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2 data drive failures and parity swap


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50 minutes ago, m1a8x2 said:

pct rescued:   36.09%,

That's very bad, I usually get 99% plus, even on very damaged disks, data on that disk will be mostly garbage, possibly with an unfixable filesystem, and it will create the same amount of corruption on the other rebuilt disk, not sure if it's worth it but I can still post the instructions if you want.

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It won't hurt to try.


-Tools -> New Config -> Retain current configuration: All -> Apply
-Check all assignments and assign any missing disk(s) if needed, including the new cloned disk as disk5, and for now assign old disk5 as disk4 (you just need it as a temp disk), remaining disks should all be in the original positions.
-IMPORTANT - Check both "parity is already valid" and "maintenance mode" and start the array
-Stop array
-Unassign disk4.
-Start array (in normal mode now), ideally disk 5 and the emulated disk 4 would mount now, but that would e a little miracle, if they don't run a filesystem check on both
-whatever is on emulated disk 4 is what's going to be there after a rebuild, so if it mounts (independent of disk 5 mounting or not) and there's some data there you can proceed with the parity swap.

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9 minutes ago, m1a8x2 said:

Okay, I've created the new config. While assigning drives I see this next to parity: All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started.


Is that normal?


Did you do this?

2 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Check both "parity is already valid" and "maintenance mode" and start the array


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No, I didn't start the array again. I stopped the array in order to generate the new config. I accidentally change some drive assignments before generating that, so I changed them back and then generated the new config. I was able to assign my cloned drive as disk5 but now my old disk5 is not showing up to assign as disk4.

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I'm guessing that I'm not in luck here... I can't see my old disk5 or disk4 at this time. I'm able to assign my cloned disk5 but I can't assign anything to disk4. And disk2 is showing SMART error on the dashboard. I was able to backup all my sensitive data to another external drive (and will be backing up to this drive regularly and looking into a cloud backup solution as well). At this point I might just clear the array of assignments, remove the failed drives and populate the server with my two new 8tb drives and this 4tb I bought for the cloning. While it sucks to lose this much data (I lost around 6tb to a lightning strike about 5 years ago, you'd think I would've learned my lesson), I think I'd be better off getting all healthy drives added now and starting fresh. I will also be looking into getting another 8tb drive for a double parity.


Let me know if I'm missing any other options here... otherwise I'll start rebuilding in the next hour.


Thanks for all your help trying to save my drives!

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