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Slow Parity Check on ata15

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After upgrading to Version 6.91 today, my drive 2 in the array came back as unmountable, so I stopped the array changed to no disk and rebooted, then put the drive back and rebooted and the disk was then mounted and started to do a parity rebuild. Shortly after the rebuild started transfer speed slowed down to almost kbs. Looking in the logs it shows ata15.00 errors constantly. How do I tell what ata15 is? Is it the disk 2 that failed?  I have since paused the rebuild until I can figure out what to do to get this issue resolved. Any help would be grateful.





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Just to complete the fix, I shutdown the server and unplugged all the sata cables, plugged them back in and powered up. No problems after that. It seems that every month when the parity check starts I have to wiggle the connectors to get the speed back up again, but this time I had to actually shut down and unplug them to fix the connections.


Thank for your help.

I didn't realize that there was a way to fix an un-mountable drive in the array, I will inquire the next time it happens, if it does.

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