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Cache pool showing 75% used on dashboard

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UnRaid 6.9.2


On the dashboard tab, the cache pool is showing it is 75.1% full, 511 GB of 680 GB. Executed the du -sh /mnt/cache/* command and it's reporting back only 63.7 GB are being used.



root@DellR720:~# du -sh /mnt/cache/*
0       /mnt/cache/Transcode
55G     /mnt/cache/appdata
0       /mnt/cache/domains
8.7G    /mnt/cache/system


How can I find out what is claiming to take up all of the space?


I believe I need to also post a Diagnostics output, what is the preferred method to sharing the zip file?



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Seemed like it happened recently showing 75% full. I plan on soon changing all the cache drives out to the same size drives. When I put this build together, just used the SSDs I had on hands. When I do put in all the same size SSDs of 1 TB each. Will the Cache pool used space drop down to hardly nothing since the du -sh /mnt/cache/* command is showing only 63.7 GB used?

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