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[SOLVED] One disk not recognized by LSI only SATA?


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I decided to upgrade my intel G5400 to new 10700k and Gigabyte Vision D setup and move compltely to VMs. I have been running my server for over a year now without any issues. After the upgrade I had to use 6.9.0-rc1 in order to recognize new NIC on my card (it was invisible for 6.8.3 version). I have a problem with one disk (normal WD Red 8TB, not shucked).


I have 9 drives in my array:

1 via SATA (Parity)

8 via Dell H310 (as I remember I flashed it before making my setup, don't remember which version probably newest)


All working well, but one Disk - normal WD Red 8TB, not shucked. Unfortunately for whatever reason now it's missing when connected via DELL H310 (and I tested all the cables) and it's only visible via SATA, but then it changed the name as you can see on attached screen.


What would be the best solution to this? Also I am super curious why the disk decided to not work with te H310 anymore...?




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I was originally going to order the Dell 310 from Ebay but the seller said the Dell cards does not work well with Consumer motherboards. 


"This Dell card has SMBus signal that sometimes conflicts if the M/B also has it's own SMBus on the PCIe. This happens a lot for Gigabyte and HP motherboards. The genuine LSI cards don't implement SMBus, so it avoids this issue.

// Art of Server", don't know if this is why.



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1 minute ago, JorgeB said:

That's not the problem, that causes the board not to post, or only detect part of the RAM, there's a tape mod to fix that.

Possible that hard drive was shucked from external?   YouTube BiteMyBits has videos about the shucked drives needing one of the pins covered with tape.

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It’s funny that all of my shucked drives are fine, this one is the only 8tb „regular” WD Red. I even tried it with the the tape mod, but no change. 5x 4tb are WD Reds no problems, same with shucked 8’s. 

What’s the easiest way to check firmware on my Dell H310?

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Thanks for clearing that out!


Okay, so it worked perfectly in this mode with ASRock B365M Pro4 and G5400 for a year.

What is bizzare I remember watching this tutorial a year ago and I thought I followed it... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYYzfAaDLTs


Now if I flash it to IT mode, I will have to do new config anyway right, but it should allow this missing 8TB disk to be seen again?

2nd option would be to keep it the way it is, create new config and utilise last 8th cable from the controller for a future disk?

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Following the guide, unfortunately I got an error and there is almost nothing on the google to try to overcome this... any ideas?




I will try the tape trick now -> no change with the tape


I will try with it on another motherboard -> I got different error, couldn't Initialze PAL -> I was able to succesfully flash it in UEFI mode



What a ride, all drives are visible now :) I hope this topic will help someone in the future as well


edit 4:

I went to Tools -> New Config -> Selected Preserve "all" and following "Trust the Parity Drive" selected "Parity is already valid" and finally I see all greens :) thank you for your help @JorgeB



Edited by czarci
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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] One disk not recognized by LSI only SATA?

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