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Everything posted by Whizadree

  1. Keep getting Error Timeout 180 Seconds SDA (0,0,0,0) Tag#Timeout Timeout SDA (0,0,0,0) Retrying .... Anyone know of the issue or Solution
  2. would this method work for OSX?
  3. +1 agree also , nice feature , always building and testing different os's ,
  4. was going to say the custom tab , and use the existing pages and add a custom tab to scripts
  5. Brilliant BTW its called Thermaltake Tower 900
  6. before this gets off topic , its running under its own vm by the looks of it , as i said personally not doing it myself i have one of these
  7. Understandable but as a micro docker for logging / statistics / home automation it should be suitable
  8. I dont actually use Unraid on it at the moment but is there a RaspberryPi Icon as i know a few ppl that run it on those.
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