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USB Creator Doesn't Set Network Details or Server Name

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Hi Folks!  Just trying to set up my first UnRaid server, but am having problems with the setup.  I've selected the "Customize" option when creating the USB boot drive, and set the static IP address and server name but, when the installation has completed, I'm left with a 169 address and the default server name of "Tower".  I've tried the install several times with the same results.  I've checked the BIOS settings and they're as per Space Invader One's video guide, so I'm not sure where to go from here.  Any ideas gratefully received! 

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Not sure about the server name, that's strange but not a big issue as I think you can change it afterwards.


Regarding the IP address, 169. address are generally attributed when the OS cannot detect your network.


What's your NIC, what version of Unraid have you installed ?

If you have several NICs, maybe try to connect to the other one and reboot ?

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