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Drive failing.. removing from the array and preserving data...

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Hi All.


Need some advice as I have never had a potential drive failure before and want to make sure I am doing the correct process.


I have 4 HD in an array (no parity as data is no critical) and one of the drives is starting to show errors (currently running extended SMARt test to confirm)


I am going to purchase a new 4tb drive to replace it... at the moment data is spread across the drives.


What's the correct process to  move data from that drive and add it to the other 3 drives so that I can remove it? is it a case of simply excluding that drive from each of the shares and the invoking mover?


if that's correct and once the data is move do I simply create a new config with the 3 existing drives and let it do its thing? and then i can just add the new drive once arrived and add it to the array?


Thanks in advance

Edited by enigma27
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Ok so managed to move the data using the unbalancer plugin (thanks for the tip)


So now can i just remove the hard drive and replace with the new hard drive and assign it to the slot previously filled with the failed drive?


There is no parity to rebuild


I just watched a video that basically said remove the old drive, add in the new one... pre clear the new drive and then assign it to the slot where the failed drive shows missing.

Edited by enigma27
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