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[SOLVED] Cache Disk is full, docker broken. Next Steps?

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Hi all,

        So my cache disk is reporting full. Docker is broken... obviously I'm getting plenty of errors in many places.

Here's what I've done.


- manually invoked mover, no change

- Docker is broke so explored the cache drive (i think) with MC in terminal, can't find anything big.

- Done a balance and a purge in the other menu's i could find.

- rebooted.

diagnostics is attached, What would my next steps be? Yes, things are a dogs breakfast, I'm a noob, apologies in advance.


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2 minutes ago, stubish said:

ok done, the ones set to Cache:no should never touch the cache correct? There's a few of them.

No new file will be created in Cache. However, files already on cache will not be touched by the Mover.


For example, your share anonymized as c---------s is set to No but has files on Cache.

You can use Midnight Commander (mc in the console) to move the files to the Array or change the shares temporarily to Yes, run the Mover and change back.

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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Cache Disk is full, docker broken. Next Steps?

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