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Unraid system restarts itself during parity check.

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I am new to unraid and am having troubles with the current setup that I have outlined below. The system will idle just fine for extended peiords of time, but when trying to transfer large amounts of data or running a parity check, the system will restart itself. I have already replaced the power supply thinking that might be the issue, but I am still having the issue. I have attached my system log for review as well. I am not great at reading these; however, it looks like there was nothing in the file from before the restart. 


I'm at a loss right now so any ideas anyone might have would greatly be appreciated. 



Intel i7-2600K (no overclock)

Asus P8P67 Pro MOBO

(3) Seagate 6tb Iron wolf drives at 5,400rpm

16gb of DDR3 1666Mhz memory 4x4gb. 

EVGA 650W power supply

Inland professional SSD Cache drive


Update: memtest ran for about 5-6hours today without and issue. Prior to memtest I went into the bios and disabled any energy saving modes as well, but the problem is still there. System will idle and run fine until a parity check is in progress. 



Edited by DonkeyWaffles
Updated with new information since original post
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On 1/24/2021 at 6:38 PM, jonathanm said:

Capacitors all look good on the motherboard?

Everything looks good. The system was running windows and operating daily as a main machine for a family member up until a few weeks ago when I took it for this build. I also ran memtest for 5-6 hours today without any errors. I'm at a loss on this one. 

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@trurl or @jonathanm I've tried everything I can think of and am still not able to get the system fully operational. It could be a coincidence, but it seems like the issue happens faster after the random restart than coming back up from a clean shut down. When I replaced the PSU and when I switched the SATA ports around, the Parity check made it all the way in to the 20% range. After it would come back from one of the random resets, it seems like it would happen much faster. 


The only thing I can think of would be to replace the CPU and MOBO and I am not able to find any budget parts right now. Everything cheap is not in stock anywhere, and since this is just for storage, no need for me to go crazy with this. 


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@trurl - I tried moving everything to the controller on the chip set so the Marvell controller was not used and the problem is still there. I think I am going to have to bit the bullet and build a new machine instead of repurposing this old one. It sounds like there wasn't anything that stood out in the files I provided. 


Thanks for your help on this, I really appreciate it. 

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@trurl - The Marvell chip is on the board, but it only controls (2) 6gb/s ports. The remaining (4) 3gb/s and (2) 6gb/s ports are controlled by the P67 chipset. I know there are issues with the 3gb/s ports (and they are clearly slower) which is why I initally used only the 6gb/s ports even though they were split between two controllers. 


Thinking the issues could be that not all of the sata connections were not on the P67 chipset, I moved them all to the sata ports that are controlled by it, even tired combinations of some on the 6gb/s and the rest on the 3gb/s ports, only the cache drive on the 6gb/s port, and everything on the 3gb/s ports. Nothing of which worked correctly and still caused the same issues as above. 


At this point I think there is something wrong with the MOBO since there is nothing else I can think to troubleshoot. Any recomdations for A) a place to find good quality used parts. B) CPU/MOBO that work well with Unraid? 


Thanks again for your help

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