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Request unplugged USB Devices dont break VMS prior to starting

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i do not know if it exists but if it doesnt it be nice feature

as my Vms always broken


when you shut down a VM or shut down unraid and dont plug in usb cables anymore  the VMS are all broken

it be nice  that the VMS be able to start without it



if you no longer use the usb device    when you click EDIT and its no longer there   when you press UPDATE it should erase the erased USB

or a Grayed Out USB port showing that its Offline  and that you can just uncheck it so it removes it



i found i had to click the advanced  XML  and i had to find where this usb was i deleted it all


but be nice to see in the GUI part  


like a USB  OFFLINE  section  that you can uncheck so the VM will boot back up

















something like that



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4 hours ago, comet424 said:




something like that



Have a look at my USB_Manager  Plugin. Its not integrated with VM manager but I am going to look to see if that is possible in the future.


You untick all of the devices from VM manager and define in my plugin. If selected it will map USBs either by device or port to a VM at start.


It also supports connecting them to a VM if the device is plugin in i.e. Auto hot plug.


Supports multiple devices from the same vendor.



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does this also fix this issue i having  i have that hot usb plugin nad its driving me up the wall.. i bee trying  to do 2 Vms  1 Computer  


but evertyime the VM reboots  you gotta click that damn detach Attach button for keyboard and mouse.. i do not know why you gotta do it.. but it drives me nuts 

does your usb manager fix that too?


 but ya  with the vm  thing drives me nuts  if i start.. tells me usb  isnt attached..  doesnt tell me what iti is just the address drives me nuts as for longest time i didnt know what to do i just experimented it.. to find it in the xml..  all these times last couple years i been erasing the VM  starting over..  so makes ya have a headache lol


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13 minutes ago, comet424 said:

but evertyime the VM reboots  you gotta click that damn detach Attach button for keyboard and mouse.. i do not know why you gotta do it.. but it drives me nuts 

does your usb manager fix that too?

It may do. When a VM reboots its doesn't disconnect the USB devices, but it maybe the host is reconnecting them so the dev number changes. if the auto connect is enable it may fix that issue.


Are you sharing the keyboard between VMs or do they have their own?


I suggest give it a go. I worked with someone that was having issues with VM post sleep, have a look through the support thread.


Ignore any USBIP parts as you dont need that function.


Let me know any issues via the support pages and I will try and help as quickly as I can.

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i was getting help in the VM forum.  and they suggest to pass through the usb hub


i having troubles passing through my DJ Mixer as a sound card without VM  being choppy as heck.. that its playing like you playing a record and keep touching it..  and this is also through Remote Desktop  on a Windows 10 machine


i also posted in the General forums i found copying from my NVME to a Spinner on the array i only copying at 13meg/s  and posted a Crystal Disk report  from my desktop that its somewhat slower  and that Unraid reports it 1000 meg/s  slower at least but i didnt post a pic of that  didnt get a scren shot


so the VM  guy was helping me try to solve the audio choppyness  so thats reason i guess its bound .. i still dont understand it 100%   i need a vfio for dummies video lol


but i unchecked it and rebooted..


i also find my Volumino not as choppy  if i pass my DJ mixer to it.. but running windows 10 and the drivers its choppy so now been thinking its a SSD nvme issue? i dunno  

i still new to ssds even though had them for a couple years been used to spinner

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Which usb controller do you have defined in the vm as there are 3 options 1 2.0 and and 2 3.0 I use 3.0 (qemu XHCI)


Pci pass through should provide best bandwidth did you check drives in win 10?


Does sound like you have some latency issue. Have you looked at interupts. I am not an expert in that space,but I have had to do fixes for msi for hdmi audio otherwise it sounds robotic.

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i dont know enough of that info..  also  the usb manager doesnt show up hard drive i have 1TB in an enclosure  usb startech  it doesnt show usb hard drives right thats different from everything else?


as for the 3 options i really dont know anything about that stuff.. i was only told in the VM section forum  join the 2  to try to get the Virtual DJ Software and the mixer to work right but it didnt help  yet

the sound sounds normal  except  choppy  . like you havign a Record.. and as your playing it will stop and start like you placing your fingers on the record as it plays..  also it will sometimes go backwards the audio..  stop start.. and then sometimes the VM just reboots ..  i have done this MSI  i was told to check mark all the checks..  it still didnt work  still causes the Windows 10  VM to reboot  and the audio to be choppy  or play backwards forwards  for a second as you can see it in the VM...


testing the hard drive i never tested the XPG 8200  in a VM  i posted in the General Forums  i pulled the SSD out and shoved it in my Windows machine and its slower   then a new one..  my questiin was asking if unraid gets slower when cache drive ages... as my entire  unraid has slowed down alot.. and all the vms have slowed down


and i dont know how to do interrupts..  etc



Edited by comet424
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ah ok ya its mounted  thats the drive i have multipartitions


i learning as i go..  i figured it would said 1TB or WDSN..........   (WD Serial)  thats why i didnt know so its showing


so hopefully this will work in the VM  from the stopping of  attach detatch

but then again  for these VMS  i just do  RDP and VNC.. .   i was having the issue of my desktop i was trying to make 2 VMS 1 CPU    and had that issue so ill have to try retry on my desktop PC   and do the VMS again and try this 


and why is PCI passthrough better?    and ill have to make a video of the software  how it plays and stops plays backwards then forwards   maybe your app can fix it..  and maybe helps in the VM forum too.. as a video better then me trying to explain things lol


but i was also thinking maybe the NVME SSD slow  due to i have like 16 HDS on PCI Raid Card.. and then i use 2 Sata ports off  the motherboard..

so i dunno

so my 3500/3000 mb/s   i was only getting like 2200/1000 mbs    in the diskspeed  docker   and such


if i run crystal disk  in VM on unraid will i get proper readings though



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6 minutes ago, comet424 said:

learning as i go..  i figured it would said 1TB or WDSN

My plugin just looks at usb so it is showing the controller. What do you see if you run lsusb


UD Will show the drive.


I added the first partition so if there are multiple usb pen drives the same it gives a clue which one is which based on partition.

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ah ok  when i type lsusb  i dont see the drive i just see the Enclosure i guess is the ASmedia


learn something new everyday.. ill have to try your plugin tomorrow ill re try my desktop  as it was a pain  needing my laptop to detaach attach my keyboard and mouse..



hopefully i can figure my nvme slowness too as its frustrating   


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