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Read Errors On Drive After Parity Check


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I recived an error after a parity check telling me I have 128 read errors on a drive but once the parity check finished it said completed without error. I assume what it means is parity is still vallid but one of my data drives has issues? However I can seem to see what the problem is.


I ran an extended SMART test on the drive in question and it came back clean. No Reallocated sectors or pending sectors. Im very new to this so Im probally missing something. Can anybody tell me the the problem and where I should go from here? I have a attached my diagnosics file below.



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12 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Error is logged as an actual disk problem, though since it passed the SMART test it's OK for now, keep monitoring that disk, you should also do something about the log spam.

After a reboot the drive showed no errors and I have run a second parity check it it has come back clean as well. I guess theres nothing to do now but to monitor it like you said. The log spam seems to come from the fact I have a NFS share mouted to a proxmox machine for backups, can you point me in the right direction for how I can fix that?

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