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Share Quotas

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I've searched around and can see the odd mention of quotas but I'm still not 100% sure if it's already baked in. If it is, big apologies, but can you point me in the right direction.


My Unraid server is running great, however I'm looking to have more control over the max size of each share. I have users in my home with different shares and this would allow me to limit storage space available to them. I think currently, if they wanted to fill the entire server, they could. 


I love the Unraid Platform and understand it's development is done by a small but dedicated team, so I know this isn't an overnight addition.


Stay safe! 




There is no quota system built-in (at least via the GUI -> not sure if you can do it via SMB options).  Various workaround are to only allow certain shares to have access to certain disks, etc

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