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Unable To Purchase Plus License

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Hi All,


My trial period has ended - when I go to purchase a license - it says that Plus is not available. Can anyone explain why? Plus is "up to 12 attached storage devices"

I have 11 drives + the cache drive = 12. My understanding is that the USB drive that runs Unraid is not included.

Thanks in advance!



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Do you have any devices attached to the server that are not being used by Unraid?   Your screen shot cuts off too early to see if there is anything under Unassigned Devices.   All storage devices attached to the server are counted even if they are not being used by Unraid as far as the licence is concerned.


It is worth noting that the check for the number of attached devices is carried out each time the array is started, so it is possible to plugin in removable devices while the array is running for purposes such as backups but they would then need to be removed if you ever reboot the system to allow the array to be started again without exceeding the limit.   In such a scenario I think most people cannot be bothered to have to worry about whether such devices are plugged in and so go for licence that allows for a higher limit on the number of attached devices.


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5 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Do you have any devices attached to the server that are not being used by Unraid?  



No, nothing. What's there in the screenshots, is what's there. I did have an external hard drive enclosure connected at one point - but that was *weeks* ago, and it was just to copy stuff into unraid from backups. 

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No sure what could be your problem then,as,the,process normally ‘just works’.  It might be worth checking again as I see from other forum posts that there was a problem with the key server for a short period .


if it is still not working you could post your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to see if we can spot what might be the issue.


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At boot time there were 13 devices:


May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: Device inventory:
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST8000DM004-2CX188_WCT0N0TG (sdm) 512 15628053168
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST10000DM0004-1ZC101_ZKG00HJ0 (sdj) 512 19532873728
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST8000AS0002-1NA17Z_Z8408PW9 (sdk) 512 15628053168
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: WDC_WD120EMFZ-11A6JA0_9RJMZWKL (sdh) 512 23437770752
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: WDC_WD120EMFZ-11A6JA0_X1G919GL (sdg) 512 23437770752
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST10000VN0004-1ZD101_ZA23N3Z6 (sdd) 512 19532873728
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: WDC_WD8002FRYZ-01FF2B0_VKHT9BEX (sde) 512 15628053168
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST2000LM007-1R8174_WDZSCX74 (sdb) 512 3907029167
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: HGST_HUH721010ALE604_7PG54N1R (sdf) 512 19532873728
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST8000DM004-2CX188_WCT3K4LQ (sdc) 512 15628053168
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: Samsung_SSD_970_EVO_1TB_S467NX0KB32140R (nvme0n1) 512 1953525168
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST8000DM004-2CX188_ZCT0EZQR (sdl) 512 15628053168
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST8000AS0002-1NA17Z_Z840P162 (sdi) 512 15628053168


If you reboot with the current connected devices you'll be able to buy a plus licence, or maybe just need to stop array.




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4 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

At boot time there were 13 devices:


May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: Device inventory:
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST8000DM004-2CX188_WCT0N0TG (sdm) 512 15628053168
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST10000DM0004-1ZC101_ZKG00HJ0 (sdj) 512 19532873728
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST8000AS0002-1NA17Z_Z8408PW9 (sdk) 512 15628053168
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: WDC_WD120EMFZ-11A6JA0_9RJMZWKL (sdh) 512 23437770752
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: WDC_WD120EMFZ-11A6JA0_X1G919GL (sdg) 512 23437770752
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST10000VN0004-1ZD101_ZA23N3Z6 (sdd) 512 19532873728
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: WDC_WD8002FRYZ-01FF2B0_VKHT9BEX (sde) 512 15628053168
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST2000LM007-1R8174_WDZSCX74 (sdb) 512 3907029167
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: HGST_HUH721010ALE604_7PG54N1R (sdf) 512 19532873728
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST8000DM004-2CX188_WCT3K4LQ (sdc) 512 15628053168
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: Samsung_SSD_970_EVO_1TB_S467NX0KB32140R (nvme0n1) 512 1953525168
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST8000DM004-2CX188_ZCT0EZQR (sdl) 512 15628053168
May 11 13:32:11 Unraid emhttpd: ST8000AS0002-1NA17Z_Z840P162 (sdi) 512 15628053168


If you reboot with the current connected devices you'll be able to buy a plus licence, or maybe just need to stop array.




Ohhh....so even though there physically AREN'T 13 devices *now* - the license only goes off what was connected at boot time?

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