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Server Failure, Array issues.


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Hey All,


Ran into an issue hopefully I havent lost all my Data, so my R710 failed and I just finished building a new NAS box and added a bigger drive for parity, I moved all the drives over and found that the drives were unaffected all were recognized.  The only issue is that they were on a H710 PERC card (didnt even notice this until I saw the names unraid was trying to look for) when trying to start the array back up due to it not being able to putting the drive back in the same order. 


So I tried making a new config, but all the drives show as Unmountable: Unsupported Partition except the new one that is going to be a parity drive.  Is there a way I can salvage this or bring back the array?  Or am I going to have to manually move all my data over to another pc somehow.




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No it was a brand new drive I got while building the new box when my previous one had failed.  Was unsure which one of the three hard drive was parity from what I saw all of them had the naming scheme of PERC name so I tried just doing a new config and added the new drive to be parity so I could try to start the array but now I have the Unmountable issue on all the other drives even the cache drive.


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I should also add before doing the new config when I was trying to start the array even before adding the new parity into the mix, I tried every possible outcome when assigning the drives so I could start it but it wouldn't accept it due to the new drives not having that PERC naming scheme I'm assuming?

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On 12/18/2020 at 6:57 PM, trurl said:

Might need to put them back on the original controller to see if they will mount that way. Do you still have the old server hardware?

Well I have an update on this, was able to get my hands on another R710 and transfer parts over to be able to pass post, was hoping to be able to back up the whole array to an external but it seems like I've run into an issue again :(.  The main drives are Unmountable: No file system again but for some reason my cache drive works?


Not sure if I am missing something here.  I show no failures on any of the drives according to the R710 when I booted into the iDRAC.  Any additional ideas would be much appreciated.  If all else fails could I use a USB to SATA device to transfer data over that way?


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