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Read/write issues

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New to UNRAID and linux in general, so pardon me if a fix seems obvious but i am slowly learning how everything works in this environment. I have figured out most everything with a ton of help from this community. But now the biggest issue I am running into is trouble with moving large amounts of data to my array. They always start and get through around 30-50GB of data before crashing/stalling out. I have tried over the network (crashes server), by connecting directly to my server via USB 3.0 and 3.1 (crashes or stalls out) and directly through an internal SATA port (same result, crash/stall). I have been using Krusader and figured there was some sort of compromise with that and my setup, but squashed (so i would assume) that with trying to do a network transfer via my Mac using finder by logging into my share and copying. I am now stuck and it will take an eternity to transfer roughly 6TB of data to my array. Attached is my diag file, any help would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by normnailz
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thanks @jonathanm i found that same thread yesterday and changed the idle state Power Idle Control, but didn't come back and disable C-states. So far that seems to have knocked things into shape so far. Currently transferring 918GB and it's running smooth at the 250GB mark. Keeping fingers crossed, but looking promising. Big shout out to @JorgeB for his post above, thanks guys and thanks to this great community for the quick responses on all of my posts, much appreciated.

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