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Can't pass through GPU - Tried everything?

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I'm really struggling to pass through my AMD Vega 64 GPU to any virtual machine.

I can select it as both a GPU and soundcard in the GPU settings, but when I then go to pass the card through it's not detected on both Windows 10 or Linux.


So far I have;


- Editted the Bus / Slot / Multifunction device info in XML view

- Tried a custom ROM with the BIOS still on the card

- Dumped the BIOS and tried the default BIOS and custom BIOS through the VM configuration

- Changed the GPU from the top slot to the bottom slot on the MOBO.

- Checked IOMMU groups (GPU and GPU Sound card are in seperate grouping)


I've tried all of these in different orders and none allow me to pass the card through. What's the issue?

Is it because I'm running the trial version of UNRAID?


Anything else I can do to get it working?

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