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Report Comments posted by MammothJerk

  1. This is now happening to me in 6.12.10, happened thrice so far.


    been using ipvlan since it was reccomended to switch (i dont remember exactly when)


    I'll try disabling unassigned devices as well since it is not critical to my setup as of now.


    My webUI is also on 24/7 so i'll try closing that as well and see if that helps....


    No ZFS at all


    Apr 28 03:31:59 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 17189 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 1063.249540 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:01 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 17193 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 1064.660643 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:03 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 17198 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 1066.449518 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:05 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 17206 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 1065.775609 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:07 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 18468 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 958.079578 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:09 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 18723 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 909.369041 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:11 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 22830 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 12.324537 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:13 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 22858 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 12.351759 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:17 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 22868 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 12.154776 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:20 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 22887 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 13.065055 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:22 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 22892 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 12.992806 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:24 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 22929 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 13.177104 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:26 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 22946 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 13.077995 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:29 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 22959 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 12.259697 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:32 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23020 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 12.165804 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:35 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23032 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 12.332991 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:37 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23041 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 13.104584 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:39 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23044 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 12.936221 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:53 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 17187 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 1117.318953 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:55 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 18409 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 1007.136806 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:57 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 18484 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 1004.508118 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:32:59 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 18517 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 999.863973 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:33:01 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 22209 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 128.317542 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:33:04 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23059 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 31.515416 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:33:06 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23094 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 31.523064 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:33:08 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23237 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 15.367647 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:33:10 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23265 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 15.092111 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:33:12 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23266 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 15.126192 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:33:14 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23286 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 14.951573 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:33:16 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23296 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 14.916679 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:33:18 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23345 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 14.074135 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:33:20 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23418 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 14.006812 seconds from start
    Apr 28 03:33:22 Tower php-fpm[12555]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 23439 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 14.076090 seconds from start


    Can confirm that after closing the webui i am not getting the warning at all, but after the webui has been open for a couple hours the warning messages start again

  2. In 6.11.5, if i have been away for a couple of days and check the notifications in the webui I can read them all and then dismiss them with one click.


    In 6.12 i have to do 16 clicks and some tiny mouse movements to view and acknowledge the 3 different notifications types.
    OR 2 clicks to archived notifications and read the timestamps and try to remember the last notification i read, and then still need to do 6 clicks to acknowledge the 3 types.


    Making this timer just 3 seconds feels almost useless since if the webui is in another tab you will almost never catch the notification when it triggers, and you would have to check the bell icon anyway.


    idk just feels like a weird thing to make rigid unless this auto-close behavior is the only "fix" for the reappearing notifications problem.

  3. still an issue in firefox 100.0.1 and unraid 6.10


    The notifications are changing order where the top notification goes to the bottom and pushes every other notification up.


    refreshing the page fixes the issue temporarily.




  4. On 5/14/2022 at 1:41 PM, bonienl said:


    Please post the output of the command you are trying

    C:\Users\MammothJerk>ssh-keygen -t rsa
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (C:\Users\MammothJerk/.ssh/id_rsa): snorlax2_rsa
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in snorlax2_rsa.
    Your public key has been saved in snorlax2_rsa.pub.
    The key fingerprint is:
    SHA256:Lc5lmQK/eWJJeYJ6ozHTK9P9r23DeMx+PWRyi4l3NS0 MammothJerk@PUPITAR
    The key's randomart image is:
    +---[RSA 3072]----+
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |      .          |
    |       + o o     |
    |      . S B     .|
    |     o + @   .E=o|
    |    =.+.O .=. Bo+|
    |    o*.+.o.oB+.+.|
    |    .o.  .o*=o. .|


    i then use PuTTYgen to convert the OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY to a .ppk for use in PuTTY.


    in putty

    i add root to username under Connection>Data

    i then add the .ppk to the connection>SSH>Auth>file field


    i add the public key to "SSH authorized keys" under user root and hit save.


    I was curious so i also tried DSA and ECDSA.

    ECDSA worked, DSA did not. I sanity checked myself and tested DSA again and it did not work.

    and again i created an ED25519 key and it worked on the first try.


    ECDSA and ED25519 work, RSA and DSA do not work.


    Running rc8

  5. I tried from scratch 4 times using the rsa algorithm in ssh-keygen with no success


    switched to the ed25519 algorithm with ssh-keygen and it worked on the first try.


    This is the guide i used couple years ago when i setup my server.

    (i believe it's the one i used since it looks familiar but not 100% if i did something different)

    any reason why this would no longer be working in 6.10.0?

  6. 6 hours ago, ljm42 said:

    Try disabling the anti-fingerprinting feature in Firefox

    Did not fix it for me unfortunately.


    3 hours ago, bonienl said:

    No issues here with Firefox 98.0.1.


    Has to be something different with my setup then.

    in rc4 both terminal and logs are garbled whilst on my other server 6.9.2 only the terminal is garbled.

    guess i'll post a separate topic for this specific issue.

  7. 13 hours ago, ljm42 said:


    This is very likely a DNS Rebinding issue for the myunraid.net domain. Please see my comment here: https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/unraid-os-version-6100-rc3-available-r1760/page/9/?tab=comments#comment-17767 


    looks right to me.


    DNS rebind protection is set to "No" in my router.

    Linux 5.15.27-Unraid.
    root@Snorlax:~# nslookup rebindtest.unraid.net
    Non-authoritative answer:
    Name:   rebindtest.unraid.net
    root@Snorlax:~# nslookup rebindtest.myunraid.net
    Non-authoritative answer:
    Name:   rebindtest.myunraid.net
    Name:   rebindtest.myunraid.net
    Address: fd42::


    i also have the same error in my syslog like @kaiguy


    Mar 18 06:55:42 Snorlax root: Error: Cannot renew cert until within 30 days of expiry


  8. 13 hours ago, ljm42 said:


    Thanks for the video, that makes it super clear.


    Firefox definitely works for me, so this isn't a general problem. Would you please try it in a private window? That will eliminate caching issues and it tends to bypass most extensions. I'm guessing there is a privacy setting or an extension that is causing issues.


    Firefox may give some clues as to what it is doing. While on the signin page, right click and choose Inspect, then switch to the Console tab. Click the gear on the right side and choose "Persist Logs". Then try signing in and see if there are any errors.


    in a private window i am able to get past the login screen but im sometimes stuck with the "Nchan communication error" screen.


    Weird thing is i sometimes get this error on /Main, /Dashboard, and /Docker. if i navigate to somewhere else like /Settings through the address bar i do not get this error.


    heres the console output on the default firefox window when trying to login as in my first post, not really sure what to do with this information.

    the first line is when im clicking the login field either username or password.




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