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Posts posted by cypres0099

  1. 14 minutes ago, trurl said:

    First priority would be to copy these somewhere.


    According to those diagnostics Unraid considers disk1 to have been replaced so if you start the array it is going to rebuild it.


    The last screenshot you posted had 9RHY1BUC assigned as disk1 and it was disabled.


    These diagnostics show 9RHY1BUC Unassigned and 9RHWXDWC replacing it as disk1.


    Can you tell us what you did between that screenshot and these diagnostics?


    When you say copy those files somewhere, you mean you think they are fully intact somewhere? Which drive(s) are at biggest risk here? Just disk 2 or more?

    Between the diagnostic and that screen shot I stopped the array, turned off the external hard drive (9RHWXDWC ), rebooted, and then turned the external hard drive back on. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Would have been better if you had asked for advice before doing anything.


    Wholeheartedly agree with this.


    15 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Post new diagnostics since you mounted that original disk with Unassigned Devices and wait for further instructions.


    Diagnostics posted. 


    20 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Do the contents of disk2 look OK after the rebuild?


    Do you have backups of anything important and irreplaceable?


    The contents of Disk 2 seem accessible the files I tried open. There are a couple empty folders that I'm not sure if they were empty on disk 2 before. Is there a better way to tell than just randomly opening files that are present to see if they work?


    I don't have great backups. A lot is backed up on the cloud, but there are some personal photos and videos that I would be pretty sad to lose. 



  3. This is what my current situation looks like. The unassigned drive (that i thought had failed) is accessible in my windows network folders and it's about the same size as Drive 1. So maybe I got confused about which drive was having the errors and replaced the wrong drive? So the unassigned drive is actually a still good version of drive 1 and I can just put it back in place of the red x Disk 1?





  4. 6 minutes ago, trurl said:

    What made you think the disk needed to be replaced? Connection problems are much more common than disk problems. Probably nothing at all wrong with the disk.

    Can you mount it in Unassigned Devices?


    I just didn't think through the problem very well. Saw a failed dis and thought "I have another disk to pop in there" so that's what I did :-/

    I just hooked up the drive that I thought had failed to an external sata enclosure. It's now showing in unassigned devices.


  5. 1 minute ago, trurl said:

    Do you mean you replaced it with another disk?

    Oh boy, I think I'm losing track of what disk went bad when.

    A disk (pretty sure it was disk 2) went offline last week and I replaced it with a spare disk I had in case of this situation. While it was rebuilding, Disk 1 started throwing errors. 

  6. 1 minute ago, trurl said:

    rebuild it


    So I just want to be sure about something. 

    I had Disk 2 go down last week, so I replaced Disk 2 and started a rebuild. However, during the rebuild Disk 1 started throwing errors and I couldn't access files on that disk. But the rebuild supposedly completed on Disk 2 (says lots of errors). 


    If I now try a rebuild on Disk 1 and the Disk 2 data is corrupted, will I lose the data on both drives?


  7. On 7/26/2021 at 11:57 AM, ChatNoir said:

    I see that your drives are still using ReiserFS. This is not recommended anymore (especially for drives over a few TB); once your issues are fixed you should consider changing that.


    The procedure is available there.


    Will have to do that after I hopefully get it sorted!

  8. On 7/26/2021 at 3:24 AM, JorgeB said:

    Constant ATA errors on disks 1 and 3:


    Cancel rebuild, replace cables on those disks and try again, monitor syslog to see if the errors are gone.


    @JorgeB the rebuild of Disk 2 did finish (not 100% sure if finished correctly). I hope I didn't screw myself by doing that :(


    I only had one spare SATA cable so I replaced it on Disk 1 (which was the one throwing the errors). I rebooted and Disk 1 is showing disabled. If it was a bad cable that did it, how do I get the array to pull Disk 1 back in?




  9. 11 hours ago, ChatNoir said:

    Maybe your issue has to do with your video share ? Is it possible that videos are downloaded on cache and moved to "video" ? Since the mover does not consider files with cache set to NO, they might pile up.


