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BTRFS error help

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So I went to use plex today and realized it couldn't connect to my server. I looked at the server and everything appeared fine. After some more searching I found this in the logs.



Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS warning (device sdf1): csum failed root 5 ino 766203 off 0 csum 0x6330a5c2 expected csum 0x00000000 mirror 1
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdf1): corrupt node: root=7 block=772802199552 slot=24, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 70054182912) next (18446744073709551606 128 1344667648)
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device sdf1): no csum found for inode 766203 start 0
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS warning (device sdf1): csum failed root 5 ino 766203 off 0 csum 0x6330a5c2 expected csum 0x00000000 mirror 2
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdf1): corrupt node: root=7 block=772802199552 slot=24, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 70054182912) next (18446744073709551606 128 1344667648)
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device sdf1): no csum found for inode 766203 start 0
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS warning (device sdf1): csum failed root 5 ino 766203 off 0 csum 0x6330a5c2 expected csum 0x00000000 mirror 1
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdf1): corrupt node: root=7 block=772802199552 slot=24, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 70054182912) next (18446744073709551606 128 1344667648)
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device sdf1): no csum found for inode 766203 start 0
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS warning (device sdf1): csum failed root 5 ino 766203 off 0 csum 0x6330a5c2 expected csum 0x00000000 mirror 2
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdf1): corrupt node: root=7 block=772802199552 slot=24, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 70054182912) next (18446744073709551606 128 1344667648)
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device sdf1): no csum found for inode 765591 start 0
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS warning (device sdf1): csum failed root 5 ino 765591 off 0 csum 0xea2f52b5 expected csum 0x00000000 mirror 1
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdf1): corrupt node: root=7 block=772802199552 slot=24, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 70054182912) next (18446744073709551606 128 1344667648)
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device sdf1): no csum found for inode 765591 start 0
Feb 14 17:10:19 Tower kernel: BTRFS warning (device sdf1): csum failed root 5 ino 765591 off 0 csum 0xea2f52b5 expected csum 0x00000000 mirror 2
Feb 14 17:10:20 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdf1): corrupt node: root=7 block=772802199552 slot=24, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 70054182912) next (18446744073709551606 128 1344667648)
Feb 14 17:10:20 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdf1): corrupt node: root=7 block=772802199552 slot=24, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 70054182912) next (18446744073709551606 128 1344667648)
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdf1): corrupt node: root=7 block=772802199552 slot=24, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 70054182912) next (18446744073709551606 128 1344667648)
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device sdf1): no csum found for inode 766203 start 0
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS warning (device sdf1): csum failed root 5 ino 766203 off 0 csum 0x6330a5c2 expected csum 0x00000000 mirror 1
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdf1): corrupt node: root=7 block=772802199552 slot=24, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 70054182912) next (18446744073709551606 128 1344667648)
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device sdf1): no csum found for inode 766203 start 0
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS warning (device sdf1): csum failed root 5 ino 766203 off 0 csum 0x6330a5c2 expected csum 0x00000000 mirror 2
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdf1): corrupt node: root=7 block=772802199552 slot=24, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 70054182912) next (18446744073709551606 128 1344667648)
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device sdf1): no csum found for inode 766203 start 0
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS warning (device sdf1): csum failed root 5 ino 766203 off 0 csum 0x6330a5c2 expected csum 0x00000000 mirror 1
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdf1): corrupt node: root=7 block=772802199552 slot=24, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 70054182912) next (18446744073709551606 128 1344667648)
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device sdf1): no csum found for inode 766203 start 0
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS warning (device sdf1): csum failed root 5 ino 766203 off 0 csum 0x6330a5c2 expected csum 0x00000000 mirror 2
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdf1): corrupt node: root=7 block=772802199552 slot=24, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 70054182912) next (18446744073709551606 128 1344667648)
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device sdf1): no csum found for inode 765591 start 0
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS warning (device sdf1): csum failed root 5 ino 765591 off 0 csum 0xea2f52b5 expected csum 0x00000000 mirror 2
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS critical (device sdf1): corrupt node: root=7 block=772802199552 slot=24, bad key order, current (18446744073709551606 128 70054182912) next (18446744073709551606 128 1344667648)
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS info (device sdf1): no csum found for inode 765591 start 0
Feb 14 17:10:24 Tower kernel: BTRFS warning (device sdf1): csum failed root 5 ino 765591 off 0 csum 0xea2f52b5 expected csum 0x00000000 mirror 1



It just keeps on going with errors. I have 2 ssd's running in my cache and don't know where to go from here. I was able to copy some of the files from my cache to my other computer as a backup, but although I can view them all, I can't copy some of them. The actual array seems fine. I'm not super savy with unraid so please any help is appriciated. My work files (quickbooks) are on this cache (I have current backups on another computer so I'm atleast protected there) so I need it up and running asap.





EDIT: I deleted a lot of the repeating error code to make it easier to read. It just keeps throwing those errors. See post below for diagnostic zip

Edited by Steve Welsh
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Thanks! Did that and just finished loading backups. I'm back up and running. Running the memtester86 now and getting a lot of errors (464 errors on test 5 and 8 so far). Still running. So guessing my memory is the problem? Anyone recommend a particular memory brand or type (my motherboard isn't compatible with ECC memory)? I have corsair in it now. In all my years of running a windows PC, never had memory fail on me. I'm not very savy with unraid but this memory is only 2 years old so a little surprised.


Thanks again for the help!

Edited by Steve Welsh
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