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Armed Ferret

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  1. Hello, My docker.img stopped suddenly. After looking through the logs, I noticed my cache drive was full. When I hit mover, nothing would happen (mover has worked in the past.). I saw this error in the diagnostic logs for my cache drive: Feb 4 21:05:18 Prometheus root: mount: /mnt/cache: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/nvme0n1p1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. Feb 4 21:05:18 Prometheus root: dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call. Feb 4 21:05:18 Prometheus emhttpd: shcmd (12122): exit status: 32 Feb 4 21:05:18 Prometheus kernel: XFS (nvme0n1p1): Invalid superblock magic number Also, the smart test wouldn't run on the cache drive. I tried removing the cache from the array and adding it back to see if it would do a file system check and possibly fix it. It didn't. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Unconfirmed 319673.crdownload
  2. Im having the same issue but Im not sure how to do this with an Unraid docker.
  3. I run plex on ubuntu to take advantage of hardware transcoding. I am trying to automount my shares, but when I restart autofs.service I cannot see the shares anymore. username@plex:~$ ls /mnt/nfs ls: cannot access '/mnt/nfs/tv': No such file or directory ls: cannot access '/mnt/nfs/music': No such file or directory ls: cannot access '/mnt/nfs/movies': No such file or directory movies music tv However, when I stop the autofs.service I can ls to those folders. username@plex:~$ ls /mnt/nfs/movies username@plex:~$ Anyone know how to get this working?
  4. Did you try rebooting unraid? Did that resolve the error?
  5. Is your downloads share going to a cache drive? Are you seeing any errors on that drive? You can check by running this command from your unraid terminal - btrfs dev stats /mnt/cache If any of them have a count then try rebooting unraid. Then check to see if you are still getting a count. Another option you could do is turn off "Use Cache Pool" under Shares > Downloads. I'm operating under the impression that your /data is mapped to your downloads folder in SAB. I believe I had this issue as well. I was no longer able to get content from Sonarr and Radarr. Ans I also had those other .py errors as well. I had a bunch of errors on my cache drive. So I rebooted to see if it was generating any new errors. After the reboot, my cache drive no longer connected. I had to delete the Downloads share, recreate it (and the incomplete and complete folders within). The reason for this was that SAB showed 0GB Folder. And when I tried to connect to the complete and incomplete folders in SAB it would throw a connection error Then I had to reinstall SAB because it wasn't connecting and I read somewhere that the Downloads Share needs to be created first before installing SAB. That resolved my issue So cliff notes: - Run '- btrfs dev stats /mnt/cache' to check for errors - Even if you don't have any, I would still try a reboot - If cache still shows and no issues were found you can do the following + Delete your Downloads share from termlinal. Its probably under /mnt/user/ + to delete a folder you will need to use the 'rm -r downloads' directory + Now remove SAB (Make sure you take a screenshot of the docker settings just in case) + Create the new share and the complete and incomplete folders + install sab + once installed, launch SAB and set it up. Make sure you switch the folders from the default location to /data/incomplete and /data/complete + You will need to update the API from SAB on Sonarr and Radarr Now test. Hopefully I am making this clear. Im doing this all from memory.
  6. Its the same drive. How do I change it back?
  7. I am getting "Docker Image Failed to Start" on the Docker tab I see this error in the logs Mar 8 09:54:42 Prometheus emhttpd: shcmd (166): /usr/local/sbin/mount_image '/mnt/disks/Samsung_SSD_860_EVO_500GB_S59UNJ0N109855F/system/docker/docker.img' /var/lib/docker 50 Mar 8 09:54:42 Prometheus root: Creating new image file: /mnt/disks/Samsung_SSD_860_EVO_500GB_S59UNJ0N109855F/system/docker/docker.img size: 50G Mar 8 09:54:42 Prometheus root: ERROR: failed to zero device '/mnt/disks/Samsung_SSD_860_EVO_500GB_S59UNJ0N109855F/system/docker/docker.img': Input/output error Mar 8 09:54:42 Prometheus root: btrfs-progs v5.10 Mar 8 09:54:42 Prometheus root: See http://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org for more information. Mar 8 09:54:42 Prometheus root: Mar 8 09:54:42 Prometheus root: failed to create file system I looked in that location and I dont even see the docker.img. I searched the entire file system for docker.img via terminal with 'find / name docker.img' and it says no file exists When I look under the Apps tab and try to uninstall docker, docker seems grayed out. I have attached my diagnostics logs. unraid-diagnostics-20220308-1159.zip
  8. If you click on the sonarr icon, click on it and go to edit settings, what is the ports for sonarr and what is the puid and pgid? 401 means you are not authorized, as Im sure you are aware. From the ports you provided there are 6's in front of some of your ports. IE SAB, Sonarr, radarr.
