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Report Comments posted by BurntOC

  1. Last night I took the painful step of just blowing up the networks altogether. I deleted the network.cfg and the local-kv.db for Docker, then set up eth0, updated to 6.12.10, added the other interfaces and Docker networks back, and then set up my dozens of containers all over again.


    Three hours later I'm up on a current working state on 6.12.10 - still running macvlan as is my preference. I just hope that I get more stability on 6.12 this time than I ever did when I could update through 6.12.5.  I'llmark this as the solution, but note that there are others who have had other successful workarounds.

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  2. @bonienl I'm really sorry to hear about the other challenges. - understood.  @Adam-M  I attempted both, and neither worked.  In the first scenario, I could see that the appropriate networks were still displayed for each container in the Docker screen , but none were started and attempting to start gave a "execution error".  I attempted to edit a container to select the network again but the only one shown besides the builtin (host, IIRC) was bond0.  I forgot to take diagnostics

    I downgraded, then tried the second approach.  Same thing re: the containers not starting and execution error.  I forgot to edit to see what they showed, but I'd expect it was similar.  I did take a diagnostic, which I've attached here.  I've had to downgrade back again because of the importance of these containers to a lot of our daily work.



  3. Thanks for looking at it.  I do believe there is some real "bug" here - it's always worked/upgraded fine before but as you said I know there were some changes.  Odd that my other similar one works.  I'd stumblined on some discussion of deleting local-kv.db to reset the docker network stuff but I didn't want to go near doing stuff like that if I can help it - unless y'all advise me to.  We all use stuff running off this server most of the day so it's impactful if I screw it up.

  4. @bonienl

    I just upgraded again and the problem remains.  Downgraded to get my containers back up and I forgot to run a "docker network ls", but I did do a screencap of the docker settings (think it looks the same except 6.12.8 up top), a screencap of me trying to edit the network on on existing container (confirmed that I only get those options on any new containers as well), and I did run a diagnostics.  Hope this helps ID the cause.



  5. 6 hours ago, bonienl said:

    Something went wrong in the creation of the docker networks.

    Feb 16 10:53:04 unraid-outer root: Error response from daemon: network dm-ac543d521cd9 is already using parent interface vhost2.60
    Feb 16 10:53:08 unraid-outer root: Error response from daemon: network dm-c962d0d87feb is already using parent interface vhost4.70


    Can you post a screenshot of your docker settings page (advanced mode)


    And post the result of this command

    docker network ls



    Yessir!  Give me a few, I'll jump on that right now!

  6. Okay, I was away on business for several days and just used it to step away from this for a bit.  I'm back and I've really got to ask - seriously?  I have 3 paid Unraid server licenses, I attached diagnostics, and marked this as an Urgent issue, and in 5 days I can't get an acknowledgement and some help?  Love Unraid and @limetech, but really guys, that's crap.  I have a server stuck on 6.11.5, a version you've deprecated CA and functionality for to presumably encourage upgrades, and no one can address an issue where the upgrade blows away multiple networks?

  7. Okay, so happy to report that after a hard power cycle I was able to get it to boot.  I was surprised to see that despite it saying it was going to take me down only to 6.12.4 it did in fact restore me to 6.11.5. 


    The bad news is since it updated my CA plugin it now won't load it because I'm not on 6.12.x, but I was able to paste the URL in for the 9.30.2023 version to get it back.


    Anyone got ideas oon how to work my way out of whatever the heck happened to my networks and Docker configs during the upgrade?  I just tried going to 6.12.6 first and it has the same problem.  I'm guessing, as I've attempted this before, that if I leave it macvlan and do the upgrade it would work, then maybe I can try to switch to ipvlan, but the whole thing smacks of some sort of issue with the migration script.

  8. I meant to add that I also noticed this is happening on my other Unraid server I'd upgraded from 6.9.2 to 6.10rc2 as well (though this one I re-setup from scratch).  From provisioning on the Management Access page it reports cert info from Let's Encrypt, but when I look at the browser it is confirming that it, too, is using the self-signed cert.

  9. Changed Status to Solved



    Final update:  2 threads (this and the original support request), 6 days here with no response hereI do really, really like Unraid and I don't regret buying a license.  Kinda regretting buying the 2nd one now though, but maybe I'll luck out and not run into any major issues and the point will be moot.  Hope so.  In any case, I want to add this update for posterity.  


    Current uptime is 3 days, 17+ hours, well beyond what it had been as of late.  I believe the solution was that I pulled the 1 stick of RAM that didn't match the others out of the system. Even though the run of memtest had passed maybe subsequent ones would fail, but the stick has performed perfectly fine in other multifunction server installs.  In the config I had here it just seems it was enough of a mismatch that it caused an error.

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