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"Download of appfeed failed." - Apps page failing to load information

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Unraid is giving me an error every time I attempt to load the Apps page on my Unraid server. My DNS server settings are fine I've tried multiple settings included the recommended ones.

  • I am running version 6.9.2
  • I can get to the server just fine on my network.
  • Other network devices can get to the internet just fine.
  • I attempted to change the NAS IP address from to and the same app store error occurs

I'm not sure what the issue is. Does anyone have any input?


2021-04-21 20 25 22.png

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Hi Squid,


...thats right the IP is the LAN IP of my router.

Normally I have this set to .254 but for testing I changed it to .1


The weekend is just around the corner and I will probably invest some time to be able to limit the problem. In my opinion the problem was unexpected and I can't understand what changed in the unraid configuration or in my network.




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I have dealt intensively with the problem over the weekend - unfortunately without a satisfactory solution.
It must have something to do with the DNS resolution, but what exactly I can not explain.
If I change the IP address from Static to DHCP and restart unRaid, I have an internet connection including correct DNS resolution. If I change the IP back to Static, I have after a reboot again no DNS resolution (ping on still works fine). 
It is interesting that the values of the DNS servers are identical with DHCP as well as with Static.
It is to despair. Since I can't rule out a LAN problem 100%, the problem search will probably continue for a while.
I will, if I find time, report again this week.



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