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Report Comments posted by JustOverride

  1. 7 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    It's possible but for now only manually using the CLI and then re-import the pool, instructions here.


    Thanks for the additional info. Now I know for sure I won't be touching that until it is fully released. 🙃
    IMO, this update should be pushed back until it is ready for full ZFS support.

  2. 1 hour ago, Thorsten Gehrig said:


    quick question: just building a 2nd UnRAID server - is it safe to start with the current RC6 and use ZFS.

    My question is towards the Pool(s) - to ensure i don't have to re-create them after the upgrade to the final version.

    2nd question: i know ZFS can add ZFS-cache und ZFS-log drives... is that possible with the UnRAID implementation (via GUI).


    Thank you in advance.
    (I hope it´s allowed to ask those questions here - and it´s not limited to Bug-reports)





    1. I think so, but also depends on your use case. It is a RC not a stable release so I wouldn't put production data or important data while using a RC.

    2. I actually would like to know this too, but I assume no as there has been no mention of it from what I've read.

  3. 10 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Parity dropped offline, because of that there's no SMART report, but most likely a connection/power issue, replace/swap cables/slot with a different disk to rule that out and see if it happens again.

    Just wanted to report back, the drive is back in the array working as normal, healthy. It does look like it was a hardware issue or something.

  4. Had an issue during an overnight mover event (appears to be a writing error). It appears that my Parity drive was disabled somehow. I restarted (twice) the system and the Parity drive did not show up. I shut it down, and then the Parity drive showed up and had to be assigned. Nothing out of the norm was happening before this issue. Currently, the Parity drive is being emulated while the system does a 'Parity disk, parity-sync' - 'Parity sync / Data rebuild'. Uptime was 17 days which is the longest I've been able to have rc2 running for, (The VM with GPU passthrough has not been working for me at all without crashing the host).


  5. On 1/13/2021 at 4:21 PM, saarg said:

    Not 100% correct. You can have multiple containers share the GPU, but you can't have a VM and containers use the GPU at the same time.

    To be able use the GPU for a container you have to unbind it from vfio so the drivers can be loaded.

    Just to clarify, does a GPU need to be unbind from vfio as well to work on a VM? Does the binding to vfio be the same as editing the 'Syslinux Configuration' to add a GPU's  IOMMU Group?


  6. Having issues with my VM's (again). Shutting them down is causing the server to essentially crash. This was an issue I had before and had resolve. Also small request, can we have at least 1 VM that can run without the array being started? Mainly for pfsense or VM testing. I'll even pay for this extra feature. 


    It appears to be back with rc2. 

    @htpcnewbie I had this issue too. If you have 'Tips and Tweaks' plugin, and you use the 'schedule' or 'power saving' mode I found that on this revision it severely slows down the performance and causes high CPU usage. I changed it to 'performance' and the problem went away. Try that.

  7. On 12/21/2020 at 5:24 AM, Leifgg said:

    Yes, I am seeing the same on my system.

    Some more details: at least 50 % decrease in performance. Jumped directly from 6.8.2 to 6.9.0-rc2.

    I am seen this too. Trying to figure out what could be and no luck so far. I will be doing some testing later tonight. The only meaningful thing I've done was changed from SSD to NVMe where the vdisk was stores but I should of gained speed if anything. I've also changed from btrfs to xfs. 

  8. I will be upgrading to this RC. @limetech said there will be a 'more thorough release notes in preparation for stable release', is there anyway we can see (even if incomplete) these notes to prepare for upgrading to an rc version. Does anyone have a list of checks/changes I should do in preparation to upgrade from 6.8.3 stable to 6.9rc2?

  9. 10 hours ago, Arbadacarba said:

    Could we have a section of the top post defining things that need to be done before upgrading... I'm about to go from 6.8.3 to 6.9.0-RC1 and know that I need to remove and reinstall Unassigned Devices, but I also remember reading about the changes that need to be made to VM's for networking... But I don't remember what the change is...

    Yes, I would like to see a list of things 'to-do' before upgrading. I remember reading about saving the cache drives to the array as the cache drives may be reassigned for the new multi-pool system or something in the lines of that.

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  10. 14 hours ago, rctneil said:

    Sorry, I'm not a very technical person in regards to servers. I have an Unraid machine for basic file storage and Plex but nothing more than that. I am currently running 6.8rc7. I have no issues currently. Should I just stay where I am or upgrade? If I stay where I am, what version should I wait for to start updating again?



    I'm on 6.8.0-rc8. I have dockers/VM's running without issues. I would also like to know if its OK for me to upgrade or to wait till what version?

    (edit) Thanks for above response

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