patched, let me know if it doesn't boot Instructions: Download the opencore image from here: <Link sent via pm, since the image contains s.n.> 1- make sure you can access your unraid server shares, where your actual clover.qcow2 image is saved 2- backup your clover.qcow2 image, just to be sure 3- do not delete the clover.qcow2 image, extract opencore.qcow2.zip and copy opencore.qcow2 in the same folder where your actual clover.qcow2 image is stored on the unraid server 4- modifiy the vm template to point to the new opencore.qcow2 image instead of clover.qcow2 image 5- if you have problems just edit again the vm template to point to clover.qcow2 image Let me know
  13. Another thing: what version of high sierra do you have?
  14. Everything seems ok with the VoodooHDA kext too, but for some reason it's not working..I read that series 10 can have some problem in recognizing all ports, but I can't test, someone suggests to change port, someone suggests to disconnect and reconnect the cable, someone says that the hdmi audio works only if a DP port is connected too..I have a GTX titan black and everything works with applealc, without any problem. I'm afraid I cannot be of more help, maybe you can try the DP ports too and see if the audio works there.
  15. Strange, from the ioreg tree the HDAU is loaded, so your audio should work..Do you have multiple hdmi ports on your gpu (I see different version of gtx 1070, some with one hdmi port, some with 2..)?if so, can you try to switch the port and see if you get audio? If it still doesn't work you can try The VoodooHDA.kext instead of appleALC, you can download it from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/voodoohda/files/VoodooHDA.kext-292.zip/download Delete applealc before trying Voodoohda.
  16. No problem, but it apperas to be corrupted and I can't open it. Can you please save again a copy and upload again? Before uploading, extract your zip and open it with ioregistry so to check it is not corrupted before the upload.
  17. Can you download ioregistry explorer and attach a dump of it (attach the zipped dump)?
  18. The xml template looks good, remove the kexts you are using and replace and use only lilu, whatevergreen and applealc (download them from github, latest releases, all from acidanthera repository). Put the kexts in the "other" folder of your clover/opencore bootloader and make sure these kexts are injected (check your bootloader config.plist, for clover, injectkexts = yes in system parameters, for opencore set each kext to "enabled").
  19. Of course, it is possible, my nvidia hdmi audio works well. What kext? You need lilu, whatevergreen and applealc kexts. You need to check the xml template according to this post (read chapter 2. GPU )
  20. mmm, not 100% sure, I don't remember how I dumped my vbios, maybe I used a second pc to connect to unraid 🤨 Since you need to unbind the gpu I think so. By this way you are 100% the vbios is correct for your own gpu.
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