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Docker Image Notification Request

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Is there any way to improve the Notifications sent by unraid for docker containers? Specifically, in a scenario where Image Utilization is high. Looking to have a way of having it run a command and appending it to the notification email. Such as, If utilization is >70% - run "docker ps -a" and append result.


My issue currently is a remote unraid box, behind satellite internet, so I don't have good remote access, and by the time I can get to it. The usage is back to normal.


Ps. my suspicion is plex being the cause, however the typical scenario of transcode having a bad path, has been rechecked as pointing to /tmp/transode. There are several other possible culprit containers, but no way of figuring out which to start with.

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You would have to create your own script that monitors the size and then sends out the appropriate notification


Intermittent Image utilization would also tend to be caused by download clients downloading directly into the image and then once finished it's moving the file to its appropriate user share.

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