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  1. @KluthR, thank you for the fix. I was able to restore my last backup without any issue. Happy New Year to you and your family. Best Wishes.
  2. Thank you @KluthR to put effort into this plugin. I'm building a backup server and use my backups to bringback the data. I upgraded the plugin on December 18. I can bring back any backup set prior to this date, but get a TAR archive error for the backup done after the 18 done with the new version of the plugin. Here is the log of the restore that doesn't work. [27.12.2022 08:54:25] Restore of appData starting. This may take awhile [27.12.2022 08:54:25] Stopping duplicati... done! (took 4 seconds) [27.12.2022 08:54:29] Restoring appData from to [27.12.2022 08:54:29] Restoring: backup.log /usr/bin/tar: This does not look like a tar archive /usr/bin/tar: Skipping to next header /usr/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors [27.12.2022 08:54:29] User aborted backup! [27.12.2022 08:54:29] done [27.12.2022 08:54:29] Starting duplicati... (try #1) done! [27.12.2022 08:54:32] Restore finished. Ideally you should now restart your server [27.12.2022 08:54:32] Backup / Restore Completed As I was writing this post, I saw that the restore was trying to read backup.log and stopped working as this is not a TAR file. I removed the backup.log file from the source directory and started again the restore. I thought it was the culprit, but then, the system showed that I aborded the backup, which of course, I did not. [27.12.2022 09:39:50] Restore of appData starting. This may take awhile [27.12.2022 09:39:50] Not stopping duplicati: Not started! [ / Exited (0) 12 minutes ago] [27.12.2022 09:39:50] Restoring appData from to [27.12.2022 09:39:50] Restoring: CA_backup_binhex-krusader.tar.gz [27.12.2022 09:40:35] User aborted backup! [27.12.2022 09:40:35] done [27.12.2022 09:40:35] Restore finished. Ideally you should now restart your server [27.12.2022 09:40:35] Backup / Restore Completed I don't know where to look now. Any thoughts? Thank you.
  3. I love how much docker apps are available and not resources intensive they are. In 2020, I would like to see SSD array support and multiple array.
  4. So, as expected, I did not received any comments on this. Let me correct that. I have setup a Windows 2016 VM and the 4 passthrough NICs are working. I followed the tutorial from Spaceinvader One as the first time and I can't get my pfSense VM detect my NICs. Can it be a driver issue? Any input welcomed. Thank you.
  5. I thought I deleted this post few minutes after I realized it wasn't in the good place. Seems it's not the case. I don't see where I can delete it though...
  6. Hi guys, Long story short. I use a Dell T30. I was running unRAID 6.7.2. A VM with pfense was working as it should. I bought a HBA card for my disks along with 2 SSDs and installed the new hardware. The server booted normaly and everything was working fine. About 30 hours after that, my server became unresponsive and thought it died. I have a second T30, so I moved everything in this server. Everything worked fine, except my HP Quad ports NIC that I used for pfsense did not work anymore. The lights of the NIC lit, but the card was closing it down few seconds later. So I thought the NIC died (newbie error. As I changed the NIC for one server to the other, I did not unplug the power cord. When I inserted the NIC in the new server, it started. I thought I created a spark or something). I ordered a new one, same problem in pfsense, no NIC. In the mean time, I was able to resurrect my other server (Windows 2016). Both NICs are working fine... I also upgraded to 6.8 RC7, with no luck... So, for troubleshooting my pfsense VM, I created a new one and I see something weird... I connect one NIC, the VM detects the UP link, but still shows no link detected. Or if I reboot the VM, there is no NIC at all... 🤯 I think I'm too close to the tree, so I can't see the forest. What did I missed? Any tips or hint welcomed. voute-diagnostics-20191127-0322.zip
  7. Hi guys, Long story short. I use a Dell T30. I was running unRAID 6.7.2. A VM with pfense was working as it should. I bought a HBA card for my disks along with 2 SSDs and installed the new hardware. The server booted normaly and everything was working fine. About 30 hours after that, my server became unresponsive and thought it died. I have a second T30, so I moved everything in this server. Everything worked fine, except my HP Quad ports NIC that I used for pfsense did not work anymore. The lights of the NIC lit, but the card was closing it down few seconds later. So I thought the NIC died (newbie error. As I changed the NIC for one server to the other, I did not unplug the power cord. When I inserted the NIC in the new server, it started. I thought I created a spark or something). I ordered a new one, same problem in pfsense, no NIC. In the mean time, I was able to resurrect my other server (Windows 2016). Both NICs are working fine... I also upgraded to 6.8 RC7, with no luck... So, for troubleshooting my pfsense VM, I created a new one and I see something weird... I connect one NIC, the VM detects the UP link, but still shows no link detected. Or if I reboot the VM, there is no NIC at all... 🤯 I think I'm too close to the tree, so I can't see the forest. What did I missed? Any tips or hint welcomed. voute-diagnostics-20191127-0322.zip
  8. Well, it's my turn to ask for help... Sigh...😞. Real pain for me so far. All of a sudden, my mariadb used for Nextcloud stopped working. I don't know that caused this. I managed to find in the .err log that a pending transaction needed to commit or rollback. I commited it. Now, I see this in the unRAID docker logs and Nextcloud don't work: [services.d] starting services [services.d] done. 191103 18:21:44 mysqld_safe Logging to syslog. 191103 18:21:44 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /config/databases It's been a week or so that I'm working to fix this and I'm a the cross roads to start from scratch or still trying to fix this s**t. I have the data files that goes in Nextcloud, but I'm wondering: Do I have to both start mariadb AND Nextcloud with fresh instances? Note at the moment, I do not have any backups as I'm waiting new gear to complete my setup. If you think this can be an easy fix, it would be appreciated. Otherwise, new instances will be deployed. Thank you. EDIT: Did some "Docker Safe Permission" with the CA Plugin. Don't know if because of this, but I'm able to connect to Nextcloud. But, mariadb still have the mysqld_safe status in the log.
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