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Install on SSD instead of USB

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Please delete if this is possible now


In the two years I have used Unraid, my server has failed twice due to USB and caused multiple days of downtime ect as i try to work around the buggy USB.


Please let us install the OS to an actual good peice of hardware such as a NVME or SSD. 


Is this possible? I have heard you can install in VMWare, is a virtual USB used in this instance.

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As far as I know :

2 hours ago, Nano said:

Is this possible?



2 hours ago, Nano said:

I have heard you can install in VMWare, is a virtual USB used in this instance.

From the video I saw and the forum post I read, this requires giving the VM access to a genuine flash drive.


The reason is that the licensing of a licence is linked to the GUID of the flash drive. Allowing some other way would require Limetech to rethink the whole licensing.

I know that what you propose would satisfy some, but I am sure that any other solution would be an issue to many other users.

In your proposal, all users would loose one usable connection for a drive.

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