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Question about rsync and copying files from different sources into the same folders


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Lets say I am copying files from one External HDD A to Unraid. Afterwards, I need to copy files from External HDD B to Unraid. Both external HDDs have the same folder structure, but with different files inside. For example, both external HDDs might have folders called: "Movies" "Documents" "Pictures", etc. But the files within them are completely different.

I've already copied the contents of External HDD A to Unraid. Now I need to copy the contents of External HDD B as well. How can I copy them and merge the folders? I don't want to lose any files or have anything overwritten. If I had a big enough external hard drive to begin with, I wouldn't be in this mess, but here we are.

The rsync command I used was

rsync -avh --progress /mnt/disks/External_HDD/ /mnt/user0/Username

Can I use this command again and have it automatically continue copying new files into existing folders without any disruptions? Or is there a different command I need to use? Or do I need to copy it to a different location on Unraid and then use Krasder or MC to move everything over?


Edited by shaz
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  • shaz changed the title to Question about rsync and copying files from different sources into the same folders

The recommended way to work with Unraid is by creating user shares, such as 

33 minutes ago, shaz said:

"Movies" "Documents" "Pictures", etc.

Then, you put files in those user shares and let Unraid take care of which disks they wind up on. So, if you put things in your Movies share, then later add more things to your Movies share, it is just like adding more files to that folder.

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