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Everything posted by Derek_

  1. Hi, thanks for this Docker. I've been using it for a while now (and sent a small donation quite a while ago ) I got an email on 15/11 saying a new version of the Emby Docker is available: emby [2a2b..5c38]. My system is set to auto update Dockers, so i assume it has as in the Docker view it says "up-to-date". First time using Emby since the 14th i think, i now get "Forbidden" (just Forbidden, not 404 or anything else) via WebUI and the mobile app can't connect to the NAS. I did "Fix Common Problems" but it didn't find anything with my unRAID setup. Emby seems to start ok, it says it's running. I restarted it, and even rebooted the server. I had a look at the directory via the Console menu ls -l and i notice that some files and directories have root:root while others are abc:users. I don't have any 'abc' user. No idea if that's related to my problem. I'm not very familiar with Docker. I tried to look at the log, but there's no date-stamps and doesn't seem to say anything like "error" or such and i don't have a clue what i'm looking for. Suggestions/troubleshooting steps appreciated
  2. Are you saying it's on the USB, but not copied to RAM at boot?
  3. Hiya, sorry it's taken so long to reply. No - i never figured it out. I just accepted it as it was. As someone mentions, you can chown it after operations are complete if that works for your scenario.
  4. Oh, now that is interesting. Thank you So Airsonic is to Subsonic what Jellyfin is to Emby. I like it EDIT: And their logo is an otter. Sold
  5. That's ok, thanks. I don't want to open up anything outside my network. I just want it for home. I'm not a fan of the Plex/Emby style interface either. Perhaps with the PlexAmp app it's better than just Plex? Is it usable without buying into the premium? (i am currently trialling Emby for video).
  6. Looks pretty good from a quick look on YouTube. Doesn't look like there's a supported Docker for unRAID as yet
  7. I presume you have to share your Plex out of your network? I'd love it if i could just upload my music collection and have the app use that.
  8. That's part of the question i suppose - even if i do all these things if i don't have Premier will it make any difference? Do you know if that kind of performance is what i should expect without Premiere, regardless of the Nvidia plugin? I don't want to pay for Premiere only to find that wasn't the problem. As an aside, what do people do with AMD cards?
  9. How do i know what GPU this docker is using? I have onboard Intel, and an Nvidia GPU. I ask because i basically can't skip/slide a movie. It kind of technically works, but it's unusable - it will take as long for it to skip to the point as it would just watching it. I wouldn't have thought it would do this even using the Intel GPU but thought i'd have a look. Perhaps there's some other setting i've overlooked? Am i reading correctly that in order to use the Nvidia GPU i have to install the unRAID Nvidia Plugin? Will that help without also paying for Emby Premiere? I've never used streaming software before, so i'm a tad confused.
  10. Hiya, i've been trying for ages to get a quarterly parity check. Here's my settings: Custom Monday First Week 09:00 January, April, July, October. I've tried a variety of permutations and i can't seem to get it to use the months i select. It'll do daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. What am i missing/doing wrong? I'm on 6.8.2. Thanks.
  11. Thanks for posting your script, it's got a couple of ideas mine lacks, and i've incorporated them. The 'check if Borg is running' is neat - not strictly necessary as Borg will stop if something has a lock on the repo, but it could be handy the more stuff i ask it to do. I've also finally found out how to get more global_exits if you're running more stuff you want an overall return for, e.g. global_exit=$(( info_exit > list_exit > check_exit ? info_exit : list_exit > check_exit ? list_exit : check_exit )) There were other suggestions too which may work just as well (or better) for your purposes: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/580673/bash-script-trying-to-get-3-return-codes-exit-status-to-give-me-a-global-exit
  12. @bonienl You made bunny cry! 😭 Dang. It looks like i'm going to have to make liberal use of chown to fix ownership of files after my script does its thing as root I've tried everything i can find to switch between root and my 'backup-user' (who owns my backups) but i just can't make all the features work as so much must be run as root. Bummer - that means more testing.
