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Posts posted by tasmith88

  1. 1 hour ago, tasmith88 said:

    tried the gpu with windows and it also works. Just don't understand why it isn't working with the Macinabox VM. I created a FreeBSD VM following PAVO Hacintosh and when starting the VM, i get this error.

    2BBF90C0-EAF6-4EFC-9251-2EB397B7A906 (1).jpg

    Got it to work, but sound is a little distorted. Will have to work on that and figure out what is going on there. Otherwise, I'm happy to see that Mac is running now. Thanks for your help. I had to bind the audio and video.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, BUSTER said:

    boot-args string is correct it should stay there, even with the right vbios the string must be stay

    Try give the gpu to windows vm with the Vbios and test it of works in Windows, try same gpu from other manufactors vbios rom


    cYa BUSTER

    tried the gpu with windows and it also works. Just don't understand why it isn't working with the Macinabox VM. I created a FreeBSD VM following PAVO Hacintosh and when starting the VM, i get this error.

    2BBF90C0-EAF6-4EFC-9251-2EB397B7A906 (1).jpg

  3. 1 hour ago, BUSTER said:


    okay.. i have checked for you the rom if theay starts with 055AA,

    an it is so theay has not nvflash header, --> https://prnt.sc/b9SvA0ce3Zrj

    try to use an other PCIe slot, ore try give the kart on Windows Machine with the rom

    and take a screen about your boot-args and upload here.


    cYa BUSTER

    See the pic. If the rom is right, then I shouldn't have to add it to the VM itself as it should automatically load up correct?


  4. 12 hours ago, BUSTER said:

    really ? we are here in SpaceinvaderOne - Macinabox Thread, he has so many tutorials uploaded on Youtube :D


    look here Asus RX 6600 XT 8 GB BIOS --> Click with mouse

    same bios Asus, ROG Strix OC, AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT, Micron VRAM (2428 / 2000)


    cYa BUSTER


    Honestly didn't even to look and completely forgot about that video. I have tried that bios and it hasn't worked. I will keep looking to see what it going on. Thanks.

  5. 1 minute ago, BUSTER said:


    macOS Monterey 12.1 Release Notes

    Displays New Features, You can now use graphics cards that integrate the AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT GPU. (82532062)

    must be check of your card runs with vbios from RX 6600 XT, also check waht has ghost82 saying about Vbios an Quemu dont likes nvflash header, so you have to remove it; the rom must start with 0x55AA (hex)


    cYa BUSTER

    How would I go about finding and doing that?

  6. 3 hours ago, BUSTER said:


    Ventura currently not possible, dont try to update from Monterey to Ventura i´ll will be destroy VM


    cYa BUSTER

    Appreciate it. One last question. I have the Radeon 6600XT GPU and trying to get the VM to start through there. Any help would be appreciated as it is stuck at the Apple logo and won't load. The boot-args I used was agdpmod=pikera. 

  7. I am having trouble installing Monterey or even updating Big Sur to Ventura. Has anyone been able to successfully get to the latest OS? If so, how? Every time I try to install Monterey, it is an endless boot loop. I have updated the iso per @SpaceInvaderOne instructions since the update. 


    I have also gone ahead tried to update Big Sur to Ventura, however, have run into problems after updating the opencore EFI. I have created a separate usb installer disk for all of this, and unfortunately, it returns panic errors or boot issues.


    Definitely want to get Monterey and/or Ventura up and running so definitely looking forward to any help to get this going. Big Sur works with no problems, but I like to make sure that I keep up with the latest (when it works of course ;))


    Although I don't think this is particularly the issue, I have attached my info.

    Unraid specs.png

  8. 23 hours ago, willnnotdan said:

    Hi all,

    Ive been off for a while so will reply to all the messages Ive missed in this message:

    Jokingero I dont think so currently, but I will look into it.


    @tasmith88 There is some details here: https://github.com/ElectricBrainUK/UnraidAPI but appreciate that it may not be sufficient, if so feel free to jump on our discord and I can walk you through it. (Link for the discord is in the original post to this thread)



    I appreciate it. I have gone on the discord, however haven't received any help in getting all of the together as I would like to utilize UUD 1.6 to its full capacity. I appreciate it. I am open to however you want to walk me through it.

  9. 23 hours ago, ElectricBrainUK said:

    Hi all

    @Jokerignoi I don't have a way to save the state right now but I can look into it. Though I'm not sure how it would work


    @tasmith88 Those fields are for the mqtt broker, you need to open the UI of the API and connect your server there


    @giustancas Sorry but the API installed via home assistant is not working well and I don't have time to support it I'm afraid - I'd recommend using the docker on unraid rather than on the homeassistant itself



    Appreciate the info. When I do, it does not bring up the VMs or the dockers. Any help in getting this to work would be great. Is there a step by step guide to putting this together?

  10. Hello All. I am trying to install the Unraid_API so that that I can see my dockers and VMs on UUD, however, i keep getting 


    Get VM Details for ip: Failed
    Request failed with status code 503
    Get Main Details for ip: Failed
    Request failed with status code 503


    what am i doing wrong as my setup is the following:


    Key 1: ip address to server

    Key 2: port 1883

    Key 3: username to server

    Key 4: password to server

    Key 5: homeassistant

    Key 6: config


    Is there something else I'm supposed to be doing or installing?

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