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Everything posted by Influencer

  1. Where did you see that they don't support supernews? And the nzb's can be used with any provider, all an nzb does is tell your newsreader where to find the files.
  2. Try removing all of the files from /www/lib/smarty/templace_c/
  3. Enable php error log in the simpleFeatures web server settings, try to run it a few times and try to go to the home page a few times and then look at the log. Post the output if necessary....I think its a php error of some sort.
  4. Ahh, ok, I skimmed the beginning and they looked the same so I assumed, The predb is what ddeeds was talking about earlier, the "packaged nzb's" basically, without looking I'd guess it updates that database. Optimise_db does just that, it optimises the mysql database for you(instead of doing it manually), same goes for update_tvschedule and theaters. Just extra little features.
  5. They went to invite only. You'll probably see other sites go to the same system to 1. Try to stop unwanted people from joining and 2. To decrease the amount of traffic coming in. Remember, all the 'matrix refugees are looking for a new home.
  6. I think they are the same, just the directory was renamed between releases. The free version is an older version. Checking both the nix_scripts and cron_scripts directories and both have the same files with the same contents.
  7. What does your lighttpd.cfg look like? Located in /boot/config/plugins/simpleFeatures/
  8. Right now it looks for the simpleFeatures webserver, you can grab it from This pack And the mysql plug-in I tested with is the one in the wiki, found here It should work fine with the updated version, found here
  9. Check in /boot/config/plugins/simpleFeatures/ for simpleFeatures.cfg. You can open that file, the server configs will start with lighttpd. Also, wouldn't hurt to run chmod -R 777 /boot/config/plugins/simpleFeatures/ to ensure the config file is accessible.
  10. Alright, made a couple changes to how I check for the webserver and mysql plug-ins. Give it a try, Download here! Make a few requests for what you'd like to see the plug-in do, I've got a few ideas myself... Right now this is a way to let the installation go smoothly for less linux-savvy users. As long as the web server is installed and mysql is installed, the plug-in will do everything else short of scheduling the cron/running Sorry to release such a feature-lacking plug-in, I made it real quick last night so I could get it out for users to test(and rightfully so I see). This way I can make sure any bugs are squashed as far as the basic functions and can focus on adding features/functionality. When you install newznab using the plug-in it will show "NOT CONFIGURED" first, and the link will point to the /install directory to start you with the guided installation. Once that is completed it will change to "RUNNING" and point to the base page. I may add to the checks for the plug-ins and add buttons to pull down and install the webserver and mysql plug-ins, only issue with this is it would have to be updated with every update to the plug-ins.
  11. Please post the name and location of your web server and MySQL plugins. I plan on looking for the installation instead of the plugin, looking for the plugin worked flawlessly on my system but apparently not on others.
  12. It's a functional proof of concept right now, ill add more features in the next few days. For now it installs and runs everything but you have to install nnplus manually if you have it.
  13. It's more of a proof of concept now, its fully functional as it is but ill be adding functionality. For now you can copy your nnplus overtop of the installation the plugin creates.
  14. For those that are interested, I have a test plugin out.
  15. I'm more concerned with new releases so I don't need to run to backfill. If I need to grab anything old I can grab it from headers.
  16. I hadn't even paid attention to that when I made the suggestion... I think in that case it would suffice to run it from screen at boot /usr/bin/screen -dmS newznab /path/to/ Haven't tested but that should work
  18. you need to open the lighttpd.txt found in /misc/urlrewrites/, copy everything in the file and add it to the end of lighttpd.cfg found in /boot/config/plugins/simpleFeatures/ Once its added you need to stop/start the webserver for the changes to take effect(actually not sure if you need to but it won't hurt anything to make sure)
  19. Either will work, I'd stick with localhost personally as the local loopback should always be running but you may have NIC issues and not have a eth0 running and therefore wouldn't have a server IP(of course if this is the case newznab wouldn't be doing you much good anyway). That and since mysql and newznab are running on the same machine, localhost will work fine since its only being used by newznab to connect to the mysql database.
  20. hostname: localhost Username: (whatever you want, I kept as root for simplicity) password; (whatever you want, I kept as root for simplicity) database: Newznab Granted my database isn't the most secure, I don't expect anyone else to access it as my server is not opened to the internet.
  21. In /misc/update_scripts there is a directory named cron_scripts. You can schedule a cron job to run that script(it includes code to stop the update_binaries from running multiple instances). You can do this by adding a line to the go file to add the cron automatically on boot: crontab -l > /tmp/file; echo '#Update Newznab' >> /tmp/file; echo '0 * * * * /mnt/cache/server/misc/update_scripts/cron_scripts/ 1> /dev/null' >>/tmp/file; crontab /tmp/file; rm /tmp/file That will run the update scripts every hour unless it is currently running. You need to change the directory path to wherever your script is located. Also you need to open up and change the newznab path to reflect your path as well. As for a recommended group list, check out since its back up, do some searches for stuff you normally grab, to the left of the results it gives the groups where it was indexed from,
  22. Joeman, you only have the two stock regexes, those are pretty poor and basically proof of concept, and will not find any releases. The regexes included with the donated version are more complete and will find releases. The PHP memory can be increased in the php.ini, but if you are only indexing a few groups you probably won't notice. I have tested with the stock memory limit and indexed 17 groups, haven't had an issue. The apache mod_rewrite warning can be ignored if you are using lighttpd which is included in simpleFeatures web server plug-in. If you choose to manually install apache then you MUST have mod_rewrite enabled. For the majority of users here I'd say its safe to ignore. Also Joeman, you need to add the lighttpd rewrite rules to the lighttpd.cfg found in /boot/config/plugins/simplefeatures/. The rewrite rules can be found in your newznab installation in /misc/rewriterules/lighttpd.txt
  23. Gingadaddy is back up, apparently legal issues are resolved.
  24. Screen is a program that runs multiple sessions at once so the script doesn't stop if you close the window. There is a plugin for it on unraid