  13. I ran Linux Mint off the same (model) USB stick previously over USB3 and i didn't experience any issues. My use wasn't extensive, but it was long and active enough to get quite warm. I'm going to guess it was probably doing more than the unRAID stick because the way unRAID uses the RAM. It might be the BIOS implementation of USB3 on some devices - but you'd think on newer systems this would have been well and truly ironed out. USB3 is well over a decade old now (3.1 came out in 2013). Many unRAID systems appear to be old desktops though Mine is! Some Linux distros are designed to run live rather than installed. I haven't looked into whether they're problematic on USB3. I routinely install Linux distros via USB3 which would be quite intense read - works fine every time. Does the Slackware base have trouble with it if run live? I remember on my new Ryzen system a couple of years ago, i installed Arch (first time ever) and things were awesome. Then - it started locking up. It always seemed to do it when i moved the mouse (not always, just sometimes). I tested the theory by moving mouse around really fast and aggressive - it'd cause it to lock up. I spent days researching this and in the end i discovered a post something like the the one below. https://askubuntu.com/questions/457901/usb-2-0-device-scanner-does-not-work-with-xhci-hcd-on-usb-3-0-system Unfortunately, i had also just applied updates when i also turned of xhci in the UEFI (now i'm telling the story, i can't remember if i turned it off, or changed the setting to something else). And my system became stable. So was it the microcode update i'd just installed, or the USB UEFI setting? I was so happy my system wasn't freezing anymore i didn't turn it back on to test it. So yeah - maybe inconsistent/unreliable kernel implementations of some USB drivers is a problem. Kinda sux though. It was nice booting my unRAID in about 1/3 the time of USB2.
  14. I don't know about NextCloud, but while the CA Backup tool is sweet and i think does what you want, you should ideally look at off-site backups too (or at least off the device and safely stored elsewhere). In case your computer fries your array, or your device is stolen. With luck, my comment bumps your thread and someone who knows more about Dockers/NextCloud helps out
  15. It seems to work fine for me at least - it allows the owner of my backed-up files to be that user, and means i don't have to SSH as root. Maybe it depends what you're trying to do? Do you know of any specific side-affects?
  16. I'm using the SSH plugin to give me shells for users other than root. I'd like to be able to send notifications as these non-root users. Can i? Please? pretty please? cherry on top? I'm pretty sure when i first set it up in 6.7.2, it worked. But it hasn't for a while now - since i moved to 6.8.x Example: /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")" -s "borg-check >> SUCCESS <<" -d "test :: Finished successfully ::" -m "Logs :: test" -i "normal" Cheers.
  17. Interesting to know. Thanks.
  18. This is a question, not a statement so please don't hurt me I feel like i'm going to get punched for re-opening this old wound, but i saw this comment which actually had me a bit worried. Should i be? I'm not sure if that is even valid anymore with bonienl's most recent comment but the dates are oh so close to each other. The quote is from the above URL. I'm here because i was wondering if could grab my LUKS password to pass to a script without me having to store the password somewhere or manually type it in. But thinking about it, it's actually a bit worrying that anyone could write a plugin that could scape that.
  19. Hi Fluffy - yes you can. You'll need the SSH Plugin which allows you to setup a user with a home and /bin/bash profile. I use my "backup-user" to SSH into unRAID and i've actually disabled SSH as root.
  20. I've had some issues with Notify too. I used to send it through my ISP - but it proved far less reliable than using gmail (after turning on 'allow 3rd party apps'). I too was able to use 'test' in the GUI and it worked every time. But scripted, not so good (when using the ISP). Sometimes it didn't work, sometimes it took hours. Do you get any errors when you run it? Here's one of mine that works - when i run it as root. Are you running yours as root from the terminal? /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -e "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")" -s "borg-check >> SUCCESS <<" -d "$BORG_REPO :: Finished successfully ::" -m "Logs :: $LOGFILE" -i "normal" I came here hoping someone out there has successfully run notify without root - i'm 99% sure it used to work but not with 6.8.2 at least.
  21. Hiya, Please don't take this as an attack in any way. I'm genuinely interested in the technical* reason/s USB2 just works, and USB3 is flakey. I started on USB3, and it was actually fine to begin with. But when i started adding Dockers, VMs and Apps, i started to get weird quirks. So i put it in USB2 as recommended and everything stabilised. Why is USB3 not suitable to boot unRAID? *Not too technical 😅 Thanks
  22. Old topic, but DuckDuckGo brought me here. Is it still the case that eSATA is preferred over USB with USB3.1/3.2 gen blah blah and USB4 (or whatever stupid name they give it) being 5-10-20 Gb/s depending on which USB is available to you? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_3.0#USB_3.2
  23. Hiya, i'm pretty sure there's a/some settings somewhere for shutting down gracefully with powerloss on UPS. I live in an area that tends to have at least a couple of power outages a year. I know the NUT can set how long on UPS before it does the poweroff procedure, but i'm trying to find settings that pertain to how long it gives the system before it forces the issue. This is mainly to make sure the VMs and Dockers have enough time. I'm sure i've seen some settings somewhere but i cannot find them - i've been looking and searching the forums for half an hour. Thanks.
  24. For the first time i've noticed the choice: The help dialogue tells us what it does, but i'd be interested to know how it scans the system and to what extent is the "system"? Are there any privacy implications at all? I searched the 1st page in the thread but it doesn't mention "emergency" or "scan" or "vulnerabilities". Thanks
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