  9. Hi, So when I search for an episode in Sonarr, for instance bar rescue I see s03E21 but when I click on the manual search button it only shows S04E01. This happens for a few episodes. And when I hover over the red circle it just says that the file is larger than the maximum allowed. It does not say "Wrong Series". I read a post that says refreshing the series in drone fixed this but I think they were running docker on an actual PC and not in unraid. https://forums.sonarr.tv/t/wrong-season-numbering/1008/8 Can anyone help with getting sonarr to show the correct episodes when I click manual search? Thanks
  10. My parity drive was a 12TB and the 14TB easystores were on sale for $189 each. I couldn't pass it up so I bought 2. Then I replaced my 12TB parity drive with the 14TB drive and then moved the 12TB to my array. In your case, sure you're only added 8TB to your array instead of 12TB but it will allow you a wider range of drives to add in the future. So I would say go for it if the higher tb drives have a good price point
  11. left click icon in deluge unraid web ui, select 'web ui' and enable cheats This does not work when you sleepct multiplayer. You just join the server. I guess I left that part out. no. I actually found a command that works. 1. Launch the unraid terminal 2. Run the following command "docker exec -u nobody -it binhex-minecraftserver screen -r minecraft". replace 'binhex-minecraftserver' with whatever the name of your docker is. Then the console launches. Thanks for the help.
  12. I moved my Single player world to my minecraft server. It launches fine and all of my buildings are there. Cheats are enabled on the Single Player world. But when I launch the server I am unable to do any commands like changing the game mode. It only gives me a list of the commands in my screenshot. I tried launching the console by using the following command but I get an error. docker exec -u nobody -it binhex-minecraftserver /usr/bin/minecraftd console https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/minecraftserver.md OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "exec: \"/usr/bin/minecraftd\": stat /usr/bin/minecraftd: no such file or directory": unknown So from the error its saying that it doesnt exist there. Im sure it has to do with me having my appdata on my unassigned devices drive instead of the default location. I looked in the binhex-mincraftserver folder but cant find the path to the minecraftd Below is the path to the minecraft folder on my unassigned devices. /unraid_unassigned_disks/Samsung_SSD_860_EVO_500GB_S59UNJ0N109855F/appdata/binhex-minecraftserver/ What I am looking to do is enable cheat commands on my Minecraft server and the only way I can find is through the console. I am open to other ideas as well. So summary 1. How do I access the Minecraft Console through Unraid terminal? 2. Is there another way I can get the in-game cheat commands enabled if I cannot access the console? Thanks
  13. Hello, In SABNZBD I am getting "Cannot create backup file for /config/sabnzbd.ini.bak" I went into the location of the backup file and renamed it to sabnzbd.ini.bak.old. I saw the system created a new sabnzdb.ini backup file but Sab is still throwing the error. I have the cache saving to an unassigned device SSD instead of the array. I have no issues with SAB except for this error being thrown. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  14. Western digital offers better deals for 12tb drives. Here's a list of sites and the optimal price to buy them at. https://forums.serverbuilds.net/t/official-wd-external-shuckables-price-tracking/4995
  15. In Deluge if you enable Labels through Plugins then it will add the TV or Movie Label. Thats how it knows where to move the media to.
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