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(Solved) Fill-up being ignored

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(Solved Edit):

rsync command cause hidden share to be created that wasn't showing up under the shares tab. This hidden share must have defaulted to High-water.


(Original Post):

Im transferring about 84 TB to a new array.  I have (9) 14TB hard drives, and (1) 14 TB Parity disk, running 6.8.2


I would like the data to fill the drives 1 by 1 to the free space limit.


I have one share, set to Fill-up. Spilt level is set to Automatically split any, free space is set to 200GB.  Included Disks is set to All, excluded is set to None.  


For some reason though my disks are filling up 1 by 1 to 50%. I thought that was what High-water would do.  Am I missing something or just confused.

Edited by Alex.vision
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Hmm, this is very strange, the data does appear to be only on Drive 1 according to the shares page, but if I click each disk manually and view the files I can see a share. There seems to be a folder TV Shows on Drive 1 as well as a folder TV\Shows.  On all other drives there is only a TV\ Shows folder. Maybe my sync from my other server has a malformed command. Hopefully I can just log into each disk via midnight commander and move the data into the correct folder. 


Here is the command I used to initiate the transfer.

rsync --archive --dry-run --human-readable --update --rsh ssh --progress media:"/mnt/user/Media/TV Shows/" "/mnt/user/TV Shows/"


I'm not sure where I went wrong, but I know just enough to be ignorantly dangerous when it comes to the command line. 

share computer.PNG

Disk 1.PNG

Disk 2.PNG

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OK, I confirmed the share was still set to Fill-up, then I initiated the transfer again, but i received an error.


rsync: [sender] link_stat "/mnt/user/Media/TV" failed: No such file or directory (2)
rsync: [sender] change_dir "/root/Shows" failed: No such file or directory (2)


I think I remember this happening last time, and I think I did change the command to what you suggested.  I will change it to match your suggestion.  I'm initiating the command on the destination server, should I escape both sides, of the command ie


rsync --archive --dry-run --human-readable --update --rsh ssh --progress media:"/mnt/user/Media/TV\ Shows/" "/mnt/user/TV\ Shows/"


Or should I add it to only one side? Source/Destination


Thanks for the help  



Edit, I changed the command on the source only, as that was where the error was showing, and it seems to be running.  It will take a while before it starts moving files.  I must have use TV\ Shows on both the source and destination side of the command.  So it created the extra folder on the server. Strange though that it would ignore the split-level setting though.

Edited by Alex.vision
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12 minutes ago, Alex.vision said:

Strange though that it would ignore the split-level setting though.

That's not so strange since TV\ Shows was a different share, and it would use the default allocation method, high-water, though it's strange that the TV\ Shows share was not appearing on the diags.

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Oh, yes that makes perfect sense. Thanks for the help, I couldn't for the life of me figure out why that share setting was not working.  A seemingly hidden share with its own settings explains some of it, though it does seem strange that it wasn't showing up in the diagnostic file.  If I remember correctly wasn't there a .foldername that allows hidden folders, though I don't remember if that worked with share level folders. Well thanks for helping me track this thing down. Now to complete the rest of the file transfer.



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