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Excluded disks - will mover move files?

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I've just realised that my 'media' share was spread across all disks and set to fill 'Most-Free'. This has resulted in a load of data being on two disks I didn't want it to (I'm trying to keep them solely for Chia Plots). 


I've just clicked 'exclude disks' and applied the mover. Will it move them to the appropriate disk? If not, what's the best way of doing this?



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2 minutes ago, Skatman said:

Installed Unbalance, but I cannot connect to it. For some bizarre reason, my browser keeps changing the port number randomly. Tried both Chrome and Edge on both HTTP and HTTPS and changed the port from the default.


Any ideas?

Skim through the support thread for unbalance. It's been addressed there multiple times.

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