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power outtage - APC battery backup in place

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I had a power outage overnight and I don’t think my APC plugin is working.


I have an APC battery backup hooked to the unraid server but I don’t think it actually shut it down correctly.  Am I supposed to get an email warning it will shutdown or what? 



I am honestly not sure, but do you have a battery backup on your modem and router and anything between the server and the outside world?


I have a UPS on my cable modem, router, the switch between the server and outside world and on the server itself.


If the email can't get out you will likely not get an email.

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I had a power outage overnight and I don’t think my APC plugin is working.


I have an APC battery backup hooked to the unraid server but I don’t think it actually shut it down correctly.  Am I supposed to get an email warning it will shutdown or what? 


typically, if power is lost, so is any capability to send any e-mail.  


When power was restored, did the array perform a parity check?  Or not?


Do you also have the clean-powerdown package installed?   It is mandatory for the array to be stopped and a powerdown to be performed properly.


Do you have a "mail" package installed and configured?  To get ANY kind of warning you would need to have your internet connection to the service provider working during the power outage. If you are like many of us, a power outage would kill any connectivity.


Joe L.

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ahh got it, my router is hooked to the battery but not my modem as its in another location.    You would be correct since I didn't get any emails.


So my guess to test the server by unplugging the APC from the wall and see if it does shut down correctly.  Or is there a another way?

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When power was restored, did the array perform a parity check?  Or not?


Do you also have the clean-powerdown package installed?   It is mandatory for the array to be stopped and a powerdown to be performed properly.


Do you have a "mail" package installed and configured?  To get ANY kind of warning you would need to have your internet connection to the service provider working during the power outage. If you are like many of us, a power outage would kill any connectivity.


Joe L.

When power restored, it server was down still.  (i think my battery ran out of juice due to being out of power so long.)  I ended up pressing power button this am but didn't get any emails of doing parity check. 


So i will need to run that check when i get home then?



I do have  clean powerdown pkg installed and email pkg installed.  I have the email set up as of the system sending me emails "being OK" every 4- 6 horus.  Not sure exact time frame.

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When power was restored, did the array perform a parity check?  Or not?


Do you also have the clean-powerdown package installed?   It is mandatory for the array to be stopped and a powerdown to be performed properly.


Do you have a "mail" package installed and configured?  To get ANY kind of warning you would need to have your internet connection to the service provider working during the power outage. If you are like many of us, a power outage would kill any connectivity.


Joe L.

When power restored, it server was down still.  (i think my battery ran out of juice due to being out of power so long.)  I ended up pressing power button this am but didn't get any emails of doing parity check. 


So i will need to run that check when i get home then?



I do have  clean powerdown pkg installed and email pkg installed.   I have the email set up as of the system sending me emails "being OK" every 4- 6 horus.  Not sure exact time frame.

You must ALSO set the BIOS option to automatically power on after power is restored.  Otherwise, the server will wait for you to press the power button. 


If the server did not shut down cleanly it would have started up a parity check when you re-started it this morning. 

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i have this BIOSTAR A760G M2+ board in my unraid, but doesn't have a power on auto in the BIOS.


I might have overlooked but if someone have this board can you double check.




Hi mickeykool,


I've never seen a bios that didn't have the option (Not to say you're wrong, just seems weird).... I've attached a generic screen shot I came across that shows it, in case you weren't looking in the right menu...




Obviously, you would change that setting to 'On'... ;)



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Umm, i dont have that option or i'm just blind.  :)   I wonder if I need to update the bios as I never did since I put together the box.


I'll look again. eh 


Thanks thou



So your bios has no Power Management Menu, or just not that option? It may be worded slightly differently...

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According to the manual I just looked at it does support it.  I don't think it was in the PM section though.  Something about some Advanced area.  BTW, I am waiting for this MB to show up myself, so I was curious (more hoping) that it did support this.

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