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Can't access my Server locally anymore

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Hey guys, I'm about to lose my...


I thought to try out Unraid's new remote access feature. Not only did I have to open up Port 443 for Unraid and loose it for NGINX Proxy Manager, which I have no idea how to resolve but it also completely shut me out of local access!


When I try to connect to my server via the internal IP of my network, it just redirects to the unraid.net DNS. 

The DNS rebind exceptions in my router don't work at all and now I can't access my server anymore without using a VPN.


I need help fast and what in the world were the Unraid guys thinking when they've configured it this way? I mean, seriously???

I love Unraid, I love what they do with it but this decision drives me up the wall.


Please help! Everything that needs to be accessed via the internet is offline now because of the NGINX Proxy Manager not being provisioned by port 443 but I can't switch back because I wouldn't have any access to my server. I need help and I need help ASAP, please.


Update: Alright, I've got the DNS rebind working (after two hours) and was able to change the port for connecting to unraid but still.... How do I revert back???

I DO NOT WANT THIS HUGE URL to connect to my server. Before I just had my lokal DNS, which was one short word.

I am so mad right now, I can't even put it in words.


To the guys working on Unraid:

You guys do an amazing job but how did you screw this up so bad? Why isn't there a one button solution to revert back to the way it was? If it works the one way it most likely works the same way backwards, doesn't it?

Edited by DezzyTee
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Local SSL Access is only a requirement for Remote Access. If you don't want Remote Access then you don't need Local SSL Access.


To disable Local SSL Access, go to Settings -> Management Access and set "Use SSL/TLS" to "No".


If the issue is that you have a conflict with port 443, you can change the port used by Local SSL Access on Settings -> Management Access -> HTTPS port.  I'd recommend something like 2443, 3443, 4443, etc, as long as it isn't already in use by one of your existing dockers.

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1 minute ago, DezzyTee said:

Thanks for the reply.

I've found the HTTPS Port setting and changed it after my post.

I'll have to leave the house pretty soon but I'll try your suggestion tomorrow. 

Will I be able to access the WebUI via my local DNS again? 


A true SSL certificate that works in any browser requires a Fully Qualified Domain Name. When you have "Use SSL/TLS" set to "Auto", Unraid takes care of that for you and gives you a FQDN of yourpersonalhash.unraid.net so that you can securely access your server of SSL via https://yourpersonalhash.unraid.net . This is a requirement for using our Remote Access solution, which provides remote access via https://www.yourpersonalhash.unraid.net 


If you don't want that then you can set "Use SSL/TLS" to "No" and it will revert to a plain http connection by IP address or servername or any name you might have setup in local DNS.

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