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New Unraid Server - Haven't used Unraid in 5+ years

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I used to have a running UnRaid server years ago and haven't used it for over 5 years.


I want to run a completely new UnRaid server (all new hardware).


How do I go about getting it setup?  I got my original key in 2011.  I guess I was asked for the GUID of my USB key so they could give me the registration key?  Looking at some tutorials I'm guessing it's more automated then it was 10 years ago, so what steps can I take?



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All UnRAID licences have been valid for all UnRAID releases, so if you still have the USB stick and it’s associated licence file then it is merely a case of redoing the USB stick with the latest UnRAID release and putting the licence file onto the ‘Config’ folder on the USB stick.    If that is not the case then we need more informations on what state you are in to give advice.

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1 hour ago, Tijuana said:

I don't have the USB key.


I just have e-mail that states:


Attached to this email is your unRAID Server Plus registration key. The USB Flash device to which this key is bound is:


***I have the attachment, which is a "Plus.key" file.

I would suggest then that you create a new USB stick with the latest release and put the .key file into the ‘Config’ folder.    As long as Limetech have your key in their database when you boot UnRAID you should be taken through the automatic licence transfer process (this is allowed up to once a year).    If you are not given that option then you will need to contact Limetech by email to get the transfer done manually.

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31 minutes ago, itimpi said:

I would suggest then that you create a new USB stick with the latest release and put the .key file into the ‘Config’ folder.    As long as Limetech have your key in their database when you boot UnRAID you should be taken through the automatic licence transfer process (this is allowed up to once a year).    If you are not given that option then you will need to contact Limetech by email to get the transfer done manually.

Perfect thanks!


If I only have 1 drive right now, can I add it in and then add a parity drive later on?  Is it as simple as just adding another drive and "formatting" it as the parity drive?

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8 hours ago, Tijuana said:

Perfect thanks!


If I only have 1 drive right now, can I add it in and then add a parity drive later on?  Is it as simple as just adding another drive and "formatting" it as the parity drive?

Yes - except that there is no format stage when adding a parity drive (the parity drive has no file system).   As soon as you have added a parity drive then on starting the array Unraid will start building the parity information on it.

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