    Thanks for chiming in @ChatNoir


    That folder doesn't really have anything in it. I think it was setup just for pre-roll in plex for some reason. 


    I've had this cache setup for like 6 years without issues, but all of a sudden after upgrading to 6.9.2 it's stopped moving files every night.


    Now there's another new issue popping up, it says my disk 2 is disabled and stuck in read only or something.

    I've attached the zip diagnostic




  10. 2 hours ago, Xaero said:

    Could you post the docker run command for the Plex container?
    I thought I had asked for it before, but am mistaken. I don't see anything suggesting "why" plex is using so much ram yet. It also looks like the plex docker log is not included in this diagnostics zip, unfortunately.

    DOH! Was there some specific way I was supposed to get the diagnostics to make sure it was included?

    Any tips on getting rid of the bad docker mount?

    Here's the screenshot of the run command for plex


  11. On 1/30/2020 at 11:43 AM, Xaero said:

    You'll need to post the log while memory is full or near full.
    Keep an eye on memory usage and before it reaches the point of being unusable try capturing the diagnostics. 

    Sadly, no process seems to be using an abnormal amount of memory in these logs, and I don't see any kernel OOM entries logged in syslog. 

    MiB Mem :  64420.0 total,  60521.1 free,   1782.2 used,   2116.6 buff/cache
    MiB Swap:      0.0 total,      0.0 free,      0.0 used.  61152.4 avail Mem 



    It may not be the plex process itself eating all your ram, it could be one of it's child processes.



    It took a lot longer than it usually does, but I just captured the log while the RAM was at 100% usage. 


  12. 1 hour ago, Xaero said:

    You'll need to post the log while memory is full or near full.
    Keep an eye on memory usage and before it reaches the point of being unusable try capturing the diagnostics. 

    Sadly, no process seems to be using an abnormal amount of memory in these logs, and I don't see any kernel OOM entries logged in syslog. 

    MiB Mem :  64420.0 total,  60521.1 free,   1782.2 used,   2116.6 buff/cache
    MiB Swap:      0.0 total,      0.0 free,      0.0 used.  61152.4 avail Mem 



    It may not be the plex process itself eating all your ram, it could be one of it's child processes.


    ok, thanks for checking into that. I'll keep an eye on the usage and grab the log the next time I see it full.

  13. 13 hours ago, trurl said:

    Bring us all up to date on your docker run command and plex transcode directory.

    Attached run command & transcode directory below. 


    8 hours ago, chris_netsmart said:

    I had the same proble.   Do you have the dvla turned on. If so turn it off and retry.

    It looks like DLNA is off, if that's what you meant.




  14. On 1/21/2020 at 5:32 PM, cypres0099 said:


    Well the problem happened again. Plex went up to 100% RAM usage this time and totally locked up the clients. Server was running super slow too. Once the Plex container was manually restarted, everything went back to normal. 


    Any ideas how to fix this? It's very frustrating.



    Would love to start trouble shooting this. It's locking up every other day. 

  15. On 1/11/2020 at 4:57 PM, cypres0099 said:

    I'll grab a screen shot if it happens again.


    Zip attached


    Yeah, I created that share a long time ago. Can't remember specifically why.

    mongo-diagnostics-20200111-1659.zip 130.8 kB · 1 download


    Well the problem happened again. Plex went up to 100% RAM usage this time and totally locked up the clients. Server was running super slow too. Once the Plex container was manually restarted, everything went back to normal. 


    Any ideas how to fix this? It's very frustrating.


  16. 32 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Something that actually shows that 99% number. Is that from the Dashboard, or from System Stats?

    I'll grab a screen shot if it happens again.


    31 minutes ago, trurl said:

    This does show he is writing to a path that isn't mapped, but the result of that would be to fill docker image, not fill RAM.


    In any case, go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.


    Zip attached


    51 minutes ago, alturismo said:

    and may check if /mnt/user/Trans.... is existing on your unraid host, its pretty uncommon layout for trans path on host ... u created a share like this ?


    most use a sub path in something like /mnt/user/appdata/plex.....

    Yeah, I created that share a long time ago. Can't remember specifically why.


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