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Previous array disk won't mount after adding new disk

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Hi all.  First time posting here.  I've read through the forums for an answer to the issue I'm experiencing, but can't seem to find a similar situation.  Hoping the community can help, or point me to a post I may have missed:


I'm currently running Unraid on a laptop.  I'm using the laptop hard drive as the cache disk, and an 8TB HDD in an Orico 5-bay USB enclosure as the array.  Everything was working just fine, until I tried to add another 8TB HDD to the enclosure.  I stopped the array, powered off the enclosure, added the new HDD, then powered up the enclosure and restarted the array.  Unassigned Devices found the new disk just fine, but the original 8TB disk on the array won't mount.  It reads "Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout."  It asks me to format the disk (just like when a brand new disk is added to the array), but I definitely don't want to do that, as I'll lose everything.  I've tried starting the array in Maintenance Mode and using xfs_repair, but that hasn't helped.  I've even tried mounting the drive through the command line (I think correctly) by re-adding the directory /mnt/disk1 and mounting the disk there, but I get "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb, missing codepage or helper program, or other error."


Any thoughts on how to fix this?  Even if I could just get access to the files on the disk, copy them to another drive, and rebuild Unraid all over again, I would be happy.  I've attached a copy of the syslog from a recent Diagnostics download.


Thanks so much for the help! 


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5 minutes ago, jenkspaz said:

Orico 5-bay USB enclosure as the array.

This is a very bad idea.


See if the disk mounts with the UD plugin, unlike Unraid it doesn't required a specific partition layout, if it also doesn't mound post the output of:


fdisk -l /dev/sdX


Replace X with correct letter.

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13 hours ago, JorgeB said:

This is a very bad idea.

Yeah, apparently.  I've read that several people have gotten it to work fine, but also am aware that others don't recommend it.  This is my first go at Unraid, so I was just using what I had around to build my first "server."


Disk won't mount in UD; it asks me to format it first.  Here is the fdisk output:


Disk /dev/sdb: 7.28 TiB, 8001563222016 bytes, 15628053168 sectors
Disk model: USB3.0 DISK00   
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 31E40A17-1149-4929-84BB-FFAC57905FE1


13 hours ago, trurl said:

You should attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file 



Thanks again for the help everyone.


Edited by jenkspaz
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3 minutes ago, jenkspaz said:

I've read that several people have gotten it to work fine, but also am aware that others don't recommend it.

Some may have gotten it to work without failing disastrously, but the performance has got to be terrible. Parity operations need to access the disks in parallel but there is only a single connection for all the disks.


If you don't plan to have parity maybe you can get it to work since nothing can get out of sync when connections are dropped.


The problem you are having is just one of the many reasons others don't recommend it.


Did you have this disk working without the enclosure? USB enclosures will often change things about the way it presents a disk, such as non-standard sizes and partitions, non-unique identifiers.

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19 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

There's no partition on that disk, somehow it got deleted.

So is there any chance of recovering the data? Seems like if there's no partition anymore, I won't be able to mount it to access and copy over the data before reformatting to xfs again. 

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Okay thanks. I'll give it a shot. Really weird and confusing as to how this happened. Since the error, I've been able to add/remove, format, mount/unmount several other disks in the enclosure to both UD and the array with no problems. Unraid seems to have no issues with any of this (that I can tell). It's just the one problem disk that seems to have "lost" its partition somehow. 


Thanks again for all of the help and advice. 

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