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dev/disk/by-label/UNRAID not found!

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current server has been up and running for over 3 years without any major issues. Currently running 6.9.1


have recently moved and this means new internet provider etc so new IP adresses required. also just before the move had a couple of power cuts.


thought my server was completely screwed when I first tried starting it up as couldnt even boot properly, however after removing my 2 LSI 9201-8i SAS Connectors as all lights were dead and reconnecting 9 drives to the server via SATA cables all of which are being seen in BIOS, I find that UNRAID will not boot successfully.


found a few older posts relating to the "dev/disk/by-label/UNRAID not found!" and the general concensus was that the USB was screwed and needed to be reinstalled. I have copied the entire contents of the USB drive before continuing. rebuilt the USB using the Limetech USB Creator, 6.9.1, copied my config folder back to it and booted up, I am still seeing the "dev/disk/by-label/UNRAID not found!" error, this of course means that I dont get any networking created so I am limited to the GUI locally.


any suggestions on what else I can do to get back on my feet again?


thanks in advance for any assistance

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If you click on the flash drive from the main tab it may be in the syslinx config.


something like vfio-pci.ids=xxxx:xxxx


But normally would only be used if you are say passing GPU to a VM or similar.


Or it may be in a file on the boot drive in config dir.


root@unraid:/boot/config# cat vfio-pci.cfg 
BIND=83:00.0 83:00.1 83:00.2 83:00.3

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it was indeed named correctly, today I have tried using the USB in a seperate port as suggested and it worked as if there was never an issue.


any idea what would have caused this? is it now a forever broken port?


regardless thanks for taking the time to look through my logs and provide the assistance you always have.

such a great community




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