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After Changing my cpu and motherboard Booting unraid is hit and miss

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I did something stupid. I bought a new motherboard for the CPU I had and I got it based on how fast I could get it. Not on what is most compatible with unraid.  Anyway I got a MSI Z390 a Pro main board with a i5 8th gen and 32gigs ram.

I'm using on board video. and I just cant reboot this thing with out my video and keyboard plugged in.

Its really frustrating. Cause I've been also testing out which storage card I like on my system too and seeing what gives me better speeds ect...

Anyway if any of you know any extra setting I can tweak in bios to help for getting this to boot easier let me know. If I dont hear anything I guess I should start looking for a different mainboard again.


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I would suggest you unplug the monitor then bootup and plug it back to check what error message come out.


In recent years, I never found a mobo will stop boot if no keyboard or monitor (no matter igpu or addon or nothing). But I haven't any MSI mobo.

Edited by Vr2Io
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20 hours ago, Bizquick said:

I did something stupid. I bought a new motherboard for the CPU I had and I got it based on how fast I could get it. Not on what is most compatible with unraid.  Anyway I got a MSI Z390 a Pro main board with a i5 8th gen and 32gigs ram.

I'm using on board video. and I just cant reboot this thing with out my video and keyboard plugged in.

Its really frustrating. Cause I've been also testing out which storage card I like on my system too and seeing what gives me better speeds ect...

Anyway if any of you know any extra setting I can tweak in bios to help for getting this to boot easier let me know. If I dont hear anything I guess I should start looking for a different mainboard again.



Im going to try my best to help since this community was so helpful for the 80 hours I put into getting my unraid up and running last week. (and now it is so, so, so sweet!)


I dont have the exact same MB you have.  I have the MSI B560M PRO-VDH WIFI LGA 1200.  And I had this problem too.  It could  be a MSI bios issue. 


The problem is you simply cant boot up to the unraid GUI interface.  So you must let unraid boot up with the first option (that does not mention GUI).  This boots in text only mode.  Then when its finished you can login to your home IP. For me this is ultimately what unraid will boot with if you let the timer tick down anyway. So now I can reboot it without hooking up a monitor, mouse, keyboard etc.


So hope this helps!


And thanks to the community for all their help from all of my google/duck duck searches!

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